Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS CHI OMf:GA CortOratutaUM «• nwml Oatite* A HHMh&i B Mr* gar c X* 0 Sondr* 0 Jan M Mo*y l loony l P f r*o T ►Mphar « H Car* C tte'^ «* Shannon i Mr-y**- M \u a r Owmatrv« and JWXI+ Congratu»«f«**» yOu» P^n«ng* A-• «% • » >- th*» f «•>•%! I , * *'f" r \U ■ ■ Club MTV wot a blast Thanh* a loo **« soar* Totd «r* had a lot of tun Can t wait to do it »Q*in toy*. Ml tv-wavmaav*ax^m*ii?iswia«jaj^ vj jp If you h««» somothinf to h* ••41 . You havo »«n*lhhi| to & >; OOE CLASSIFIEDS iji 346-4343 £ E«u»tT»aasttU3«atiai»»TBa»wj» GAMMA O#r « » • A f. • x' ; W.(‘ ’*• Mi ■•,»*«. r - l«iu*n .s’ ,i- M»’« * ij ’ * I Mtl O-ia' I * K, Frio 0 Happy 22nd Birthday' Wa tr ya Chemim, Sarah and Re* ho Congratulation* to tha run* m«mtx*r* of Doha Upslton' M Dan P Wan * j Acs G C«i v*y I * r.Jon M J Your brother % are all proud of jfou 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS KAM Af Through ia*n V'OW vmt & ha* Yo*j* af' twt* U-. I ! , ;* t }r OH CAMPUS' TMI WORD SPf ClAUSTS A : I’ ■ « ■ • , \ ;-.*•< i • • ; I'P*d St he.-OS A<4X md r- *-.»■ %4,Vi • »■*. A ** *r CIMOV 464 5454 TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land *** 466 3343 Srtrw«g UC) area j*nc« ’•9Bl 'THamij from C 115 TYPING SERVICES F L VINO FtNGf R5 fyp*og saoriea FmI, accurst*, protection*! laser Si 00page up 46*-903# JO TNC TYPING PRO t*IO'\3 p'.'r <>' ^ T ft*' *3 Theses Dissertation § on laser Cat ft*3 60« . - r Pr^gy • Typing Ser>*ce I n.par emced ?y>»J c *V- -y **'. • i** - ®MtO«pu1« ^ V* .V * Hie* prater Reason aty* 'Hire Call P*gyf *i 342-4*6# PROFESSIONAL TYPING a.% mpn p»oc#M*«g. edging free (M » Honda 93S t 882 ! Typmg word processing '< doo j ; t>ie-spaced laser page 2* hr turn around Free campus pick-opdei FREE MAC ORIENTATION Friday Jan 15, 10:30-12:30pm, B13 Klamath, Lab A. Hands on, basic Macintosh operations lor beginners. Call 346-4412 to register Pro/Edit I Par tor a /ad prote •&&*>*'.*? nVf irvj j arid contuNbon Of your i»m J i ; % 1*0** t* rill A ’"'net w?1*- | j v,., ,t Yoti« ■ .*-4» .• a ; I wb^ett 343-2747 f. verylhmg you need hr i *« >i - »n • I* A.l*'- 1.1 • S' H'HlS t r : ” Of \iOet} pr*:e 663 80M> .it>t^noo09,-vv«T9 GUITARS GALORf M ■ .» •«*** y< ,l k -v j»4 A V .r’HTuS. AT-d Slf'tot IVry and *•*•• •; ente* 161 W *»?*■• h A new year, try a new tdM Resale wifh flair The Clothes Norse 720 € t3th uo PETS Two Chmwr Wafer Dragons S'* data^s / 4 * 22*>8 »* tfc<’ ' ft/YAp# ^OW $.'i* Pbo 0#ve »4» '>>’ft#1 12 Speed tHCyCle <1 ‘err b*d M*t SOOT 48* *052 .J*>> K*‘ •■ tV9i Specialized eicet'ent co^CMOfl. itivtfly nptjen. SS6G qfeo 68/ 56 ’£ 1W2 . . frame 700 w#% f*no 34 fc 8/43 uo SOUND SYSTEMS Car Stereo **>,** »-m mvi« / ' OuaMy to . *■'■#-%) ( ;*s 34567// as* Hx Casey CASH'" /*r- buy, sets and service VMS VCW'l SOd •dng •svi ladies Deerskin jacket. $45 lns ■wiw.Jr* t:*- te7? ng*. 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Abt*M •' the A*v > Mgr TwNitmtr, to become pa/1 ot the Li’f v'*****fY Txffrt?«g U*hgr Staff | 210 HELP WANTED Spo<1 Writer* • F'e«- a *•" 'ended to rover Dub Sports and other ^po:y F rr*He»d Cell Dftvt* ChAVbonne*».j ,'i46 S5t 1 WANTED *.«•• s • j a* ■ j ead vr cA«'*t 345 3606 ciVt dunng buS»n«sa hr* as* For Tom or Sa/ge CULTURAL FORUM POSITIONS I The Cuftu-,* forum invite* appfeca j •- ■ % ftV r*-n fo • w»ng student coon* nalor position* COrtte*V>»*r> M t. V «•**»! Ml \abori* ^erVt/rTiifw Afli f flnWVidac ►HWli jt- M-.A* i Be pa* ' aps*-. .!* . - and iftK - .i* THE FAMILY CENTER » MU * * g *v* volunteer* and interns '.o H«Mp t and «%•:**< • | V ' A • W Ou.Yle' ( - n-r tf* ♦ - ! .,• j 1 *wf** ! .-'amenta apply to 1 obtain cnuM) j j Ctfj JA&Ctift? or 94S4Mfe awJ asfc 1 liSf! ^*5ferj?_£ Sik^-S '.?X_-1 TRANSLATOR Dynamo. 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