**************** FI (ML® JIMP/ VIDEO AUDIO LIQUIDATION CLOSES THURS. JAN. 14 ^ AT MIDNIGHT! £U. 1 m FINAL MARKDOWNS EVERYTHING GOES! >n:o » imi hi hoss I ROM »hi ininir sri ( Ui sm i not tis m s io * st s u s *************** STUDENT NIGHTS $2 OFF ADULT ADUISSK5', /MOVIELANDN AT WEST 11m 008 SENECA srr. , 342 A142 <5 I l< .11 I w \l» II I Sim N.UMI AIL SCATS |1 | I'T .i I l ’A l I U .AGI Ml H' ( At j K M worn lit! ONMAGOM BACK TO SCHOOL SOCIAL oocyst BRING IMS AO M FOR SHOW ONIY MON 'HUH $1.50 ADMISSION FOR ONE Of HR GOOO THHU HOFFA | 12 30 3 30)630 930 THE BODYGUARD ( 1 45 4 15) 705 940 ALADDIN” ( 105 3 1Q 5 15)720 925 PG CXI PO CX3 PG 13 FOREVER YOUNG (12X5 230 445)700 915 H0MEAWNE2 ( 12 15 2 30 4 50) 7 15 9 35^ CHAP UN ( 1215 3 15) 6 15 9 15 SHOWTIMES IN EFFECT FRIDAY 1 8 THRU THURS 1 14 i Are you a VEGETARIAN or want to be? Find out how to do it right! VEGETARIANISM • A Free, Non-credit Workshop • When: 3 Consecutive Tuesdays 1 30-3:00 Jan. 19.26. Feb. 2 Where: Student Health Center Downstairs m the Medical Library & Sponsored by the Lifestyle Planning Program m the Student Health Center Preregister by calling 346-4456 ft IOWI ^VJ » > in tht Church battles gay ordination (AIM ( entrol Presbyteri an ('hurch's ordination of two homosexuals as dear, on* will In* (hallt-nx'-d in a trial in Sun Frnmisco lieforv the Pri’sbvterian Synod of the Pti Thf trial on |nn 2r< arises from a Portland i Imri h's ofTir:ini challenge to thf ordination al most two years ago of Heather Hoonstrn, 25. an administrator at tin' Hniversitv, and (leorge Link. OH. dtvnn i*d and retired ladders of tlx* Lugene i him h art* lighting to protix t the orrlination of Hoonstrn and Link in de fiance of official Presbyterian i lmr< h policy, which prohibits the ordination of avowed, prai tn mg homosexuals I lope Presbyterian Oiurch in Portland said in its challenge that ( mitral s actions are "in reliel lion against the Word of (.