Oregon Daily TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1993 EUGENE. OREGON VOLUME 94, ISSUE 79 Bascom talks about vision j Eugene’s first woman mayor outlines her plan for the city’s future By Daralyn Trappe Emerald Associate Editor Kuth Bascom used her swearing in Monday as Eugene's first woman mnv or to outline a vision for the i ity tfi.il includes (letter trans|>or1ation, a new library and an effort to attruc t more visitors Bascom took her oath of ottu e at the Unit (.enter before a crowd ol about 200 people Also sworn in Moil day were niw i ity councilors Kevin Hornbut klr (Ward i). Nancy Nathan son (Ward H) and Barbara Keller (Ward 2) Shawn Boles, who repre sents Ward 7, was sworn 111 (or a se< ond term Basconi’s husfiand and six children joined her on stage as she spoke ahout her desire to continue the positive things the city is doing and to put some new items on tfie city's agenda In the "let's keep moving" area. Bascom pointed first to Eugene Dei i sions. a large-scale opinion gathering survey conducted by the Eugene City Council "Our first initiative lor keeping things moving is the Eugene Decisions directive to do tilings differently,” Bascom said S’n >. t.) I'f U0M r Eugene Mayor Ruth Bascorn has a vision tor the city that Includes better transportation, a new library and increased tourism Kugoni} 1)»m isions also found sup port for maintaining corn city st»r vices Hast urn said Thu restaurant tas on thn March liallol is a response to (licit, shi) Saul, ami will ln-l|) with i ilv Slirvil <• fullllm^ ll |MSM'(1 Turn to MAYOR Page 3 Tax reform, stability top Roberts’ list jThe governor delivers state address, believes Leg islature will be successful By Lisa Kneefol f iner aid Avuk'mU' ( duo* In .1 stale address emphasizing u need lor tus reform and longterm stability. (,ov Itarbaru Rolierts delivered i rallying salvo In the Oregon legislature Mon das Rolierts also ( ailed for preserving the login \ of tin* legislature hv tinkling those i hullenges in a manner true In the traditions ol Sali m lliis legislative session is not |iist aliout managing today s < riso. Rolierts said Oregon's national image our repu tation and our plat o ill history luivo l»nn carved not by our budgets. lint bv logisla tors and govomors vs ho i tplured an ulna, took a risk and turned d into mull ty "()ur contributions yours and ininn will determine thu path wn Iravol almad and tin- legal v wu leave lielliud filling innovative past legislation that omnrgud Irom the legislature such as thu nation's tirsl ImiMIi* bill, tin* Oregon Health l’lan and Vera Kat/'s ediiialiou reform plan. Roberts said though "pre do lions swill grim" a productive session lorn to ADDRESS P.uje 6 Break-ins strike two greek houses j Kappa Sigma, Sigma Alpha Ep silon burglarized during break By Tammy Batey f me*.iid Associate Editor Fraternities Kappa Sigma. lOttt) Alder St., and Sigma Alpha Kpsilon, H1J F Nth Ave were vii tims of w inter-break burglaries. E ugene polit e re ported Members of the two fraternities have found nothing stolen. However. FPI) offn ers Mike Vanboever and Tern Fitzpatrick found the doors of one sorority and seven fraternities, including the two broken into, unlocked on Christinas 1 ).iv At the Kappa Sigma fraternity. Vanbeever and Fitzpatrick found a broken window in a mom let mg the Eugene Millrace The offic ers entered the unlocked house and saw partial I v eaten food on tfie kitchen counters said Tim birr. IT’D spokes man Police susjiect a homeless person may have broken in to seek refuge from the i old and find foot! 'As we searched the fratemitv. it was impossi ble to tell if the house had been burglarized due to thi1 disarray and mess of the entire area." Vnnbeever said in tns report kappa Sigma freasurer Derek ha/ee said frater llily members ( lean up the house Indore breaks and did not leave the house in disarray A new window has (wen installed, whu h ka/ee said would lust about Slot) "We've had break-ins before where computers and stereos were stolen." he said " This is noth mg to us compared with what has happened in the past." Vanlteevor and Fitzpatrick found a broken In, mg room window at Sigma Alpha Fpsilon At this house, the pair also had difficulty determining if anything had !>een stolen tiecuuse dirty dishes were thrown around the living room and the house smelted of urine and vomit, according to the polo e report Mike Mnhanev. Sigma Alpha Kpsilon memlier. said he was the only person living in the house when it was broken into Dei 2:», two days tiefore Vanbeever and Fit/patru k saw the broken win dow Mnhanev said he was sleeping in an up stairs bedroom but woke at 1 a in when he heard footsteps downstairs Mahaney said he looker) out his window and Turn to BURGLARY Page b IT**) t>y OyiJtn C SANTA MONICA. Qlif {APi - Hasid Letterman will defcn 1 to ( HS bt .ms.- NBC won I but!!}.' Tonight Shun host ]a\ Leno in favor of 1-rlierman. CBS Entertainment President ft-ff Saganskv said Monday We v e lieeri pursuing him for su months and it s all going to pay off. Saganskv said of U-tterman during the network s winter press tour to pn • view new programs NBC where l/itr Sight »i!h [kind Lrttprmon currently follows Thr Tonight Shim has until Kriday to counter CBS s .ffer Hut Saganskv s|x>ke Monday as though a l^tterman move to CHS was a done deal We re going to get him lies our guy. hesaid SPORTS MISSION VIKJO. Calif (AP) They will no longer !»• nomads, living out of a suili aw and eating roomservii e fare, and they will no longer lx- fort ed lo beg and Ixmtow a prat lit e field. The U.S. sot i er team finally has a home Preparing for what they hope wdl be a drive to the World Cup title m 1*KM in the Kow Bowl in Pasadena the young men who mate up the Amerit an team report ed Monday to the new mio er training site at Mission Vie|0 For the first time. Amerit an sot t er players will have a permanent fatality where players t an train daily