Morrisette seeks gambling repeal By Jacqueline Woge Emerald Woporto' Mayor Bill Morrisette used his Stale of the City address Monday night to ask the Springfield City (loum il to repeal a gambling ordinance it passed m 1991 After reviewing the accomplishments of 199.: and thanking the council and stall for their hard work. Morrisette spoke of Ills i onrern about the possible harm continued gambling could i ause the city Morrisette said the St and S4 (retting he envi sioned taking place under the Sim ial Games drill nance lias allowed thousands of dollars to i hange hands When the ordinance was adopted in |une of 1991. two establishments had licenses lor lour gambling tables Currently. i7 total tables are It i ensed for lfi taverns The ordinance does not control who may ileal the games or what type of games are played, lie said games not < overed by Springfield’s card table license, such as craps and roulette, .ire allegedly being played locally In Nevada dealers are licensed and watched through one way mirrors to ensure honesty Springfield has no watch rnei hanism Returning count il member Bruce Iterg said he believes it is time to ban scm ial games I he i nun i il voted three to three last year, with Morrisette splitting the tie in favor of maintaining the ordi nance He said two ot the counc il members that voted against the ordinance last year are still on the "From what I know now I would probably lent gambling Morrisette said He said In* hoped to review the issue in the next two or three months Iliree other issue* Morrisette focused on were capping wages and Ivenefits tor public employees, promoting economic growth and the controver sial Ballot Measure 20-0H involving the rights of homosexuals Morrisette asked Springfield to allow the issue to lie transferred from the arena to the courts (mm ause of its cpiestionable constitutional itv Berg said a Springfield resident is c urrentlv try ing to c hallenge the c onstitutionality of the nrdi name h\ claiming that the Springfield I'tditv Board is cutting his eiec tru itv l»‘t ause he is guv I assume most of us on the i mini il would like to sec- the issue go aw avBerg said Morrisette said his tactics in reducing wages would involve some roundabout methods Morrisette said he would use his influent e as president ot the Oregon Mayor's Assix iation and chairman of the lame Canine il of Governments to persuade oilier jurisdic turns to red in e the salaries thev pav their employees 1 his would allow Springfield to redut e its alreadv lielow median salaries without risking the loss ot good emplov ees to other jurisdic lions Morrisette said lie would focus his e< onoillii growth plan on the secondary wood products in dlislrv Operation Bootstraps IS Based oil all idea brought to him In a Springfield resident File idea is to sponsor a i onlest lor loc al residents on MM JIM,.S MEChA will him tonight *t' •> *•' !i NASI1 I. o n a h u u * e I or in o r ** informal ton. c*Tl 34*» 3T»()ft. Academic Ad viking k Sludrni Services will pmciii «i SslioiUi Student Exchange informational mooting Um1.iv at 12 30 pm in EMI' Cndar Room C For mom information, (dll 340 3211 Ad ( lub will meet today at *> p in in Room 215 Allen For inure information. (all UHU 4f>71 Student Senate will meet today at <> pm in EMI Century Room A For mom information. ( all t4t» on t() t nwinlrd Sevual Behavior will meet today front 12 30 to 1 >0 pm m EMI Century Room F For more information, call 346 IfWl Sludrni* International Meditation Smietvwilj meet on the vohjn i of I ran* endenlal Meditation tonight dt 7 in EMC Cedar Room 1) for more information )7i0 RHantinx Student* A»mm talmn »* itift'l today at > p in m KMl Room 2 ' ()/•• » tl a< in m Uwfwur H..II I hr ( rnlrt lot Ati*n «nd P«< ifi* Nluclie* v* i!; .1 i- !>»!*% from i - i0 lo t iu |> in iti ini An iiACMlUtgtt i ■Mll|{Ud|<«' i Jtiailm ditli (ioloiliMhtm hi SmiHir^’.t A»i.» nuti hUt’vtrhrrr by Dr *p*W l*ll*t III Soutil«V»«( Atld 41 lU (’drift* jir ft h i %! * i r > hi ! hr I Ml 1.., ivtiiid Room f or informal ion. rail *4<» 1121 Headline for aiibltuUntfi H M* to the hmwfdM frwif >1n*k t.Ktt Suit* l()ft l» IKNMI the dav before publn MtUNI I ft* new* editor i/*»r» not have 4 Inn* nhi’hmr M Alt run the dav of the muilf uni*** the event take* plate tv for* noon Koine* o( fvpti.'t »if/j 4 donation or sdmiMtao charge will mil he t* >ephxl t.jitupn* event* and ttnue n. hoduled n