Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 14, 1993, Page 3, Image 3

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Continuer) from Page 1
the previous year f'hev raised
another fflilliim ui verbal
pledges iml revm able gifts
"Tlit* fund raising shows tins
is a viable and improving pro
fessional school, ' Frohnmayer
said "People don't give ruoiney
of that magnitude to an institu
tion that doesn't have a good
Interest from the endowment
fund will not Ire used to replnt e
state salarv or operating funds
taken hv lotto's Hoi lot Measure
.1, Frohnmnver said Instead, it
will < reate professorships and
scholarships that will provide
the school with a margin of ev
< ellence
"Public institutions cannot
evist and he exi ollent on publit
funds alone. Frohnmayer said.
"Measure ri just made it more
evident that we should have
been doing this for a long
Students and fa< ultv i redit
Frohnmnver's politiial skills
with his fund-raising success
His administrative skills, whit h
served him in Ins t 1 years as
Oregon's attorney general, have
also sparked praise
"lie's the best administrator
I've seen in H years of public
servil e." said Mark Thomas, a
third-year law student and
president of the Student Har
Association. "His best quality
llliiV he his ability to cultivate
respect from a diverse c oust11
Uencv He has pulled together
faculty and advocates in the
hast interests of the students
Frohnmavor said the best
part of his jolt has Ix-tui re-t ri
al ing ,t sense of cnmmumtv In
the law school Ho has dev immi
facultv student sot ml events
and madf himself available for
student sponsored a* tivities
hid Carusone. a thtrd-venr
class representative, said his
class w,uiiim! Frohnmaver to
parti« ipate in a service auction
fund raiser, hut the auc turn was
at the same time as in adnunis
native meeting Frohnmaver
had Still. Frohnniaver showed
tip to start the am lion
Thomas said Frohnmaver
keeps good t nntnt t with stu
dents In informing them ol is
sues and inviting them into his
offii e for input
lie not onlv listens, hut lol
lows through on students . otn
inents Thomas said
Frohnmnver also works with
faculty, creating programs to
improve teaching perform.mt e
Frohnmover taught a ‘ lass o! *10
students in administrative law
fall term In the spring lie
plans to teat li a seminar on leg
islative issues in the law and a
legal research and writing i lass
in appellate adv m at v
This spring also brings the
AB.Vs ai i reditation visit to the
law si hool
T aspect we ll have a good
storv to tell," Frohnmnver said.
We have tremendous im
provement over where we
stood just a lew t ears ago
The improvement lies in fat •
,iItv. sc holarly and teat hing
Dave Frohnmayer
performntu <“ a facultv 'student
ratio (it J 1 I *!• ii Irom 11 1
m fall two .mil an improved
lihrars ilia! now unhides a
computer d.italiase, I rohnntav
er said I lie AHA will look at
all ot those lo delermini' wlielli
er it should renew the law
si hool's at i redit.ition
In the iiieanliine, Irohmnav
er plans to continue hind rais
iit>a. improving the quality ol
students and tai ultv and foster
ing puhlii interest in the
si houl I hough I'rohnm.iver
may never feel like he has
enough tune to do everything
he wants, students and tai ultv
sav they look forward to anoth
er year of his high level perfor
main e
We couldn't have a better
dean. Vetri said "1 (list hope
lie stav s "
Continued from Page 1
i/,,ci tin- event Both were team members
During the memorial, lather I Vliie -Pat e Albert
and i aittpus K.dttn Hanna Sills addressed the
■ roup and i**<l tin-m m pray nr University fresh
fit'ti Ioann * \\ lAon and Me! i l (,wrv t“s!h
(.lose friends til l.ell. joined hands and sang
Follow sailing teammates and friends held hark
tears as thev shared their footings.
-The tirsi time I met Charinaine she wanted to
instantly he part <>( the team," s.iirl Stephanie Ids
on. of the sailing team, And she was
Dixon said )os!in pnned the team l uesday )an
, Dixon said |oslin and l.eff a varsilv .miter
met at the meeting and l.etf Was ext itetl to begin
working with the team's nets member
Dixon s.nd the trip to Corvallis was not a team
fnnc.tion. and it was Left’s idea to take loslin to
Corvallis to familiarize fier with the team s boats
The two students went to <i pond that Oregon
State University's sailing team uses for pructiies.
Dixon said I he pond Itelongs to a tanner who
lives about 20 miles outside of Corvallis, she said
loslin. a native of Beaverton, transferred from
the University of Maine tins term She had Iteen
in Ktigene for a week and lived in Adams flail.
Dixon said loslin, -to. was interested in major
mg in art and business and wanted to open her
own art gallery when she graduated 111x011 said
she i ontai ted jnslin’s tathei anti he desr ribed his
daughter as ,1 tree thinker who enjoyed tin* out
doors, dancing. modeling and play 1 tig tilt’ piano
Joslin showrd 1 great tltsd of enthusiasm about
joining the tisiin, Dixon said I ’ ll lll, notit ed her
and sought her out. she said
"Their personalities uialtht'd. Dixon said
Ihin would have worked out w«*lI togfther
I.elt was a very outgoing individual who would
do anything for the team Dixon Mid
"He was vary enthuxiustu ulwiul training t liar
niaint' right away. Dixon s.ml 'He wanted tile
team to he 1 ompotitive
Lett, a pre-business major 1 a me to the 1 mvei
sity this year after spending last year in his home
tow n going to Long Beach State l diversity
[in,m Megert, who lived 11 ross from Left in
Burgess Hall, said Led was an aimi/ingly '.real
guy who had many friends in the dorms
Cpl Laurie Godfrey of the Benton County Slier
iffs ( Util e said there is no ey idem e of iiegligem.e
on Leifs part in the a< 1 idem
"The roads were a rombination of slush snow
and ice." Godfrey said "It appears there was a
slit k spot."
Godfrey said Lett's i ar was as destroyed as she
had ever seen
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