Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 15, 1993, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
OCA to file measure
in 32 cities, counties
j Group says it will
take anti-gay rights
battle to local level
By Lisa Kneefel
Emecaid Associate f clitcr
I ho Oregon ( itizenx Allium c
said Thursdov it is turning to
the local level to pass revised
versions of Ballot Measure ‘I
before plat ing another state
wide initiative on the pen bal
The organization said it will
begin tiling initiatives in \2 Or
egon counties and t ities tor
spot ial elet turns this June
Introduction of the special
elections measures serves a
twofold purpose Rathv Phelps,
who served as the CX.A’s man
ager for tfie Springfield liO-OH
campaign, said the t omnumi
ties that will vote on the initia
tive passed Measure 9 hv con
siderable margins
"We felt that the people (in
these ( dies and counties) want
ed Measure '1 and deserve a
chance to vote on it." Phelps
said "We think these city and
( ountv charters reflet t the i urn
Phelps said the initiative w ill
also build support tor the state
w ide measure the (M A plans to
plat e on the PllH ballot
"Politics is based on momen
tum. Phelps said. I iiese
(measures) will really help and
enhant e a i ampaign for 1994
The new initiative proposes
banning passage or adoption of
policy or resolution "that ex
tends minoritv status, affirma
tive ai turn, quotas, spot ml class
status, or any similar com ep
bast'ii on homosexuality
The revised vt'rsion also m
i duties nets passages addressing
public libraries. i ivil rights pro
tect ions an (I cm plus me lit
"We were trying to address
the major cont ents people had
with Measure d said l.urettu
Wet. ( )( A state membership
Addressing those concerns
meant eliminating language
i hurai taming homosexuality
as abnormal, wrong, unnatural
and perverse and including
clarifications ot the measures
I' h e initiative says the
amendment shall not be ion
strued to forbid adoption of
provisions prohibiting employ
ment det isions based oil I.a tors
not directly related to employ
Such factors include sexual
orientation and speet h. Neel
"Talking aliout one s homo
sexuality on tile job is not a l.u
lor related to employment
Neet said
Neet said tins is i profit lion
that extends not pist to homo
sexuals, but to everybody She
saiti it also cl.tribes the organi
/atom's position on employ
ntent rights
' It was never our intent tor
homosexuals to lose their
jobs." Neet said t.vervbody
has the right to a |oii anti to .1
place to work
Another of the initiative’s
provisions prevents limiting
Turn to OCA Page 4
Out of hand
!»**>»*, tty .k>n »*4V »,
Oregon guard Antoine Stood.mure scrgmblt's for o kx.)se boll along with IK,LAs
Kevm Dempsey during Jhurt.doy night’s gome ot McArthur Court Stoudonvre scored
28 points, but the [kicks, fell to the 15th ranked Drums 99 87
1I read that
comics were
the poor man’s
film medium,
and that
inspired me to
go ahead and
try to draw my
Mike Allred,
Madman ’ creator
‘Madman’ leaps to screen
j Local artist signs movie
deal for comic character
By Daralyn Trappe
FmwdKJ Ai.ilo F cJilOf
l veryone knows (uilliam (lily tins
Hal man lo ward off the find guys. and
Metri>(>olis lias Supermini to battle laix
I.ulhnr And although I In* world may
not know it yet. Springfield has a so
purhero of its own Madman
He runs around in a while bodysuit
with an exi.lamution point that looks
like <i lightning bolt emhla/.tmed down
the front He's not exai tly snrn who In
is or why In- s wearing this outfit Iftit
fii-'s fighting villains like Ur. Khun and
Mr. Monstadt to try and find out
OK. Mailman himself isn't actually
out on tin- streets of Springfield. Hut
he i nines to life on the drawing board
and m the imagination on Springfield
hased comic Imok artist Mike Allred.
Madman has only been puhlisheil for
a hoot a year, hut he's on the track to
becoming ns well-known as some of
Turn to MADMAN. Page 3
I’ati h\ morning fog and par
tial f tearing todas with highs
warming to the mid-10s
Cham e of light snow
Just n Reminder
Classes will be < amelled
Monday for Martin Luther King
The Emerald w ill resume
publn ation Tuesdas
NEW YORK (AP) - David Uitennan lulled the suspenseThursday and
gleefully annoumed he s go! a (tetter gig. wise, rai king to his SW. l-ntr
Sight audiem e that il c ame down lo the (lip of a < otn: Heads CHS. tails
The irav ible talk-show host, whose Stupid Pet Tm ks and Top 10 lasts
are a staple of the wee hours gave no details about the move ev ept to say
that his last \HC show would lx- June 25
CBS annoum ed later that it had signed him for an 11 30 p.m talk show
smai k against his old friend lav Leno and NBC s The Tonight Shim
NBC didn t sav how it would fill I-etterman s 12 to a m time slot
(AH) - Dante Lewis, a defensive tai k from I-onn Beat h City
College, has signed a lelter-of-intent !o plav football at
Lewis. who e*pe< ts to tattle (or the starting free safety spot
being vat ated by senior Krit (astle. said he cant eled visits to
Hawaii. I'NLV and Oklahoma after visiting the Oregon i am
pus last month
laiwis in ten epted three passes last season and was an hon
orable mention all-American selection In JCGnd-Wire
Aaron Hut k/ier. a lanky, fi-foot-h prep quartertai k from
San Diego, has given a verba! inmmtlmeti* to the Ducks