BURGLARY Continued from Page 1 saw four women running .iw.n from the house He then went back to sleep lie said he didn't < hot k downstairs at that time hi*f ause he was tired Mahoney was reawakened at :i a.in. In mom footsteps m the house He said he went down stairs and the four women said they were looking for someone and ga\*e him a name He told them no one by that name lived at the house and they left After the women left. Maho ney saw the broken window and c hecked the downstairs area but did not find anything missing. He never filed a report with FPI). "Oik e I saw tluw were girls. I figured they were probably drunk." he said Vanbeever and Fitzpatrii k were patrolling the University area on Christmas night and de cided to check, the fraternities and sororities because ol bur glaries at four fraternities dur ing the 1991-92 Christmas break. Gist year, police arrested five people in connection with bur glaries at four fraternities Po lice estimated that 200 people could have had items stolen "(This year) was nothing like Inst year." birr said "We found it more curious that after what happened last year many frater nities would leave their doors unlocked. I would have thought people would have ex ercised more caution." Vanbeever and Fitzpatrick re ported seven fraternities with unlcx ked doors Kappa Sigma; Sigma Alpha Fpsilon; Phi Gam BACK TO SCHOOL SAVINGS F ramc* plus loam core futon Single *159 Double M 89 Queen*209 686-5069 1122 Akkff ROCK SOFT FUTOIM The doors are open because if they’re locked, people know people aren’t there.’ Jamie Bakurn. Kappa Sigma secretary ma Delta, l-ambda Chi Alpha. hih K lf.th Ave . Phi Delta Theta. Alpha Tail Omega, and Delta Tau Delta, 1886 Universi ty St I'he sorority with an un locked door was kappa Delta. 1680 Alder St Jamie Hakum. kappa Sigma set retnrv. said he believes tele vision news reporters fix used too much on the far t the houses were unlm ked kappa Sigma members left the house s front diMirs unltx ked for a reason •‘Tbs doors are open hei anse if they're locked, people know people aren't there. Hakum said "It's usually homeless people who I nine ill and they won't break anything if there's nothing to break Phi Camilla Delta President Greg Harris. Delta Tau Delta house manager Phillip Johnson, kappa Delta President Tara kresge and Alpha Iau Omega President Matt Ross said they believe polii e couldn't have found the house tinloi ked lx i ause members loi k all I he doors before they leave for break Phi Delta Theta and Lambda Chi Delta members were unavailable tor i ommenl Detective Hoti Holland said police have no suspects CUSTOM PRINTED ~ T T-SHIRTS Lowest Ratesi Double Latte with Scone £175 J_Rei{*i2.45 Oiler i \|i»n s 1/lft/H'i FALL ( KEEK 1IAKEKV ft Cafe 881 East 13th Avenue, next to the UO Bookstore Open Monday-Fnday 7 30-9 00, Saturday 8 00-6 00 Sunday 9 00-3 00 484-1662 \^PkZAR’S &AZAR COME IN AND SEE! WE HAVE EVERYTHING • Posters • Dr. Martens • Cards • Vans • Clothing • Converse • Shoes • Incense • and more shoes! I LIFE IS PRECIOUS PROTECT IT! Our State of the Art Aerosol Defense System On Sale Now £ f 2.99 Reg $20 00 witn coupon L A ZA /? 57 w Broadway 4 9b-’ Wii'amette ftAZAj? 687-0139 __I ■ ('except rones) W>7 Campus SUBSHOP 1225 fylder 345-2434 \«*t V .*IHI ill i<\ l f\ i.f w ith .m\ JtNkiHiMis i»r iimptMm 1 hv \Mt t imttHTM'f I «f*trv* 1 1 ^ s» \ RECYCLE THIS r ^ PAPER! y brnp\rJl=j2 ° M 'U)rJssgl bz &dj U31 ubl zj 7/1cJ;jcJ) -j;j UiafUnt) lil/Usih&a rJ '-jj.Yl>\ ^ C'Liry-5>3 £ > SAVE! 32% OFF MFG SUGGESTED RETAIL A’JJ ivJayJuj ^ ?C)?CJJJ =*U 3#£]]J3wU ^b-^-3 (i/o v/n gO/c3Lo3/cJ s^'dIu'cJst)!i 30% Off! 25% Off! thru Jan 16th, 1993 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON AW) rJJ*3/p/lni M y^WT) PMh f 25% Off! WoA?) UMtftng Lj'jI-z 350 • • • REG 5* Ail Afreets cryu&tf !;U??LI5j l)S7 Oi-J §Al8i student • faculty • staff owned 13th&kincaid • m-sat • 346-4331