College receives $50,000 By Sarah Clark Emerald Reporter The Weyerhaeuser Co Foundation recently donated $50,000 to the College of Business Administration to establish a lecture series in the name of a late business school graduate and Weyer haeuser executive. The William C. Shields Distinguished Lectureship se ries. which will begin during the 1993-94 school year, will address issues of concern to the Pacific Northwest forest products industry, said Car ole Daly, business college as sistant dean for external af fairs. "That can run the gamut from economical issues to supply or even to new prod ucts." Daly said. "It's some what unlimited as far as the topics — as long as they re late to the forest products in dustry.” Daly said the CBA could invite people such as the new Secretary of the Interior to talk at the University about timber issues and to give the Clinton administration s views on tho subject. The talks would be open to the public. Daly said. Wheth er the talks will be free is too early to tell, she said. “Obviously, if the endow ment covered the costs of having the speaker, we wouldn’t charge anything,” she said. The grant was named for the late William Shields, who graduated from the CBA tn 1959. Shields worked for more than 20 years in sales, management and executive positions with Willamette In dustries before becoming ex ecutive vice president for wood products at Weyer haeuser in April 1991 Me died in April 1992. Weyerhaeuser contacted the CBA to honor Shields, which resulted in the endow ment. PLAY YOUR HEART OUT!/ X Winter Intramurals & Special Events Come to the RIM office at Gerllnger 103 or call Ext. 4113 (or details XT ~r F/NAL(DAn$! VIDEO AUDIO LIQUIDATION CLOSES THURS. JAN. 14 AT MIDNIGHT! r FINAL MARKDOWNS ’ KVKRYTH1NG GOES! J«’0 » IITM {ACROSS EROM EIU.D MEVtR) r SPECIAL SALE MOt KS M S l* » SI'S IJ-S When only the best will do... Come in for a Winter Tune-Up! 485-8226 1917 FRANKLIN BLVD. Close to Campus w V *■•' H) 3t! p * : i a tn ho ' * ,* OC »> < I Restaurant & Lounge | 947 Franklin Blvd. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON I9t ‘D'RSVWl'Hg ‘JPristtuicrfor 65 c Individual Pencils & Artstix , i on 27’> 9x12 Drawing Pad it ^ *> <>u 100 Sheets #70277 ‘Drauniig ‘Pencils Staedtler Lumograph I ombow Mono 52® »OH #*■ 'H' 'Demmnt ‘Pastel ‘Pencils 99c ri'i; 1 I ”> ‘PmJlrt ‘.\eu’sprint ‘Pail 18x24 rough 100 sheet '/! iiier Costello (. har-Kole Sticks 12 bx nr M !( i 50 iff,' t T.'i I Thru Jan 16th student . (acuity • staff owned 13th & umcaid • m-saj • 346 4331