Anti-gay law faces legal challenge will be "victim DENVER (AH Horn ose x tid i v EEXUSBUl i/.-d merely be rouse of who they are" under Colorado's anti-gay-protei turn amendment, opponents told a judge Monday Opponents asked the judge to keep .Amendment 2 from taking offer t as sr heduled Friday They said it violates homosexu als' constitutional rights to equal protection under the law Colorado voters approved the measure M percent to 40 per r ent Nov. :t "Constitutional rights never have been and. I hope, never will !>e der ided by a popular vote," said Greg Rurich, who represented opponents at the hearing. John Dailey, an assistant at torney general, said the amend ment should lie upheld her ause it is "tht! rule of the majority . " Dailey contended the meas ure doesn't strip away < ivil rights protections from homo sexuals "All it did was remove an added layer of protection." •**************• flVUNDERLAND - ~ ~" I 19 VIDEO JC.AMES 5th STREET PUBLIC MARKET 683-8464 f -- VIDEO ADVENTURE 1 VALLEY RIVER PLAZA ♦*¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥* TOW V i i m • t* y ¥¥¥¥• The CejMj SIuj|> Open Mon-Fri 8-7 Sat 10-4 Liefmturi Paterson A ferry fUjft on L&i 485-6253 TUESDAY s p A G H E T T I I all l YOU f CAN EAT EVERY TUES! includes Gartc Bread 11:30 am 1o 10 pm pizza ITALIAN KITCHEN 2673 Willamette 484-0996 ‘Now (gays) have the right to be victimized merely because of who they are.' Greg Eurich, opponents representative hi' sail) The measure forbuts passage of anv laws protei ling guys from dist rimination and voids sin li laws already adopted bv Denver. Aspen and Boulder The Colorado Legal Indio lives Project and other oppo nenIs have sued to void Amendment 2 Winy asked Denver Distrut fudge Jeffrey Bayless to bloi k the amend ment from taking offer! until the lawsuit is det ided. With dozens of witnesses scheduled to testily, the hear ing on that request could last through Wednesday attorneys Sind t urn.h said homosexuals in (Colorado should have the con sliluliiinal right tu hf tri'atfd the saint’ as everyone else. "Sow. (gavs) have the right to lie victimized merely because of who thev are He said Amendment 2 was written and promoted In Colo ratio fur Family Values to target gays tor disi riininntion. He said that to win support lor the measure, the group spread "myths about homosexuals, mi hiding that they're respotisi hie lor a high itu idem e ol sex i rimes and that they t house their lilestv le Dailey askeil Has less not to base his decision on the inlet) turns of Amendment 2 s spun sors blit on the voters intent which he said was to resist pro viding "spei nil protei lions to another minority "(.oloradu is not the hate state' it has Imen made out to be." Dailey said. Bush considers taking action to oppose Iraq WASHINGTON (AP) The While House accused Saddam Hussein on Monday of "trying to cheat wherever possible on Iraq's i ease-lire obligations and considered the options of militar\ and diplomat!! action against Baghdad With just nine days left in George Hush’s president v, spokesman Marlin Kitcwater said the United States would look to the United Nations Security (’.( to det ido what at lions may lx* necessary in the wake o( what he called Iraq’s latest "raid" into Kuwait Hut he also said the United Stales stood ready to act "with out warning’’ to fon t* Baghdad back into compliant e Hugh met Monday w ith bis national security advisers Some JIM) Iraqis in t ivilian i Indies < rdksed the Kuwait bur tier Sunday and again Monday to reclaim equipment and race warehouses left Itehind at the end of the Gulf War The Iraqis claim they had U N. permission to recover their equipment from the demilitarized zone, but U.N. observers tried and failed to slop them from seizing explosives and four Chinese-built Silkworm missiles "This is i learly an infringement of the cease-fire regula tions," Fitzwater said "If* clear from this raid into Kuwait that Saddam Hussein is continuing his pattern of try ing to < heat wherever possible, continuing to challenge the U N resolutions." Fitzwater told reporters v President-elect Hill Clinton signaled strong support for Hush's stance toward Baghdad. Panasonic Micro Cassette Recorder 9Q95 RN104 Panasonic Cassette Player RQP30 1995 Panasonic Portable Stereo nXDSW1 • AM FM • Single Cassette • CD Player 19995 Sony Cassette Recorder TCM81 2995 Sony Portable CD Player D36 14995 Sony 13" Color TV with Remote ,3™« 26995 Sony Headphones MORE525 1595 TDK SA90 High Bias Audio Tape -J69 Fuji DRI90 Normal Bias Audio Tape 990 Technics CD Player SLPG WO 13995 Advent Graduate Home Speakers 22995 JVC Receiver with Remote • 80 Watts per channel 20995 UO CD Crates 3"