COMMUNITY UPDATE Sister city seeks teacher Eugene's sister < ity kakegnwa, |apan. is look mg for someone interested in working .is an assis tant Englisi) tem her through the kakegawa I v change and Teaching Program The work liegins Sept. 1. lout ami ends August .11. 1!1‘)4 The person hired will provide English instruction assistance at the junior high school and provide teacher in serve e training on English education Applicants must have qualifit at ions as a Ian gnage teai her. hold a bachelor s degree md have excellent English pronunciation, writing and grammar usage Deadline for submitting a resume is March 1 to the Eugene-kakegawa Sister (atv (Committee. c o 22 VV Seventh Ave . Eugene. OK ‘17401 I or more information, contact Henry Knst. committee pres ident. at >104 Monday through I ridas during the afternoon Outdoor auction next week The fourth annual ‘ Outdoor Adventure Am tion.” featuring $75,000 worth of guid»*r gear will tala' plat e Kridav Inn JJ at Tugenes Valiev River Inn The event is sponsored hv the t)n>gim t.miles \ T i< kers Association This sear's au< turn features • Whitewater trips m Oregon Idaho ( alitorm.i and Washington on rivers including the Rot; tie Salmon, Snake Dos. hides Me henzie kiamath Ovsvltee, Williamson, ( al Salmon Methovv anti Klu kita! • Fishing trips in Oregon. Idaho and Alaska on several different rivers and trips with Its al sports i eiehrities sm h as Mill Mitsgrave and Mill M\ rue • Hunting pa. s. i.: » trips in Ort wilderness areas, int ludmg I agle ( ap Hells ( an von and the Three Sisters, and horsehaik riding on the i oast Men.handise and equipment including drift hoats. ratts. kavaks. fishing rods, wildlife paint mgs and prints, hooks, resi ne ropes life |.i* kets i lothing. sleeping flags and more Doors open at t> p m for a fmtlet dinner and the start of the silent am turn The oral am lion fvegins at 1 p m The dinner is SIS tor one or .$.!') for two people Dinner is not required to participate in the am turn RESUMES (uve \t>ur resume a professional look. In having it typeset .it I otter Porter t (iraphic s. Suite UH) I MU 146-448I 9-5 Mon-Fri DEVELOP & PRINT • 3” PRINTS [ 24 ^97 36t A97 2nd#|99 1 exp ■ exp set ■ ■ 1 coupon must accompany order. 1 ■ CAMPUS 1 HR PHOTO ■ 1231 ALDER * 683-4693 AT MIDNIGHT! FINAL MARKDOWNS EVERYTHING GOES! i VIDEO AUDIO LIQUIDATION «s:o w 111 ii i m ross moM i ki i> mk\ i ki MOYER 'THEATRES^ STUDENT NIGHTS »> \ •• i S2 OFF ADULT ADMISSION MOVIELAND AT WEST 11th 808 SENECA ST. . 342-4142 6. — I 14.11 I W \l> I l I SI) VUMI ALL SEATS I 14 IP! SPt CIA I I N .A Of Ml N» ( All »o« momi »f|f ORMAItQN BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL MNG TUS AO IN FOR SHOW ONLY UCN THUR $1.50 ADMISSION FOR ONE Of Ft R GOOO THRU . Jf IpMial In^p «o«m«ni Nkj Pmmmmm OMotHiN Coupons Ev*n