Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 11, 1993, Page 6, Image 6

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Group moves meeting
in Colorado boycott
MIAMI BEACH. Fla. (AH — Hispanic jour
nalists voted Saturday to tnov« their annual
convention from Colorado because of the
state’s new ban on civil rights protection for
The National Association of Hispanic Journalists board voted
lit to cam el its Denver convention scheduled for March, making
it the latest to join a national boycott of Colorado to protest the
Nov 1 passage of Amendment 2. The board also said it wouldn t
return to Colorado until the law was repealed or nullified
'1 hope some will respect our decision because of flow emotional
and difficult it was." said Diane Alverio. president of the 1,400
member NAHJ. who works at WFSB-TV in Hartford. Conn It's di
vided the organization quite a hit
Ernest Curule. vice president and a reporter for KWCN-TV in
Denver, voted against the move "Ms position as a journalist is you
fight hate with knowledge, ' Cumle said.
NAHJ's plans to hold the conference in Colorado set off a dispute
with the National lesbian and Gay Journalists Association, which
voted last week to Iwycott the event unless the convention was
The gav journalists' association issued a statement Saturday
praising the action, and vowed to help NAHJ with the move and to
ns over any losses
We understand the diffu ultv. and we are gratified by this deci
sion." said la-rov Aarons, president of the gav journalists' group.
■ We think it's a victory for a free press and for minority journalists
Amendment 2 burs the passage of any law that would provide
spe< ifu civil rights protis tions based on sexual orientation. It an
nuls ordinances passed in Aspen, Boulder and Denver that extend
ed such protections.
Among the groups that hove canceled conventions to honor the
hovi ott are the U S. Conference of Mayors, the American Associa
tion of Uw Libraries and the National Organization for Women.
Los Angeles. Atlanta. Chicago. Seattle and Boston have prohibit
ed offn ial travel to Colorado and the spending of public funds in
the state
So fur. Denver has lost an estimated $15 million in convention
Father of slain woman
calls for racial calm
CHARLKNTON. SC. IAP) — The father of a woman who nun
have Ix-en raped and murdered because site was white lias called
for ra< iuI < aim after the arrests of seven black suspects
"Revenue is no way to solve a problem." Clair Mel-aurhlm of De
troit said Saturday We don't want it. we don't want anything else
horrible to happen "
Missy Mt Dim him. 25. accidentally baked herself out of lier
house oil Dei to and was crossing the street to a grocery store
when she was pu ked up by several men. police said
She was taken to a mobile home where she was assaulted, then
put hi .1 car, shot five times in the head and once in the arm. and
dumped on a highway polii e said
One suspect. Matthew Mai k. reportedly told police that
Mi Dim him was attacked liei ause iit 400 ve.irs ol oppression
sini e hlai kx were brought to this i ountry .is slaves
Navy agents investigating the killing said one suspei t had a din
ument they desi rihed as a rai i.d diatriln- about white oppression of
hlai ks that said revenge was justified
I up men and two women have tievn charged m the case, and a
missing Navy officer. Petty Offiier 2nd Class |ne Gardner, is being
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