Oregon Daily E1T161*ill(l Snow turns streets into war zone Sidelines Dj.c Chj/borvnou You may lx* wondering why this column is oppearing on the sports pages. Al though it does not deal s|X'< ifi cnlly with sports, just consider it on "outdoor < olumn." They converged onto the streets in masses Screaming mobs of lunnlii s camped out on virtually every corner on campus. |ust waiting for the next innocent vii tun to straggle into their path and re ceive a IxMting they would not soon forget The weapon used to infix t the damage' Snow The four-ini h pounding of snow Eugene received Friday night resulted in hundreds of college students letting off some post-holiday depression hy partii ipaling in the sport of snow pelting The first rioters ap|H-arcd at the corner of If>th Avenue and Alder Street This was not sur prising. i onsidering the greeks had already worked themselves up into a drunken stupor hv the time the snow started to m i u mulate at t> 10 p m. Literally hundreds of stu dents were r liuu|M«d at eai h of the corners at the intersection Each lima o ear would go by. symphonies of '‘thuds" would echo through campus as tin* helpless driver tried to slay on the rood and get past the crowd. Bicyclists were not safe ei ther In fm t, those on bicycles were actually worth more points There's nothing like hit ting a person out on a nice win ter night hike ride point blank in the ear with a snowball, huh? After witnessing this on foot, which was a relatively safe means of transportation, pro vided you c ould avoid slipping on your butt. I doc icIikI to start my own sport Snow dodging I jumped on mv hike and de cided to challenge all of the juvenile delincpients "|list see if you can hit me." 1 thought as I approached the group of snowball toting maniacs As I c nine to within a bloc k ol the crowd someone veiled. "Bicycler1!!." for a split sei ond. I i onsiderod shimming on the breaks and turning around, hut I held strong, buried mv head in my jacket and plowed through the* mtersee lion Eat this you loser, some one veiled and I was instantly open game as roc k like snow balls nailed mu from all dins lions I w as the enemy By the time I reached the fdenwood. the war was over I had made it without a bruise* or sc ratch. I was a man. dammit! Having proved my man hood. I dot ided ii was time to participate in a little snow pelt ing myself At the corner of 17th Ave nue and Hilyard Street, in front of the Hilvard Market, another mob was preying on vehicles. The students at this corner were the "hippy types.” out to have some fun in a far less rah id fashion than their greek counterparts — they actuallv let an elderly lady cross the street without on attai k Ity the time I got there, the students had hot ome bored with hitting i nrs. and inlra-in terseclion wars started to break out. People on the comers start ed to ambush one another, plot ting out attai ks and building ammunition Soon the intersection was a battlefield with snowballs fl\ mg through the sk\ in the light of the strs*etlighls Kscept for .1 few softlwll si/e iceltalls. it was good clean fun Unfortunately, one too many snowballs nailed tfit* Hilyard Market and an employee of the store stormed out of the door, and started selling at the snow heavers One guv apparently didn't take her seriously, as he jin ked up some imm' snow and started forming another gre unde The 5-ftKit-S-int.fi employee didn't take kitidlv to his nc turns She took off 111 a dead sprint across the street and Turn to SNOW. Page t? Wrestlers go down on California trip By Erick Studenicka Emerald Sports Ropo'Ioi Oregon wrestling fans might have n lough time picking out the "lowlight" of last weekend’s road trip to California. Was it the 2H-7 loss to Fresno State on Friday in which the Bulldogs won the first eight rnati hes of the meet? Or was the lowlight the 27-fi heating O.al-State Ba kersfield gave the Ducks on Saturday? Or maybe it was Oregon's first ever loss to Fullerton State on Sunday? Fresno State, with their No. lf> national ranking, was expected to he the Duck s toughest opponent of the weekend, and the Bulldogs didn't disappoint. Fresno State jumped out to a 28-0 lead before Jeff MrCov and Chris Anderson were able to salvage two wins for the Ducks. In last year's Pacific-10 Conference, only one-half point separated CSU-Bakers field and Oregon. The antici pated close rematch failed to materialize as the Roadrun ners won four consecutive middle weight matches to take a 22-3 lead. Fullerton State, seventh in the Pac-10 tournament a year ago. won the first five mate lies of the meet Sunday to take a 15-0 lead and then Turn to WRESTLERS. Page 12 Oregon athlete cited Scan Hurwell. thi* starting running back on the Oregon football team, won arrested Wednesday. Jon f>. on two < ounls of prohibited noise disturfmm e Hurwell vs.is released on hail and is si hedulod to enter Ins plea Imfore muni* ipal c:ourt on Jon. 14 bugene point' department spokesman Tint Hirr said police were summoned to Him kstone Manor Apartments, 1750 Alder St . at 10:02 p in to investigate noise complaints made by apartment ten ants At that time. Harwell was cited and asked to lower Ins stereo volume A set ond noise complaint was registered at 11:12 p in and po lii e again responded to HurweH's apartment. Hurwell was then tak en into i ustodv and given an eviction notice by the apartment management Hurwell could not Ik* reached for comment Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! A CAMPUS enjoy A FREE FAMOUS STAR HAMBURGER W CarFsJfc Place a minimum $6 or 3-day ad at our student or regular rate in person, Room 300 EMU, and we will give you a certificate for a FREE FAMOUS* STAR HAMBURGER, courtesy of CARL'S JR. Remember, you must pay for the ad in person (Rm 300 EMU only) before you receive the certificate. If you have any questions, call one of our classified salespeo ple for details at 346-4343. Only private party ads quali fy. No refunds or credits with this promotion. Certificates are limited... so place your ad today! 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS GAMMA Greek* Advocating Maforr Manager ent ot A>cohoi Intormal.GOa MpH ng Wed 113 (• M) X* T hanks k* the Sjtvt?' H^iiei t*aOi*oo Anal a grrul way »<> Mar! the iwm l eli do 4 agv*n soon* HB4* 105 PERSONALS THANKS'?* to the 3 people *♦ pushed my grey Camaro 00 10th and Aider MoxLi, at tfo mof» h*i mt>ng Hy mf- m.i ;gut*4e Campfc* WMRi_ ; A memorial service will be held tor i Goo Left and Chacmeme Joslin Wednesday. «pm. 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