China Night celebration set livery Chinese New \car. I rish Sheng's parents would toll her the (Chinese legend of a beast that hated the color red The horrible c real lire, however, did lose tc> dovmir isotneit. so mn e .1 \ near In villagers would send it a woman as an offering. Hut the villagers finally dc*c ided on a better solution to the prob lem of the hungry beast Hie jieopie ftegan using the color red all over their homes and sue i essfullv warded off the beast The Chinese legend of the Insist is one thread in a web of stories that provide meaning to < hinese traditions The boast storv. (or e\ ample, explains why red is a i entral color now nt the < elebration ol the Chinese New Year which takes place Satunlm in the t inted Slates Sheng, Chinese Student Association president said the group is sponsoring China Night, which will include a dinner, dance ,ind performances When CSA member {udith Sun was a child. Chinese New A • ,»r w as all about the gilts she could get Now she said she misses being with her famili in Indonesia for what is essentialh a tamiii re union "When I grew up. I understood more tin- meaning inside of things." Sun said. I knew (Chinese New Year) was not |ust lor fun but lor people to get together " Chinese* New Year fulls during late januarv or early l-ehru.irs in the United State's Sun said she lias trouble remembering on what dav the hoiidav falls every year now that she lives in tin- United States. "Ill III \ country VOU won't forget because It’s the greatest dav nt the year." she said. "1 reallv miss it •A************** IVUNDERLAND ■—• 5Ih STREET ( C PUBLIC MARKET VIDEO . rc_A*ES 683-8464 - VIDEO ADVENTURE ^ VALLE V RIVER PuAZA , . #¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥»• It's Coming... TUES., JAN. 19TH National Health Care Corum 7:30 p.m. in the Fir Room EMU Sponsored by the Student Hecuth Center 9th annual January SALE Broadway between Oa* 4 Peart {'cu cvt await conca) w>.y Campus SUBSHOP 1225 ^Ider 345-2434 \t* valid on ddtvwy t»r with «»n\ othrr UHKiHjnt'v or cuupum l>nr v uupon prr cust«»nMf L. 1 vr,,iN ' jj Ban °*kl Bolle' 9Y \Vv ev0 AND MORE... eeoes "REFLECTION IS OUR BUSINESS" One ol the Largest Selections in the Northwest 524 Valley River Center M5-4MT7 ENJOY A FAMOUS STAR HAMBURGER (“) COURTESY OF CAMPUS /Am/i Carls Jr. AND THE Emerald Hat.*? a minimum $6 of i day ad at our 4 regular mi«? m porton. Hoorn >*• t. MU. and w*> ii j«.*> , . .. t-4 a MU { f AM ajs !»tAHT HAMBURG^ R coufflrsy [ Ml J inly - !*.-f i<« you raceJw# Iho cortrticat© ft , iuhav»? a* , ;u*- .■ /i%. • ill *»? .1 od«fk.aJ'- • an- *>••..i««*i [Xuj — poppiV - _y4na.4ol°ai ! ! i r The land 6ast‘ Traditional Gfttk b Indian food Winter Hours Mon -Thurs 1130-930 Fri & Sat 1130-1000 Sun 500-1000 992 Willamette Eugene Or 97401 343-9661 "ESS" HUNGRY £ YOUNGS POETSJ Fresh from Seattle Taylor’s 894 E. 13th 344-6174 ICMll ('ulturul Forum *Sf. .'f I'lir KA\ I' Cris Williamson & Tret Fure in concert I Valentine's Benefit Concert: j Woinei ispace & j HIV/AIDS Resources Saturday, February 13. 1993 EMU Ballroom 8:00 p.m. $12 TICKETS: EMU Box Olficc, Ballackrr. Mother Kali's Su'crtheart Seals $35 resereed scats \ reception with artists "Sweethearts Olllll" call IMS H232. 342 .*3OHS for S.J5 seats __Iv