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National Health Can* Forum Tuev, (an 19th at 7:30 p m. in the EMU Fir Room ,# ?-*- vhA «*f V*. I In' Hruins heated up .1! the iieginning of the m** ond half and wi»nt on 12-0 run. Inti bv superstar forward Natalie Wil liam* who mo red su points during the run Williams had .1 huge night finishing witfi 27 points and 21 rebounds Di'hhii' Sport ii h si ored to end the Hruins run. but Wil liams followed with two free throws and guard Michelle I’almisiuii) hit a thresj pointer to boost the Bruins lead bat k to 54 45 with I t 2i left in the game 1'he Hruins kept their lend around 111 points for most of the set ond half before the Din ks made a late run Oregon trailed 75 t>f> when Candy Mur pin hit a lavup and )rssu a St hull followed with a jump shot to get the I)ut ks within five points with I 1H left to plav. hut the Hruins held on St.huff and Mis\\ Stowed led the Dm i s with 1 r> points apiet e Oregon finished the game shooting 51 pert nut from the field, but t!Cd.A caught fire in the set ond half and shot fib percent for the half and fin ished tile game at 51 4 pert ent We Do Computers! Computers: We carry • DFI • AST • Packard Bell (educationally priced) And, we can special order many other brands. Printers: Software: Accessories: Service: We carry • Panasonic • Brother • Kodak • TI Lasers And, we can special order other models. We carry • Microsoft • Borland • Computer Associates • C laris • PBS • Symantec • Fifth Generation • WordPerfect • Central Point • Lotus ALL FPL CATION ALLY PRICKL)! And, we can special order most software. We carry • Modems • Cables ♦ Surge Protectors • Mice &. Pads • Diskettes • Disk Holders • Drive Cleaners • Printer Ribbons • Printer Paper • Toner Cartridges • Printer Covers and much more... We offer low hourly rates on service for IBM compatibles and can upgrade memory on IBM compatibles. We also offer parts & installation and technical support. ON OUR MAIN FLOOR IN ELECTRONICS A PARTNER IN Y O Li K EDUCATION 13th & Kincaid • M-Sat • 346-4331 Green hopes to rally student enthusiasm By Dave Charbonneau Emerald Spot" Edrr\ Creen is doing everything he ran to bring fans ba< k to Mi Arthur ( .ourt. As tin- first-year head (.oar li of the Dui ks, Green introdmed his team m n Halloween night midnight practice. has hrought a new up tempo stile of play to his team and will lx? on campus toda\ at 1.! to p m for a pre game rails at the KMl ‘ milliard "I've hr‘eii trying to get some enthusiasm hai k into the stu dents.'' C.reen said The thing that would help us more than anything would lx- to get that sixth man ha< k at Mai Court " Still. The Pit" has tx-en harels half-full for games this season (,rr*en has done everything he can to strike up enthusiasm Now its the players' turn The Dm ks who tire 7-7 and 0-2 in the Pacific-10 Cooler en< e will get their ( ham e to prove themselves tonight when they face lr>th ranked UCLA at Mac Court A win could go a long wav in getting the attention of Oregon basket ha 11 doubters If history holds am sigmlii am e in tonight's game, the Dm ks i ham es tire slim Oregon has lost 11 of its last 12 meetings with the Bruins, and has only beaten l ( LA 1 :i times in 71 tries "Historically, there are a lot ol traditions here at Oregon we need to break. ' tie said "That's the reason I'm here to break some had habits and traditions One bad habit is inconsistent \ So far tins sear, we haven't even came ( lose to plaving .is well in games as we do in practice he said "I think we ve proved that we can lx. com|x?tiliie. hut 1 think we could be linn h more competitive d we plaved like we do in practice1 Pile Ducks will also plai Saturday night against CSC IH-.t, l-l) at Mai ( .ourt Both games start at 7 00 p in. Cooking With A Social Conscience Nurturing your health while supporting the earth •Jan's Salsa • Marinara Sauce •3 Bean, Black Bean 8c Chili Dip All made with organically grown tomatoes & beans I*, tales lor Ecology 4 Hunger Project* AVAILABLE IN THE EMU Study In Germany... Warum Rich!? Application deadlines are coming soon: January 15. 1993 Spring Term in Ktiln January 15. 1993 Spring Intensive Language Program in Tiibingcn February 1. 1993 Year-Long Program in Baden- Wurttemberg For applications ami information, come to ihc Office of International Education and Exchange. 330 Oregon Hall, or call 346-3207.