( )r*j{on IXuly l-'meraiifs Weekly Mu»k, TheiUer, Dance, Movie, Video ,nui Nightlife Guide Music Friday, January 8 Sun Runner (original funk, rock) in th« I MU Beer Garden Doors open at 4 pm, mus* at S pm Jimmy Lloyd Rea and The Switchmakers al Good T imes 9 30 pm Ganja Farmer* (rock) at Taylors 9 |>m Elvis Birthday Bash (rock) at John Henry n 10 pm Unshakable Mace and The Dubslitutes rap *rxJ reggae) at the WOW Hail 9 30 pm Saturday. January 9 Walker T Ryan al Det>erl s 8 30 pm Jimmy Lloyd Rea and The Switchmaster* Uu«? at Good T imes 9 30 pm Sons of Cain (rock; at T ay lor s 9 30 pm Oswald Five O/The Smugglers/Compost/The Evaporators , which is located in northern Guatemala. Keid picked beans and vegetables with Ihe women and children While the men plant and harvest the corn, the women .ire responsible for Ihe maintenance of other crops Turn to CONTINUITY, Page 10 Reading the Latest Sailor Song bv Ken Kesey Review by I A Spurlm ll look 520 pages of v igneltes, flash backs, and mu' of his children's stories to firing Ken Kesey out of the woodwork with tm latest novel, 'Sailor Song 1'he story is set mostly in an Alaskan fishing village/garbage dump sometime in the early 21st century, with seemingly irrelevant sidetracking to Fresno, La Jolla, the Oregon Caves, and a religious cult leader's cooperative farm/prison camp. "Sailor Song” does not go far enough into the future to be called fantasy; more than anything it is merely speculation. Designer drugs have a small but inter esting role in the story, and the United Nations is implicated as at least a region al governing-type fixture, but that point is never made very’ clear into the garbage dump comes Hollywood to film "The Sea Lion." Kesey’s children's story, and to the dump's bay comes a monstrosity <>f a molor-yachl; basically, a shiny metal object for the socially deprived residents of the dump, Villagers band together in the Loyal Order of the Underdogs for the purpose, really, of raising hell and shooting guns in the name of boredom. All the characters are highly devel oped, and every detail of every location is described beyond necessity, but the story' just wanders; no wonder the twok is so long. "Sailor Song" has at least six major sub-plots, but no central focus, no real reason to be save merely random enter tainment. Yet the story is so hilar. it uses vicious, dark comedy so wi,, pointed one can't help but smell the same gamey fish-rot Kesey smelled, and taste the same nasty Mad Dog. But il goes nowhere Why dors Kesey lt*ll about the hydrocephalic girl and hrr mother7 How cornu one of I hr most interesting sub-plots is rrsolvrd most hackhnndedly? Do th« two gratuitous fishing scrnrs exist only so the book's title can, however remotely, relate to tin story? How come there is no main theme to the story? Perhaps the most infuriating example of Krsey's neglect involved how one of the more interesting characters. Billy the Squid, died He wasn't identified when they found the body, only later did it get mentioned in passing, as if by accident. All the loose ends .ire left to total spei ■ ulation on the reader's part Granted, everything does not needs to he com pletely spelled out in the end. But there are so many questions unanswered, "Sailor Song" is a great big SO WHAT.