Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! CAMPUS PN mvA FREE FAMOUS STAR® HAMBURGER Place a minimum $6 or 3-day ad at our student or „ regular rate in person, Room 300 EMU, and we will give you a certificate for a FREE FAMOUS STAR HAMBURGER, courtesy of CARL'S JR. Remember, you must pay for the ad in person (Rm CodfcJfc 300 EMU only) before you receive the certificate. If you have any questions, call one of our classified salespeo ple for details at 346-4343. Only private party ads quali fy. No refunds or credits with this promotion. Certificates are limited... so place your ad today! ( LASSII ii;d POLICIES Placement Ads may he placed at R«*wtt I Ml (main «>Mkc) **f I'O ti. *>i%infr. Mam ll<*-r Pay menl • mi ads mum be pit pud unk i billing has been established ( .,|| * U 4 U \ t..r billing ar ran gemenu • VISA M( in jncpted Deadlines I inr Ads ! p m *>c (hi sine ssdav pnnf li» inscflnci Display Ads: I p m . iw.* iHjMncvs days pine in in serin*! ( opy Acceptance • The 01)1 nrsc»ve* ihc right in revise, reclassify. reject <* camel any ad ai an) lime • A sample nf all mail nfiJcr items must be submitted pen* m ihc pttbiicafnm »»( ihe advert i sc mem • No advertising (nf term paper sales i* editorial writing and nr research writing will be accepted • Ihc ODI will m4 accept ads obtaining a I KW ph«»nc number 105 personals Erik*. How many day* are left? Ju»t wondering. Tam 115 TYPING SERVICES AI344 07M RODIN GRAD SCHOOL APPROVE0 • ytvw ft * ground Term p,*.*-' * f ‘»• •• ON CAMPUS X) THE TYPING PRO W(*d Pftx ©n-vn^ldrt'^g Tyt-' g Thete* Dissertation* on Laser C.i 60>0O06 anyvw Peygy • Typing Service I tpeoeru ad typrst odenng mwv«.(H on IBM compute* system **nd ’-us#* printer RaasonatAe rates Call Peggy at 342 4660 PR Of ESS K)N A l TYPING Also word processing <***'xj I H*e pck uj vde<«vtw v Honda 93S ’ D#.’ THE WORO SPECIALISTS Word Processing A Desktop Put*>^*ng Grad ScThx* Approved l aaer punted edrting. graph**. drsa»rla!«on» ft'.me* resume*. transparence* & more1 CINOY_464-M34 TYPING UNLIMITED Barter* land — tfclM] Sarvsng UO araa unca <961 Typinghaord procaaaing ,’5< dou- ! bl»*pacad laaar paga 24 hr turn around Fraa campua prlupdmi : Jjaat raaurna. M 50 M< >002 , no FOR SALE MISC GENTLEMENS ENCORE CASH FOR 501 LEVIS I nil "illicit, Couch #nd »wi»fl rock#* my* t«ul si* conrfy. $60 k* bo*t' car dwfev## ms stm_ GUITARS GAL OR I' M ;*e h*■-,i\ Aiv.. ivvl v««0» Buy mr*} *m» OriB' Jfc 1 A *>»» Roll#* SIkW Pronto* **• Sf.wK.sjV'/cO Mjird Mt<* Mv &*«■ .. Hatr*? ’■***:?■% m >■'* 5U)G <*b.» K/f. i 2 F#Uh No Nk>#* !*. fc*!» $20 tot both Call M2 4*47 Fac* it. ttvoM Go* it t0*n a may look b*tt©» oo tomaon* elk* Th* ClOttMMk Hon* no t om M5-S099 us BUY OR TRADE WANTED SONY t>» man m pwtoc.1 tt-.j*sa Cal l Hen MIT 4976 us CARS TRUCKS Government seized »«h< '<»'* *»om $ TOO f O' .1 *. Me*( «*V«C Co#YP(Hn Cbevy* Surplus Buy«i Cnede (1) 80*. 962 6000 t it S 9M/_ i960 Drtaun 210&L $650 obo Can l .v n-sui 669 1MM Renault Encore S&OOobo 340 0949 days. 663 7013 everwngs 87 Nissan Sen ire ( fpd JOOd tone* U)n. >w m4aV $?90G'O6O Shu f er* 686-063? 155 BICYCLES Womans 27 Ian spaed bike floss (Wand I ou*. good corn! 'x-xvx-:xx'xv>sxx-xx-x-:v $ RECYCLE x X TH/S $ 1>A /> F H 19$ TRAVEL EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS Call 346-4343 Spring Break in Hawaii, Mexico. jmr SMlfMdK* * *** iMAqdu <1M* .. CJUX! MM' ***** MM' MM' MM* I !■ * I Council Travel 1 \*> S W Mfiwr •**». <» # AWS »5 OPPORTUNITIES PULL THE WOO*. OVER YOUR OWN EVES So *»yt**' tioti MS OPPORTUNITIES 205 OPPORTUNITIES HEALTH INSURANCE Remember iO »« «Tiro* 10 CXX»tinu« you Sudani Health Inturanot * you purchased covivag* *c* *«r» t>nly Co*J S’86 JJB* !