Oregon Daily WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13. 1993 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 94, ISSUE 31 It’s a bird, it’s a plane... OK, its a bird P*0*0 Crf Mk.W 77ws local woodpecker spent its afternoon Tuesday working on a tree outside the Collier House on the corner of 13th Avenue and University Street Officials dispute origin of $337,000 j Administrator says money may be from discretionary account By Chester Allen £meakers for the Martin 1.other King |r Celebration. writ er. poet. Ksstsx Hemphill anti Man Fran cis Berry, a renown civil rights activist, are two good reasons to attend this year's celebration Black Student Union member Kricka Warren expressed how important the event is to tier and many Americans. whatever their color "It's .in important week l»'i ause this country celebrates rapists and murderers Hut to celebrate an African Amerii an, man or woman, is not as widely m i ept ed." Warren s.nd. "Martin l.uther King celebrates the rights not iiist of hlai k people, fnit the rights of all huiminkind and ! think his memory should be recog nized." HSf President Leslie Warren said the celebration is an important event for ev eryone "We hope people ( ome out and show their dedication to Martin Luther king Turn to MLK Page 3 Saferide on the road again j Snow-safety concerns temporarily close the women’s shuttle service Saferide is up and running again after four days off because of poor driving conditions. The on-campus van. tho off-campus van and the off campus car ran Tuesday night. Saferide Co-director Keri Levine said the primary reason the vehicles didn't run Friday through Monduy was concern for the drivers' safety. "A lot of drivers haven't driven be fore in snow.'' Irvine said. " espc dally the units from (California.” All three of Saferide’si vehicles are now outfitted witli chains, said Saferide Co-director Amy Neel. Neel pul up a sign above tfn* Suferide desk in EMU Suita 3 cautioning Saferide drivers: “When driving vans with (bains, stay below :i() mpb. and pernp the breaks when stopping Take it slow and easy.” The service is ospec tally busy in bad weather. Noel said. WEATHER The mercury should begin to (jeep up slightly over the next few days Some light snow is still possi ble todav. but bv Friday most of the moisture should be in the form of rain. MEMORIAL SERVICE A memorial v:mi.r today for two University students killed in an auto accident will be at 8 p m. in the EMU Ben Linder Room. Donald Howard Leff. 19, and Charmaine Tiara Joslin, 20. were killed in a collision Fridas afternoon on Highway 99 south of Corvallis Leff. a native of Long Beat h Calif., and Joslin, who was originally from Beaverton but had rw ently transferred from the University of Maine were returning from Corvallis when the car Leff was driving slid into oncoming traffic and hit a tractor-trailer rig head-on SPORTS PORTLAND (API - The Portland Trail Blazers .11 rivaled Clyde Drexler and said he would pia> against Denver Tuesday night The all-star guard missed seven games bet atise of soreness in his right knee Me was plated on the miured list Det 30 Drexler underwent arthruv opu. surgery on (lie knee su weeks during games, aggravating the so re mm and leading to a dm ision to rest him for seveul games To make room for Drexler. the Blazers plat ed reserve guard Delaney Rudd on the injured list. The team said Rudd had tendinitis in his left knee