Clinton pick favors Oregon plan WASHINGTON (AP) Health Secretary- designee Donna Shalaia is "favorably disposed” to a federal waiver for Oregon's plan to ration health care services to the poor. Sen Hot) Pack wood said. Packwood, ranking Republican on the Senate Commerce Committee, met with President-elect Clinton's appointee Friday in preparation for her confirmation hearing scheduled tiefore the com mittee next week. The senator has been sharply critical of the Bush administration's refection last year of Ore gon's waiver request. The state has submitted a revised plan, which is awaiting consideration b\ the Department of Health and Human Servic es “She was reasonably familiar with the issue She had been briefed well. She is favorably dis posed toward it.” Pac kwood told the Assoc iated Press after the meeting in his office Friday. "It is not an irrevocable commitment, but she knew the subject well and said she thought what Oregon was trying to do was verv worthy,” he said. The state's novel health plan would have Medi caid cover more low-income people bv restricting the number of services paid for by the federal state health insurance program Using a priority list i mated by Oregon's l.egis lative Kmergencv Hoard. the Legislature would decide how manv wruiw would h«* covered a< cording to how much monov was available for the program Waivers of federal Medium! regulation* are needed before the state inn lauru h the ex|Hsri nmnt The plan would extend Medicaid coverage to an estimated 120,(XK) additional Oregonians Pa< IswtKxl said Shalnla pointed out that Clinton had said during his campaign that he supported the Oregon waiver However. Pat k wood said he was worried that Clinton's position could change because of opposition from Vice President-elect Al Gore. The senator said Friday he gave Shalaia "an inch-thick packet of editorials" from newspapers nationwide advocating the waiver Shalaia said she understood that objections voiced by Hush's Health Secretary Louis Sullivan were being addressed in Oregon’s revised plan. Pack wood said The new list has f>88 health servic es ranked by priority, and 568 would be covered by Medicaid with the money now available The former list in i luded 7(8) serve es The state also has done away with a telephone survey that asked respondents to rate the serious ness of various health conditions. Critics argue that unscientifu poll discriminated against the disabled f ALL YOU CAN EAT ij SPAGHETTI WITH BREAD M (with coupon) 1 « » Ji ft I 'in « Aturr on timpm one coupon per customer • expires < I5l>' PLAY YOUR HEART OUT! Winter Intramural* A Special Event* Com* to the RIM office at Ger linger 103 or call E*t. 4113 for detail* BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU We've Got It A11! Conic in for a Winter Tune-Up! You've heard the ominous facts, thought about it a long time, and now you want to... STOP SMOKING!! — Come join the American Cancer Society's Freshstart program to kick the smoking habit. — Freshstart provides participants with tin* essential information and strategies needed to direct their own efforts to quit smoking. — This is a Smoking Cessation Workshop held on 4 consecutive Mondays. Beginning Monday Jan. 25th (ongoing) 2:00 - 3:20 p.m. Medical Library in the Student Health Center * $10 refundable deposit if you attend all 4 sessions Sponsored by the Lifestyle Planning Program in the Student Health Center Preregister by Calling 346"4456 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON new! new! instant color select IN GRAPHICS thru Jan 16th, 1993 xacto knives & blades % Off i spray adhesives krylon • 3m • blair % Off! stainless steel rules staedtler • bates % Off! letraset color tag system • applicator machine • base • two pkgs color strips • instructions 96 color strip sheets 35* 25 sheet box 7 87 fontek digital fonts 60 letraset display fonts for Mac users 96 ea student • fac ulty • staff owned 1 3th & Ur T aid • r: sat 346 433 1