Arizona to celebrate its first King holiday PHOENIX (AP) — Arizona is set to emerge from two decades of conflict, embarrassment and a boycott i hampmned by Stevie Won der when it celebrates its first offii utl Martin 1.other king !r holi day this month. • Wonder will be on hand and may even sing, Arizona voters approved the holiday in Novemlver. making New Hampshire the only stale without a holiday spe< ificallv honoring king, although it does c elebrate Civil Rights Day on the same day "This yvill lie the first time it's a celebration instead of a ( elehra lion-protest." said the Key Warren Stewart, pastor of the Institu tional Baptist Church in Phoenix and a longtime king holiday sup porter. The biggest celebrations yvill be in Phoenix, where thousands were expected to attend a city-sponsored prayer breakfast on Fri day. Wonder was scheduled to attend, along with Rosa Parks, whose refusal to give up her sent and move to the hat k of the bus triggered a 1955 boycott in Montgomery, Ala A march from downtown to the state Capitol on Jan 1H, the date ot the holiday this year, also was expei ted to draw thousands Ral lies, prayer vigils and concerts were planned by cities, churches and schools across Arizona. Although most of state government yvill i lose lor the holiday, it will be a ysork day for lawmakers and their stalls But House Speaker Mark killian. a Republican, the holiday won't he ignored by legislators Routine committee hearings will In canceled so members can attend the king Day rally and other events, he said. Phoenix will hold its king Day breakfast at the downtown Amer ica West Arena, the new JO.000 seat arena where the pro basketliall Phoenix Suns play. Rose Newsome of the Phoenix Kqtial Opportunity Department, which is organizing the event, said mom than 500 singers and dancers will perform Dozens of celebrities and civil rights leaders also were scheduled to attend. Attorney wants seal on verdict t.OS ANC.KI.KS (AH A (Mens*' attorney in the Rod ney king last1 savs tie will ask the judge in the civil rights trial nf four offii crs to seal the verdu ts. giving po lice lime to prepare for ( nil unrest Ira Sulzman, attornev for police Sgt Stacnv koon, said lie is mild make the request on Wednesday to t' S Dis tn< t judge John (. Davies "I'm going to ask that if a dec ision is reached in the case, the verdicts not !><■ un sealed until police ciltic ers am on alert," Salzmun said He said sealing the ver dicts c mild help prevent ri ots such as those lol lowed the April acquittal of Rood and three other offi 8 r s on state hr u t a 1 i t v charges related to the video taped heating ot king in 19m The civil rights charges were Tiled against the offi cers after the riots That trial is si heduled to tiegin I eh i The U of O Bookstore Guaranteed Book Program In An Over Enrolled Class? No Required Text Available? We can help! All YOU do is to: □ Fill out a Textbook Special Order Form upstairs, under our Guaranteed Book Sign by lanuary 18thl O Prepay for your book (A must). 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