QUESTION: What is Elvis' current occupation? “He's singing, ‘You ain't nothing but a hound dog' to God.” SUSIE SOTKA junior, international studies “Elvis is a used car dealer in Grand Prarie, Texas.” MATTHEW WEATHERLY junior, leisure studies Isn't he dead9' HIRO ONO senior, international studies “He probably works for JFK at a garage in Manhattan.” JOSH COX junior, pre-journalism “He's probably talking to my father in Alaska." KATE LYNCH junior, pre-business "Home shopping Network salesman.” JOE QRUBE senior, English WHITELAW Continued from Page 1 "Take Drain or Roseburg," (it? said ''They’ve got tourism, but they’re highly dependent on the forest products industry l ake away the liasu se< • tors, you reduce the overall economy, and it II spiral downward." Whitelaw also raised the ire of the tourism in dustry in his article by calling its role in Oregon’s economy overrated; tourism employs only 2 per cent to 4 percent of the state’s work force, he said The Oregon Tourism Division defended itself last Wednesday in an editorial in The Register Guard, writing that tourists often return to Oregon to set up businesses. Whitelaw also took on agriculture, once a large Oregon employer. Today, it employs only 4 per cent to ti percent of Oregon's workers, ft" said, and what he calls the Big Ihree tintfter, tour ism and agrii tilture - are no longer the «honomii drivers VVhitelaw said ho vs,is surprised his article re ceived so muc h attention. “I thouglit it would be a yawner," fie said But the issue at stake, he said, is more than pist these industries' reputations "Lots of policies at the stale and local level like taxes and education — are influenced a lot or a little by how we perceive the ranking of those industries." he said For the the state to manage its resources wisely, it must re* ognize the Big Three ure no longer so big. he said. "As long as our perceptions fail to reflect reali ty. our economic policies will suffer," VVhitelaw said. ET ALS MHTINt-S I Ivan of Mixlrnlt will offer a hwblan l>i*rx .»ti drop in group an Welcome Ha* k from l 10 lo > 30 p m at the k(ii(MK)i4 ('.enter 1414 hint aid ,St Tor inure informal ion. rail Mtv 114.' Philippine student Or|«mi4lton will mart tonight fmm S to B in 3Ml' (nUr Room C Tor ptorv infortnolott i all fill: U * 4 Aaklepiadt will meet for general planning ami t>iil4 for all member* tonight at * in t.Mf ( War Ktmm K l or inom infontvMton call mi jwm Mt,S4 S1U.ANMM IS C areer Planning and Placement Servwe wiil have an office • >> irritation today from 10 30 to 11 30 a nr There will alto be a feai.-.iie writing wnrkduip from - 10 to 4 pm in Room 22 1 llemiru kit lor iimmu m&RmaUon ami registration g>» to Hoorn 244 Hetvdrfe k« Gay. Leibian, and Bisexual Stq/f and Faculty and their friends Kotnnma (tenter lilt Klncatd ■I :i0 p in p.rn. • TwrjK(ft«. Jmmm 12 'Challenges anil Issues nj Being 'Out' and a Stall or Faculty Member" • Tuesday. February 9 'University oj Oregon I lesbian. Bisexual Women, and Friends Stelal and Networking Meeting' • Tuesday. March 9 ; *(/n.« u $4 My Name VtKxItx) (icai'shitt Supernova Wednesday i<$4 IT* Treepeople Funnel head IXvp Down Trauma Hounds Dirt Hoy Music Starts at 10pm Mon Sat Music starts at 8pm Sundays Bring Your Quarters Guido's 13th & Alder 343-0681 THIS WEEK Planning on buying Mult Center Urkrta'' Then why not do It at the Main De«k where you ' .in choeae your oum moating* Other Senrlcet it the Mein Desk Store • KWKH A NWNC. Pay Station • l.’PS Shipping • Stamp* Now Available Al Che EMU Breezeway (Chemical Free .Java!) lu»u*hl io >. U U O9KK0 <•