Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 14, 1993, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Bombs, missiles used by allies against Iraqi sites
j Pentagon officials call
strike successful; Hussein
urges Iraqis to fight
allied aircraft that swept through the
skies of southern Iraq Wednesday night
rained laser-guided bombs and HARM
anti-radar irtissiles in a half-hour strike
against missile batteries. Pentagon offi
i ials said.
Iraq's onlv response appeared to be a
small amount of anti-aircraft lire No al
lied planes were reported lost in the
four-hour attack, said Marine (inn |o
soph Hoar, the four star general in i barge
of the mission.
A senior Pentagon official said 1 1~ air
i raft took part in the raid
Based on pilot reports, we belowe it
has been successful." said Hoar, who
briefed reporters at Central Command
headquarters in Tampa. Ma
No nnlitarv official, either at briefings
or on h.n kground. would estimate trie
number of missiles or missile batteries
destroyed bv the strike
Most said that it would take hours for
i aiuera footage of the strikes to real h
nnlitarv analysts and several d.ivs to as
s**ss lhr damage
Dofrns** Sw rotary I >»< W (Jumtn in an
intrrvirvv with I’HS Mat .ohrur
NfwsHmir said I ho dlios “wont in att»*r
i total of night targets at six different
Tin' targets iu< hided tin* surtai e to air
nnssih* sitns. tlnnr radars and 'early
warning radar sites and Iraqi or eft?
fenses" that Saddam had attempted to rr
hmid sine v tin* < iulf War
Chemn said In* had no wav of rstunat
mg .» possible numliiT of Iraqi < asuallies.
saving oidv that "dozens or a couple of
hundred” |x*ople would !>♦• needed to ,it
trod to tin* silos that wort' attai ked lltns
ever { henev added. it wasn't i Inar
whether the sites were manned or not
t .1 rI\ this morning. Ir.it|i President
Saddam Hussein ur^eil Ins people to
w.n;e holv war" against the Western al
Alter the speech Baghdad r.idio re
ported the raids killed .1 soldier and
three i ivilians in a residential area near a
petrochemical complex in the area
around the southern i il\ of ll.isr.i l he
report, is tie h piloted all auom uious offi
i nil souri e also said three soldiers and
1 urn t IRAQ. P;u]«- 1
by L>yttkr
Melissa Lowry (left) and Joanna Wilson, both University freshmen and friends of Don Lett, sang at a memorial
service Wednesday tor Left and Charmaine Joslin, who died in an accident Friday
Students remembered at memorial
j Teammates and friends eulogize
Don Left and Charmame Joslin, who
died in a car accident last week
By Matt Bender
Eme*aid Reporter _
University students Donald Luff and Charmnine
Joslin met tor the tirst time last week, and their c om
mon enthusiasm tor sailing led them to plan a trip to
Corvallis to start prac tic oik together
I hf two !u*vrr returned
On tlirir wav bat k from a farmer's pond near ( or
vollis, the two students were W11 U><i last Iriduv alter
noon in an auto uu.ident on an it v Ifi^fivn.1 \ OO
The 1001 Chevrolet (aunaro belt was driving slid
into un om timing lane and lot a Irat.tor-trailer rig
head-on Hoth students went killed instantly despite
scat lielts and a driver-side uirliag
About 70 people gathered Wednesday evening in
tlin KM l! Hun l.mdtir Room for a mrtnorial servo e for
the students The I 'diversity Club sailing team organ
Turn to MEMORIAL. Page 3
A little bit of moisture will
combine with the cold air to
produi i light freezing rain or
snow m spots today
High in the upper iOs
Today in History
In : '4.. English astronomer
Edmond Halley, who obsersed
the i omet that now bears his
name, died at age 81
I_ . 1
WASHINGTON :Al’j V:- r President Dan Quisle xass tv Mill run (or
president ur nothing at all
I'm not interested in running for governor or any other offii.e.' Quay'e
said in an interview published in Tuesday s editions of The Washington
Past "If I cser run for publk office again, it will be for president.
Trie Quay i— pun to move to Indianapolis after their i hildren finish the
si hoot sear, the vice president said
()bs lousis I'm disappointed in the election results, but. you know, pub
lk life has been exhilarating, challenging. I ve loved evers minute of it
Frohnmayer has
earned respect in
year as law dean
j Raising more than $3 million for
school in his first year is just one rea
son colleagues praise dean
By Sarah Clark
Emerald Hoporter
Sum' In* liec ame donn nl iIn; I(iw school ouw >uat
1 iiivi• Iruhnmayrr said he hasn't had enough <>1
on<* thing (lint'
I have a desk lull i>l uni iiiiijili'li'il pro|ec ts, I rollii
niiivtir saul "At llu' | ii si h I- I lepartinent I 11 .ii I no | m • c i
pin In whom I i null) delegate issiu's Hurt' there's a
iiiiii h smaller i ore of willing vu Inns
Hut m iiiiii year. Frohnmnver Ims raised more than
$ I milliiiu m i(ills and pledges fur llu- law M tiunl. mi
proved sliuli'iil lac nils rotations ami pn-paroct tin*
si tn><>1 fur ils Man Ii ai i ri'ililaliiin v at from the Ami-r
n an Har Assoc i ilinn
"1 can’t praise highly enough Dave's pertnmumc:e.
said lavs professor llnnimn i \ i*Iri. vslin lias taught al
tlit* school lor 2ri years lie lias pul us lank on a
I Olirse where vse realize liovs good vse are
I riilmilluver replai ed Minim e Holland a dean ill
lanuary fO‘12. and was delermined In improve the
si hnol uni only lor students and lai ultv, Iml also in
the eyes ul people around the country When I rolm
uiayer look over, the AHA had withdrawn its threat to
remove the school's ai creditaliou. hut the si hoot still
tell I he still).; of negative puhlu ilv
During the 1001 legislative session, a hill was intro
dm ed proposing to shut down the law si liool. Though
the hill never got a hearing. I rohnniaver has toured tin
state and talked with legislators to discourage another
hill from appearing this session
"It such a hill were introduced. I rohtunayer said,
"vve cl cpiu kly lie able to show the strong support and
strong contribution the sc hoot makes
Financial support has come from ac cpiaintam es
Frohnrnnver made in more than 2t) years of public life
In the last year. Froluimayer and Development Direr
tor Flense Stuhr inc reused the law sc bool's endowment
fiv $1 2 million more than double the amount added
Turn to DEAN Pag** 3
Tin.' University has extended the central I o( the Din k s
head football i oa< h Kn h Brooks (or two years thn ugh the
1997 season. Vit e President Dan Williams .mnouin ed
Brooks will begin his 17th season as Orcein s head t oai h
this spring, the longest tenure in the history of the si hool.
Brooks has posted a 77-99-4 rw ord at Or>-v n mi luding a
51-50 mark over the past nine sears
Brooks currently is |>aid S97.5QO as football < n h with an
additional $96,000 in approved outside compensation,
including Ins obligations with the Oregon Sports Setw rk
the athletic department's in-house radio-television operation