Men brick opportunity at Stanford By Dave Charbonneau f merald Spoils Editor The Orison men's basketball loam led by five at halflimtt. but blow it in the second half, los ing to Stanford 71-66 in Palo Alto Saturday Tho loss put the Ducks in an oarly-soason hole* at 0-2 in th»* Pacific--10 Conference. Satur day's garni* was onn of Oregon's liest chain os to win a Pni -10 gains on tin* road, as tin* (Cardi nal canto into the game at 1-7 overall and wore picked by many to finish near the bottom of the conferem o Tho Dm ks simply didn't i ap itali/e on the opportumtv Oregon shot a season-low tH percent from the field, hut still managed to build a 2H-20 lead in the first half, thanks to five of eight shooting from three point rangt! Oregon missed 11 of its first 14 shots in the second half as the Ducks watched Stanford turn a 32-27 halftime deficit into a 37-37 tie five minutes into the second half The Cardinal continued to roll and built an 11-point lead with five minutes left in the game Oregon cut the lend to 1)4 fit with one minute remain ing. hut Stanford hit five of six free throws in the final minute to put the Ducks away Two games into the Pot-10 season. Oregon is already start ing to resemble Inst year's Due k team that relied heavily on the m ormg of Antoine Stoudamire For the second straight game. Stoudamire was the only Ore gon plaver to score in double figures. with 20 Stoudainire hit seven of the Ducks' 19 field goals. The same Duck team that had 3 2 ussists two games ago against Hartford had only 12 dishes against Stanford Brent Williams s< ored a ca reer-high 25 points for the (ar dinal. and point guard Marcus 1-ollie scored 11 points and had 11 assists. The good news for Oregon is that it returns home for a gome Thursday at Mi Arthur Court. The l»ad news is the Ducks will have to fan* 10-3 UCLA. Satur day night, the Dm ks will face H i l JSC- at Miii (.ourt Stanford upped its league re cord to 1 1 on the season after losing to Oregon State in its f’nc-10 ojwner DUCKS Continued from Page 9 egon came hack to tic the game 34-34 at halftime, The game remained dose throughout the first 14 minutes of the second half before Stanford begun pushing the twill in side to ft-foot-3 Val Whiting. 6-foot-3 Rn< hel Hammer and f> foot-5 Anita Kaplan to wear the Due ks down Whiting. Hem mer and Kaplan combined for 14 points in tin* se< ond half, just four points less than Oregon's team total of 38 points "When Wilson fouled out. thev didn’t have the size to match up against us." Stanford head coach Turn VnnIVrveer said. "I think our depth hurt them; we wen' able to put in fresh people, ond they couldn't The Ducks stayed competitive during the first two minutes after Wilson fouled out and trailed only 72-67 after a free throw by Cindy Murphv Murphy came off the bench to lead the Ducks with 17 points and seven rebounds Missy Stowell s< ored seven points and dished out seven assists for Oregon Oregon finished the game shooting only 41.5 percent from the field, and Stanford shot 64 percent in the second half to end the game at St 5 percent The Ducks now travel to I .os Angeles to face UCLA on WednesdiiN and I SC on Saturdns Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! ENJOY A /\ CAMPUS FREE FAMOUS STAR® HAMBURGER W CarFsJfc Place a minimum s>b or 3-day ad at our student or . regular rate in person. 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