HOCKEY Continued from Page 12 <)-9 record and second p!»•« ** finish in tin* I lew ke \ VVt'st Conference Teams portiopnt ing in the < onlerenc e this \ ear in< lude (ion zagn. Son lose State and I ( ^-Berkeley as well as Oregon San lose State is i urrently ranked t‘)th nationally among clul) hr* k•• v teams This season will he the first tor the team without coach Mike Sobol Along \s ith ar ihitecture student Si otl Hrown SoImiI was om> ul the prinmrv figures in the develop mrnl nf the hi* ke\ program .it Oregon. Paul Rutherford. a Itx .il businessman. will li ihi' team this vi-ar Si nil AuitImi h vv ill !»■ (iHinft'd on to all < hor tin1 Oregon defense tins mmmiii Oih* n! tlii> most phvsii al plovers in the • onferem >■ Auerbat I: was sih mid among Out k de fensemen in assists with m\ last \e ir The Hunks will look to tin1 lim* of Darin Var/.al i. Darni.iii Jorgensen. and 1 \ li* In supplv llii‘ offensive firepower lor the team The three combined for t-t »a 1 s .nui JO assists Iasi season Mr;on Oleiidemn i former figure W,11• • r vs ho is the quo kesl Or egon playei will also !»■ exjxxted to ion tribute ofh’iisiwl\ John O'Donnell -mil Ross Sanders vvill li.iUle lor the st.irtim; goailendor ioh Sami ers played on (he first Oregon lux knv team three ve.irs ago and has spent the previous Ivso \ears studying ami playing In* key n Kurope You find Haafth Care What's happening now in health lari '1 GET INFORMED! \altorul Health C are l orum lues., Ian 19th al 7^0 pm tn the t Ml Hr Kmm \ft-rr**+ § V U»t 11 ill1*' 4 •’ » FRE STATEWIDE 3-0N-3 BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT FOR MRI AW WOMEN Here’s your chance to get involved in the largest adult basketball tournament in the state! Standard INSURANCE COMPANY mm CORPORATE I The tournament is open to teams from all over Oregon and SW Washington, **th regional piayoffs being held in: • PorttancVVancouver • Eugeoe/Spongfiald • batem • Medfcxd Competition is further divided into three age brackets for men and an open division for women. WHO'S ELIGIBLE 1 Teams from any corporation, company federal local or state agency n Oregon or Southwest Washington 2 A roster may contain as many as four players three starters and one substitute Players may work tor any company, corporation or governmental agency* 3 All players must be 19 years of age or older prior to the tournament No one who is still m high school or who has played professonally m the NBA is eligible 4 A company may enter any number of teams However a player can play on only one team After receipt of entry form at the Bluer* office, changes In a rotter are not allowed. BRACKETS There are three team brackets tor men ages 19 29 30 39 and 40* There is one bracket for women age 19* A player may ‘play down* n age but may not ‘play up * (For example a 45-year old player can play m a younger bracket) There is a minimum of eight teams per bracket ENTRY FEE AND DEADLINE There is NO ENTRY FEE for either players or teams All entries must be postmarked no later than Friday , January 29 1993 Game limes and locations will be mailed to learn captans by Friday. February 12 1993 REGIONS AND GAME SITES There will be regional championships n PorHarxlVancouver Salem Eugene/Sprngfiold and Mtxflord Competition n the Portland/Vancouver area will be divided among 3 sites All bracKets will compete at the same site m Salem E ugene/ Sprrtglield and Medford Regional games will be played Saturday and Sunday, February 27th and 28th at the following sites Portland/ Vancouver Salem Eugene/ Springfield: Wedtord David Douglas High School Hoyd Lighl Middle Schoo Reynolds Middle School Reynolds Middle School McNary High School Churchill Hl«h School South Modtoid High School Mon 19 ?9 Mon 30-39 Women 19* Mon 40* Ail brackets AH brackets All brackets FINAL9 AND EXHIBITION GAMES All bracket championship games will be played at Portland Memorial Coliseum prof lo a Blazers home game Tournament players n the championship round will receive two complmentary tickets to the corresponding Blazers game Women 19* f inals Men 40 ♦ F'nate Men 30-39 Finals Men 19-29 finals Friday March 5 1993 Friday March 19 1993 Sunday March 21 1993 Friday March 26 1993 I.D. AND VERIFICATION OF AGE WILL BE REQUIRED AT ALL TOURNAMENT SITES. QUESTIONS? FOR MORE INFORMA RON CONTACT THE BLAZERS OFFICE: 234-9291 I Standard INSURANCE COMPANY | mum. I I I I I •ELIGIBILITY QUALIFICATION: I carttfy tier tw Ini memoor IsHx) * * vo*