2io HELP WANTED Ch*kJ tiara a H *,'» nagOftaO* R#**rene*S C*f rv$a**%my 663 6323 225 APTS DUPLEXES QUIET, QUIET, QUIET ( Enjoy the beauty of w-oods and wtfdiiie in super noor pian 2 BEDROOMS, l x BATH • Bus *o Campus • Sv»pimm»*>g Poo* • Wrv-gnt T >tn*sa Rm « Saunas $496 & SMS MONTH S E Eugene (Donatd A Foshoilow) I_ 687-1318_I CAMPUS AcJorat)-1* '■ tSM* *:.»• J*rOO<1 Hoors S400 wr-ease ♦ cJep Drive by 77$ f • 6t* C.i" 344 8920 msg Campus Apartments Furnished 1A2 Bedrooms Winter rates S37SS450 465-2 8 ::J Last 3 bedroom .i;.' m,.*. .iN bkx:* from campus covered po/h r g * |< ’.i'.* y.--**- ' o« ■ ■ ” »p* also av.wabie 5.;:4{v-mo •' a 341,0626. 345-6351 or 46l 0*99 Studio for rent ♦ .* 1 •>-. M i" 48‘- • Redwood Park Apts. Quirt. Country Living With City Conimirncr Unfurnished 1 Bdrm $485. (starting Nov 1) low Utilities-On Busline Equipped Weight Room, Spa Wood Park A Playground Laundry Facilities Also Furnished Suites Studio. 1t2BR $600 to $87$ Individually Decorated Completely Furnished Everything From Cable TV to linens For Bed, Bath A Kitchen On Site Management Team 4103 W. lath 484 5775 You are welcome to stop by our , office for a free list of our available j rentals 3635 EAST AMAZON 2 bedroom dup*e« $475 361 E 14TW AVENUE ? bedroom apt New >ypet Laundry. parting $400 We .**0 have several houses sled n our office No pets Shown by appointment SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 345 W 10th 686-1130 ;« ROOMS Nic# fumtahad JOm. *ood ut « $360 • •:**> Pc-'^y Students wf>*:orr.*> if ‘ 45*3 Share 3 badrm w*h 09#ne' v*'oofl not y«#t! d#c» dn<} hQt h/b. 3*?50-t,'0 ptut '■» - r*pr#i«* at*# aachangt port**' rent tor batore achoor Ch»kJ SupersHMOft) 44t ? 137 2sc DORM CONTRACTS I artH pay you $S0 to buy my dorm contract Laura Arenoft 346-4179 255 ROOMMATES WANTED M or P room mat# naadad :o»w .-«* x* M-'.- v.r V .’Omo. ’ b*k to UO <»vn>‘ now4 Megan 3786 Non tmokmg mare V • l« nfjeded to * roorn in h0.,‘ J * ■ I 484 7471 Roommate needed v- V^v*- . badmi at Ct'aw ApU. ow*' fcedsn'. t*a^ V5G^ ♦ *• ..* *•-*«• »598 4 bedrm 2 bath house ' ; ' op.-- $»-'30 ♦ .Jet :tM ' • Btt Jehersoo A-s* to* Aar .-n M3 4916 EMERALD CIAS8IEIED8 A g«*m of m deal! 2» CAMPUS EVENTS m GARAGE MOVING SALES Two beds •*•**•»! tfcakuh^m CO*0» S' *«# ..VrW jhCNft# latW 4-'Xi C> iMftff :m« *H4* 280 MEETINGS L«b*r Gay AHianc« VOLUNTEER TRAINING A Marxtotfsyv w<« s<*4# ‘W ;ar -6 i Cbv*' ' ‘.‘ VV u&mtt** RSVP 346 3360 COLD WEATHER BOATING CLINIC RIVER PERMIT NIGHT 290 CAMPUS EVENTS POCKET PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS Trifles Directed by Gwennis McNeir Jan 13,14,16 at 5pm Room 102, Villard Hall 290 CAMPUS EVENTS f "This is no time for apathy or complacency. ; This is a time ‘ for vigorous and positive action.’ Marlin Luther kin*. Jr. Celebration Meek Is Here! Wednesday, January 13 to Monday, January IK •Mary Francn Berry, Fimi Hemphill, Caaaelberry-DoPree, Sou (on met Truth Theatre ( ocipanv, "Brother (an I Sinn Eor Von,* the Anne I'rank Ethibit, Human Right* Manh, Black student Union Vigil and March, Obo Addy. HONEY, Baha i event on Rate Unity, Invitational Art F«h1blt, the third annual Martin l other King, Jr Conference, and more! Pick up a complete schedule of events in the EMU Administrative Office, in the ASUO Office, or in the EMU Student Activities Resource Office. Call 6-11W for details. ?90 CAMPUS EVENTS SKIERS S*i van lo Wtttamatta Pa** Thfc* Friday UO Ovtdoo* Program, I 1 CHINA NIGHT ; Ptac# i ujr-'rt M * Prxra $'4 ■ *•••••*«" • .