205 OPPORTUNTHES HEALTH INSURANCE j CnV $106 i YOU LIKED IT l AST YEAR AND THIS YEAR YOU ARE ON THE VERGE Of DOING IT AGAIN University Theatre 92-93 Sec MUS»C COMEDY DRAMA tor : I TREE when YOU a Rot^MA j J o* A»«na Treat's Production Visit I i the University Bo* OYf*ee. I located >n the lobby Ol the Ro&mson ! Theat'r M..-- £'• ■ to 3pm. as* *o* i the Nuclei''? Bo* Office Mgr Aubr0 > * Summer' Career' Gu*de Cassette. Newsserv.ce* (916) 92??22\ E»t t 78 ESCAPE field Studies seeks students interested m earing upper drvrsron credit while volunteering *r\ area schools and non -profit organizations See us m the EMU lobby or call 346-4351 EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY For student leadership. YWCA (not a religious group) * note hiring 3 positions, work study preferred Funner .nfo cal’ 344 2102 Ck»mg date t 19 £ Of_ EXCITING OPPORTUNITY. work • independently full or pad time, unlimited income potential M*gh tech high demand products, free details Skyhawk Enterprises H512. 629 Ram We wood, Clayton. NC 27520 --- / ODE ( I.AXSimm •ODE I 1-STOPSHOPFlMi! 346-4343 HOW ABOUT SUMMER CAMP? Camp Counselor* USA work* with over 600 camps .n the USA. f /uro-pe and Rus&u Hav«* the best summer ot your tit« working »n the Outdoors teach.ng. riding swimming, .•ahs and many other activities with children Contact Camp Counseio'* USA 420 Florence St. P&lo Aitu, CA 93401 or phone 000-999 226/_ Oregon Daily Emerald •>*•*•* n oMitt? he'.p tor our ad department Assist l" «• M.i agru wt?r variety ol U*s*% r eluding paperwork. r«< »-pt*on duties i'd pr!.f'* quires Must t>e UO student and &e Av arable ’6 20 hf'-wiwt* mornings preferred Must f>e highly organ-zed pay after’ton to detail and posses* good math and communication s* s Far'.- anty w-.th advedtsavgmewspapo'* a Pn.s FVk up appheabon at EmerafcJ Odice (sti4e 300 IMU> Deadline TueJan '3prr Sport Writer* • F'r**' i e*s needed t over Ciub Sport* and other sj»fi* for Oregon Oariy Emefakl Can Dave Charppnneau 346 S5tt_ Upper etas* Student Marketing -reded to* Winter and Sp»' j term Appro* t0 hrvweefc Very heatMie schedule Send shod resume t>y Friday. January 14 to Dawd f un*. Un.versrty Mousing. t5ft’ and Agate . FOE _ WANTED Kaf .me v'.g along «ad voc4»*»st 34S 3606. caH dur.ng busies* nr*. ask *or Tom or Serge CULTURAL FORUM POSITIONS T he Cultural F orum Myites app*«catOOS tor the tottowmg Student coorcknalor positron* ..entemporary ivj« Satmnai Mum. L wires Oe» Pedormaig Arts ;,4Vone! Muse F*rW»d»c V esuw Arts Hertsge kAav. Be pert ol a programming teem pMnrwg at pus e,w>t» kx 9i'SM For rtorriabon ptus atpkeakcx’ slop try SuAe 1’ FMU 346 4373 Closing date: January 25 Cuturai Fprum a an EQAA enyc-yw 210 HELP WANTED THE FAMILY CENTER • M » ) ' » oriented ftCfctffs** and pyQ^CtU ' A .1 *<• ■ - - ...r I **•«*• ***** »« ’ ^:?X.. ♦ POSTAL JOBS ♦ Atferi? on I uga* a *«.* v.irt $•> 6H1 t 21$ MA S? 78 7am9QtOpm 225 APTS DUPLEXES CAMPUS $400 * *’ IV • 5ep v'* vr try ‘ ’*.< f ?*!* l:,»» M 4 m tig Campus Apartment* Fumished 1 A? Bedrooms Winter rates S37SS450 48S 2823 Last 3 bedroom apt t. t *ti# one t*ocfc *fom campus cohered parting. <*>8 go •' > ciucfes utiMirn parking 534V, E 14TH AVENUE 2 bedroom apt $4$G -nciudes Al L ubfcbes laundry 3635 EAST AMAZON 2 bedroom duple* $475 361 E 14TM AVENUE I 2 bedroom apt New arpet t aoftdry paring $400 I We also have sever.