Opportunities for leadership and campus involvement for men. Call the Fraternities of Oregon 346-3701 for Info. BACK TO SCHOOL SAVINGS Pfrtmo plus Uvaro com* Mon Single‘159 Double‘189 Queen *209 ROCK SOFT FUTON 686-5069 117? AkJw OFF | Any | Yogurt* | sTZs ■ (‘except sit mil tones) wa Campus SUBSHOP 1225 y^lder 345-2434 \** v*»Ik1 iHt di hvrrv ivf 4m «*hrT tlivtmiti' o» i UHipofi jvr I »pmn ' 'l** *0 ^ PAPER DUE? FIND SOMEONE TO TYPE IT IN THE ODE CLASSIFIEDS 136 E 11tti • (near Willamette) 342-3358 Must be ? 1 or Over Wednesday j«. n$4 The Tree people Funnelhead IK'ep IXmn Trauma Hounds Dirt Boy Thursday j*n u$3 Emergency Broadcast Systems Friday $5 Subpop Rctonlinjt aitisis Pond Hazel The Spinaines Music Starts at 10pm Mon-Sat Music starts at 8pm Sundays POLICE BEAT The following incidents were reported to the Office of Public Sufetv and the Eugene polite department Inn -t il • A 21 -year-old man was cited for possession of less than an name of marijuana on the 5(KJ lilt* k of East 1 till Avenue on )an •» The man was cited af ter veiling at a police officer who had pulled over a separate subject for a traffic violation The man yelled at tin* officer for about three minutes for polling over the other man lor the traffic offense, and then pointed to lus hag and said. Thanks for the re< ording " The offic er said In* had rea son to believe the man was re i ording a person to-Jiersoil < on versation without telling the other parts svhic h is a < rime The officer searched the man s hag and found a hag of marijua na, a marijuana ptpc and ■ iga rette paper ssith marijuana in it No n*< ording devil o was found on the sobjia l • A 21 s ear old I 'm versity student was cited jnn fi for fail ure to appear for a urinating in public i barge that he was < itod for last fall Police cited the Mu dent when he came into the po lice station to report his vehir le stolen Police ran a check on the student and found thnt he had an outstanding warrant The vehic le was not stolen but had been borrowed by the stu dent's roommate, according to police reports • A 2(1 sear old man was cited for minor in possession and failure to represent Ins i or: rest age on Jon f> Polite saw the man come out of Guido's bar on the HOC) block of hast 1,1th Avenue and throw a cup of liquor into the street Offi cers approached the man and asked for hts identification The man produced a driver's hiense that said he was 20 years old The officer then asked for the II) that the man used to get into the bar The of fu er said he w itnessed the man pass whsl looked like an ID to friend. Police then arrested the suspec t Ac i circling to police re ports. the man started to c rv on the way to the station and said. "You can't arrest me White people don't go to jail • A University student was arrested and cited with disor derly c onduc t for Ins role in a snowball fight on |an H The student was observed In the ar resting offii er at the ir>(M) bloc k of Alder Street Ac e circling to police reports, the suspect was standing in the street when he threw an ice-boll at the driver's window of a police c ar The of fu er in the c ar arrested the man when in* recognized him at a later snow throw ing inc ident • The Mouse of Kec ords. 2T)H l; 13th Ave . reported a theft that took place sometime be tween Dec 2.3 2tt The suspet t apparently reac lied behind the counter and 1 cm»k ait Faith No More concert tickets numijered 651-700. Police warn people not to buv tickets for Sunday’s concert from people on the streets People who shoes up at the concert with stolen tickets will not get in. police said. If people have bought ti< kets with a number between f»51 and 700 pole e ask vou to call the cam pus polit e offic e* at 346-2905 • OPS has rei eived numer ous complaints about bicycles parked against street meters, particularly on the 1300 and 1400 bloc ks of Kincaid Street. OPS said the bikes are falling over on the sidewalk and < mat ing a hazard for pedestrians. Hikes must be parked in desig nated spaces, and those parked in or near public thoroughfares and in places where they might endanger persons will lie i ited and may be impounded. OPS suggests people park their bikes on the \yest side ol Kim aid ad jacent to the large PLfi parking lot. or at the bike ra< ks on Hast 13th Avenue WHAT ALL YOU C A fvl DO ^ HERE! Duplicate your cassette tape* Duplicate your video tape* Repair your computer Upgrade your computer memory Have your new watch or calculator battery installed Get an extra key made ^ Develop your pictures overnight or in 1 Hour Get reprints & enlargements Find accessories for your: calculator, phone, answering machine, audio or video, typewriter or computer for non copyrighted material AT YOUR NOT-JUST-A-BOOKSTORE i Cash a *20 check Buy stamps Mail your letter i Finance electronics buys RentaTVorVCR Rent a Typewriter ’ Rent a Laser Karaoke t Special order a book k Special Order electronics Register to vote Use your ID for a 9% book discount Use OUr Guaranteed Text Program Sell back your text book at our best rate Buy a bus token or pass Place an Emerald classified ad Get a city parking permit Buy a gift certificate Use a fundraiser table for your nonprofit group Apply for a job PARTNER IN YOUR EDUCATION 1 3 T H & KINCAID - 346-4331 - M-SAT recycle! recyds! reeyctet recycle! recycle! recycle! recycle! recycle! recycle! recycle!