*•■•«» ) Sport ftOfM) tiy t*t« Ch ••««* Sfuthw*! [Atv.o f .v f ,■**'«> •• .c ‘4*. 4 V; [^PASSENGER 57J 305 HEALTH & FITNESS EATING tKSOHDt HS Hu "-- CW *?*»!*«• 'A' <•• *» t(X‘f 3 ,*•*■•*-/'! on; .*>' !>XfN» Jtfl «»*.U imiful&t HkXH. ?XM» .k» 11 ’ «. •-* moil vrC $.'XX; c I »• rxj toi# * 320 SERVICES FREE PHI GNANC V TEST f ugene Pregnancy Support Center Twevfn 104 ♦ JUS 0400 ♦ 33« l 11 th Walk »n* welcom* Pregnant? t»*>* .. * t t» def*t*ai »»««r f ,vty 5*;t«.V= HiHTMFIKVU f'M f n*>6t T Episcopal Campus Ministries ? hurv4«i I xmn I mu twill * Hi VrtHf. I *.’* I I-Ah Md |»'V tin _MO-Wre_ OFF LINE by Rick Bail Yn tooayS news, c<3noRess mas Massed a law that classifies all unmarried COLL cot STUDENTS Twenty four years OLt> AND YOUHOCR, as Fa RhU NT. THtRtk**, j Financial Aid will t;,e tsased on parental k INLDMt- HOT THE STUDENT'S.-^ AND YOU THOUGHT STAYING IN COLLEGE. HA5 btiN HARD 50 FAR. HA! ... .*mx yjl') THE FAR SIDE By GARY l ARSON I— .. ... .“.I A tragedy occurs oM the coast ot a land called Honah Lee Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson I i 1 1 i I for rut townsfolk BE LOW. nit. OM 816AM URL AH1 OTUtft DM ten' 320 SERVICES r acne'] A Nasty Four Letter Word If you had started on Clear Care Acne treatment 30 days ago you would be clear of Acne today For free samples, Information on how Clear Care topical medications work, call our Skin Care Information Line, (800) 435-3533. o V) V) t_ a tn sssc JJJ Li Cafe Latte Hot n a JD "O c n Chocolate 2. ... J= Italian o - « Sodas co o U E At The Espresso" Cart' ^ rvo-w located a* ▲ Carter WmI SJ<1* W»0 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Doonesbury *«• A T At VH *. AUVCT H'K W W ♦f m ■ > ntf BY GARRY TRUDEAU .if metociuuva PtAf»m M’KYi-xi nr .Hit tli* ».* ,0 ’Hffii ' V v ft';,; • *f«' •*'t OAl mhtiVK*. HOWABOUIIt RH IHAt ttrWHer, me.H'i ctm.Ann in v /.W/W ‘Hftt/WtA- MOntt'H oOnAMCW I *V ' ) !H f POO Alt HUM •• ' t v’ mi.'fx>A t&MF un til Mh (VJ> ntnt vt n CROSSWORD By Eugene Shtffer ACROSS 1 Ola** 4 I t*y IS ()na of I ha f «ropa4t*ts 12 c»*fdn#f b«> 13 Canal 14 At (at 15 Mr-. I airy f Ortarnky 16 Hataui 18 ( a»a*atl 20 C#afly 21 Chat! pfolar tof & 24 t itlia Ml 28 1 r»m»ty 32 Iniuda pctura? 33 (Wghtla** Au%»*a 34 t *a a 36 f «nt 37 Hull wad 39 South Da kola park 41 Rurka 43 Manauvai 44 Sort 46 Only ht)f»a to dalaa! M Mn O W ar SO Paabm* w*h a b«#U 55 Hhoda * 56 POO, ntfWi 57 Ml* of Monty Python SB Hland 59 A*• & cousin 19 Sufi** a tar 22 N«1#r»l 23 Sob 25 »*o#1 M.»i *fH.1 C«*4 Solution llm« 28 mint Y*tl«fday's »niwtf M3 ?f> f at 27 C«v»l*c 26 N«k kfc* • COfTipO 29 G*anoW* nalltwiHi 30 In need of honing 31 CMd logy 15 Healed 36 H«n » feline pal 40 Rork 44 H>.v e*u» 42 f r*.t*fuJ« nng k*r>y 45 MiK.ng 47 Chowlvi 46 Com*. Me duty 49G«*ttc*k nenl. often 50 relte f 51 Venomous 52 Slum man Hotmi'.on 53 Nome#■;4I p#efn 54 t wtng 1*.ve*t