*;' . *.t«x) | No pets 5hoem by appointment SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES ' 345 W 10th 666-1130 j QUIET, QUIET, QUIET E njoy the beauty of woods and wikJl»t«? in super Root plan 2 BEDROOMS. |v, BATH • Wmrghtf ••-.ess Rm $495 6 $5l‘vMONTH S E Eugene (Donald A FoshoHow) 687-1318 245 ROOMS Nic# furnished 'oom tood ut» 'aundry &■ 4 $350 • Sep f Q*&qn students ee*c4.yt'« 461 45/3 Share 3 bedrm hcn-r *iir **'■& and 9 y* o*d son, Qu-e? eomforlabi# house •n qu*et Nodh £ ugene ne«ghtxxbood nee yonJ dee* and nof tub, $250/mo, plus *» ublfpreierab*# exchange portion rent tor before school chrfd supervision) 461 213/__________ Special Border_ \2 rooms await at Oeisea House I '661 Ony« P* vate phones av»! I Rent md room and board 343 26/4 250 CORM CONTRACTS I witt pay you ISO to buy my dorm contract Laura Araoott S*6-4t 20 ^ Oil E ST VILLAC Nil 255 ROOMMATES WANTED wanting »o ah«r# gu**!*r ■ twt"n apt ■'isar Amiran non tmoiong, V*'.- «>C • *i JJU ’:>V» •■ Room mat # needed to it,vr . rv*.!* at Oam Vh. own cxm» m, b-a*.*’ • ' * Sher# 2 bedrm apf a IfWOOy* farn>*fted t-vHeony v ».attr hou»* espw S.' • $e*- a ■ t •'•« u*. Hf* a-vt **?*«■ vn Am tor A„v -•* ,V4 * 4*3• ft 265 GARAGE MOVING SALES Two twin bed* *iw -.l r■>■*-•* i.»-.*,>*-* colot tv se? Jwm. tefaqphone. !•!*• .* -4 Can tMM 342 .“fU / 280 MEETINGS Survival Center General InUswWl M##f-■j /pm B*n l tn.fer N • rr f MU P'-->jr Act-vim 3 r! !. T fHaret* 285 CLUB SPORTS SNOWBOARD CIU8 Meeting Tu«* Jan t ?tn 6 30pm Cedar f Cap i «d •»* 66/ ->vh 290 CAMPUS EVENTS Oo you have a credit card? £ ' * *t Associate f-drtor T#mmy Datey « >io»rv.j ,1 itoty on th-e pr ubfctmn U* Friday IIO Outdoor P'o^rar-' J46-4J66 295 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT >4r**>U«*** > %**«* WL * GAS FOOl LODGING *•*•*» % to >4 » 'tt Waterlanj^, **■*••* *'' noMJnr dm nmo MISTRESS nsanozanns MMy«w \* f*xr tVK'd 14 4 *>*• 305 HEALTH & FITNESS SokJlUtB* ftl ■ -mV -Ar? **>* must 4**»S SKX) otoo (jteg f>>Kr* **/6S 320 SERVICES FREE PREGNANCY TEST Fugorte Pf^gnancy Support Ceotiw Tu#*/ri 10-4 ♦ M*> 0400 ♦ JJ* E tiff' Walk in* wrvkoma Ptaonad P*/«otf»ood v P.u - i AfPcIlOP i-T\pck*. -intr I p#*K/>an y frit* iw -J unlxAwwl ctHinwIing >44 *4 1 1 Prtvalo h«>p ‘ »•■ »• I •-* nancy k»*t!ng ( .*r*y 5«*t**, • ■-->»■■ t. ,»•’ Btd?tr-Jfi! 687-ft65l 280 MEETINGS 4 * Weekly Meeting of ! Alcoholics Anonymous JJ Thursdays, 12:10- 1:00 pm * Koitionia Center (14th and Kincaid) n Tor more information, contact: ^ Hobby Broum at 346-4382 THE FAR SIDE By GARY l ARSON Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson J» SERVICES ACNE A Nasty Four Letter Word If you had started on Clear Care Acne treatment 30 days ago you would be clear of Acne today. For tree samples, information on how Clear Care topical medications work, call our Skin Care Information Line (800) 435-3533. o cn co s 4 Cafe Latte Cl i! (0 I LU Mot Chocolate j? Italian >*- ^ Sodas o o - uE At The n a D v c o n o I spresso Cart ^ now locohrd oMtvo ^ Caioo W« Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU tlM' «•'**’/ lit ■ T V« *< ■ \ If*. * ‘h '/ I / 1 mHV PON'! KONHA UAVf WOHM7 U <<r OWW’ fVt CROSSWORD By Eugene Shq/fer ACROSS I String**! mtUuman! 5 On* cm tb« • Scoundf*l 12 C-h4h and 13 Canyon pb*nom 14 Hair* W in a btw 15 Smal wxw 17 Fl«*ad 1iK*r*v<» Iota! It A/•«* 21 Diamond *«!• 24 l #P*w or l •Uuko 25 Un to^dmg 7t Damd 30 f nrrtbafl Id 31 Savar* Albanian la*g»v*f 32 Oandar 33 t aatl bland 3$ On* ur!* o* «h* UraHt 30 0ay» gon* hf rm 37 Sound 3t f y p*" *1 40 *Oh. t Mfy H« * 42 *J<»04 « h*1 43 forwanJ 44 (. artoon «! * tupp* 49 Qua** 50 ‘I rixjkl ho#»«r* 51 Halt 52 Saoc* 53 Kano# I DOWN 1 [)*1 davoutar. 2 *Hu1 or 3 * I .v*yu.wjfl 3 Mun? ft l U'O* 7 Atrf ion » fw»t b*M*n*n • ft >A*fV* • ft? IWItfjer •41 lh« purpo«« 1ft * I mn ItUHJtSnd Solution time 24 mint Yttltfdty't tntwor 1*12 ) (Wfrtri* wodh) 20 Hawaii godd*4* 21 22 M«< 23 Clwalmd 24 A/v «nt 26 < chart 2 7 < ham 2t On* ol IK* 2» I *l«nr1 31 ( **d« 34 Slfcfcum 35 Miwfcwn (W l 37 -f *• Ouyi 34 Sand 3f Ar1i*«« Shy* 40 *C«*ww*r «i« 41 44 CIf <>* dm ov*ry 45 W*M ol Itotywood 44 Par pad 47 Cnlry »n n«l»y < FFFl