Intimate Candlelight Dining in Historic Building Fine Italian and Continental Cuisine Live Jazz 7 Nights a Week -No Cover 25^ Fast Fifth Avenue 343-8488 . r ✓ A OSSHE to review faculty workload By Colleen Pohlig E meta!0 As'.(x aie Director Oregon Stale Svstnm of High er Kducation < hancellor Thom as li.irth‘ll announced laic last month that a system-wide re view of faculty workload and produi tivitv would tx-gin at the eight (ISSUE. st bools We musl address how we use our si an e resouri es and what we might do to redirect them.' Hart let! said in a press release A sjes ial task force made up of representatives from all eight OSSHh campuses and a repre s e n t a t i v e fro ill t h e Interinstitulional f ai ulty Sen ate was formed to conduit tin review Task lone chairman Charles K It Wright, a University matli ematii s professor, said he be lieves the review was prompted bv a "wave sweeping the ( ouil trv of professor-bashing " "A nig purt of our task is to help legislators understand what it is professors do with their time. and. secondarily, that it's probably what they should he doing with their time," Wright said Wright said he Ih-Iieves the chain ellor will use the infor [nation to "respond to i om erns expressed by legislators re quest for information, and to legislative initiatives that seem off the mark "The task ton e has an extra ordinarily important and diffi • ult i barge," Bartlett said "They are at the cutting edge of the national debate over one of our prim ipal institutional and public issues how f.n ulty are photo Chancellor Thomas Bartlett has ordered a review of faculty work load, efficiency and productivity at the eight Oregon state schools. deployed. 'll is difficult because film It y do so many things." he said, "leaching is one. hut there is also research and public ser vile, which not only enhance the classroom experience, but also the quality of life in Ore gon and its ei onomv " the task force is charged vsith tvso major responsibilities, the first is to gather and review information on workload and productivity at OSSHF institu tions and to i ompare this infor mation with reports from other state schools The sei ond responsibility is to look at how the state’s schools use the available re sources. such as tei hnology, and then make some recom mendations for changes in the balance of faculty workload and the structure of state schools, Wright said. "Kaoh of us in offices, in labs, etc. all across the country ask ourselves, 'How should I allo cate my time better?' " Wright said. “It's not a new idea" The task force, which has met once so far, plans to peri odically submit its findings and recommendations to the ( han cellor. Wright said he doesn't expect the group to exist past the end of the legislative ses sion. "We're under a great deal of pressure to get what the chan cellor can use; he wants it yes terday." Wright said. “Howev er. we're under less time pres sure to see how we can do tilings differently," 1 t PLAN TO ENROLL FROM JAN. 4 THRU JAN. 15 FOR THE ASUO STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE It May Be The Wisest Investment You Make In The New Year! That's what you'll pay to protect your most valuable asset - your health. For coverage into September ‘93 which will provide you with protection that could save you hundreds, possibly thousands, later if you get sick or injured. ‘The plan may be purchased for $186 Quarterly. Also inquire about: • Dependent Coverage • Optional Catastrophic Benefits At The STUDENT HEALTH CENTER 13th & Agate St. • 346-3702