«*m Whwt Student Car*#* Room tOt last (toy to enrol* »s If*dfty. January iSth* __ 210 HELP WANTED THE FAMILY CENTER { MU n ey__J EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY f cx student leader shp YWCA .not a refegou* group) * now h*nng 3 poefeons. work study preferred Furtfier tfrio c*rf 344 21Q? OctttnQ date U19 coc___ Crutseship Alaska jobs Si 200 S500C Summer* Career1 Guide Cateefle. NmMOTC*1 (916) 922 22? 1 Ei1 176 law Enforcement Jobs- $17,542 Sft6 682/y* Poke* Shan* Stale Patrol Correctional Othcixt Call (1) 006 962 €000 f «1 K 9642 Oegon Dally Emerald seeks office help for our ad department Assist Office Manager with variety of tasks, including paperwork, reception duties, end phone inquires Must be UO student end be available 15-20 hours per week, mornings preferred Must be highly organized, pay attention to detail, and possess good math and communication skills Familiarity with advertising newspapers a plus Pick up application et Emerald Office (suite 300 EMU) Applications due Wad Jan 13. Spm 205 OPPORTUNITIES Are you worried about succeeding in your courses this term? Aiadermc l ear mng Sorvicwi ottod sma8 group Mo»vaK kx rrw* fofitiwtrtg coudM MAIM lm MATH 111 MAIM 11? MAIM ?41 MAIM ?4? MATH ?43 maim n\ MATH 252! 3 30 pm UH ? 00 pm UH ? JO pm WW 3 30 pm UH ? 30 |*m MW 3 30 i>m MW 1 30 pm MW 3 00 pm UH ? 00 pm UH 3 30 UH J 30 j»m UM CH 777 PC TO? FM 10? f M ?Q? Gin 10? GPR2Q? PH ?Q? SPAN 10? SPAN?Q? 3 30 pm MW .1 30 Jim MW 2.30 pm MW 3 00 pm UN 3 30 pm MW ,* 30 pm MW 1 JO pm MW 7 00 pm UM 7 JO pm MW J JO pm MW II y.Hi *»it micirueU *n -me i*t *t A< *Jcm» I coning Scr\*c* b* 1*1 l Thr lcc i' W<4) prt grinjp II >*hj nccJ miaanct in o*ur*r% .*br» than it**** liunl jN»%c «*ui u**«ial icjfiUf> pr>»%klr name' -wk! »ckg>hi*c number' »»! *404 Mini For morr In lo< motion contact Acadenv leorreng Srman 68 PIC 34*3228 ACADEMIC LEARNING SERVICES WINTKR TKRM IWSOIKDl I K TEST PREPARATION WORKSHOPS («MK. lYrftaraliun: $60 Uiiiitt A >«* II. IV It KK IS. 27. N* 1 ' 00 pm h TO pm It** I h*iKt rtan ' Ui pw* I (i) pm I«NA1 I'rrparaikm: W Lm IS 20. 21. 2A. J7 2» » I Kl|M Mllf.,. Irt 2 IKT rum I Uprn 7 0D pm (.MAT l"rr|ural»w J?S Ji*i HiurvlUv* Uvr m * !•( fmtf ' (I) put tMt i; !*»• i«t c»jtn * (I) pm 6 ¥ > prn MCA I l*iT|Mral*u«« $2ttI N-bb »». XV V M«th 27. Aj»iJ t **<»>««, 4.l)po. I*i jk t»t cijtn VtDfw.t 4 («> poi To register cimiUc t A.i-S. at >46-3226 t 210 HELP WANTED New Ymti Resolution new term new classes. r.0m money* international Company seeks motivated ‘ndrvxXials to help w?th Eugene e*pannon Part hm* that c*n e«p*ode mto a M time c,a»eer t>s*ngual a plus CaH 683 9489 »»t 20 NOTETAKER’ne*^ tw PSY 375. must have taken class before prefer upper 6&36 We wMt be on campus 2/1/93 trom H 4 m toe EMU, rooms i -edar A and B SUMMER JOBS Tenrus Jobe Summer ch‘k>ens camps northeast men and women w»to good tennis background who can leach chocken to p*ay tennis Good salary room and board, travel aftowance Women cal' or write Camp Vega PO Bot 1771. Duibury MA 02332 (617) 934-6536 Me- call or write Camp Wmartu 5 G*en lane Mamaroneck NY 10543 (914) 381 5983 We wtU be on campus 2> 1 /93 f»om 114 m toe E MU rooms Cedar A and B SUMMER JOBS Water* onf fOCr* WSl Summe* Qh.kkens Gamps Northeast men and #om#p who can teach chadr en to :nw»/rt coach wnm tearr *»a*e’ “-» ItiiatitonvtrxA&arekyot). sari Inboard frv>lo»s beautiful t*x>) and takes Good %,aiaf y room and board •' av-ei afrowance Mr :_oh o» w»’!r Camp A'AacJu. 5 CJien Lane Mjmafi*'ec* NY •0643 <9*4i 3e« 6963 Avion can Of write Camp Vega PC Ben 1771, Du *bu r * MA 023X' f61 7;934«&36 An wifi be on campus 2 • *J3 Irom 11 4 n the [ MU - t^oms Cedar A .* ,i B Upper class student Marketing needed to* Wmte* and Spring l#rm Appro* 10 hrvwee* Vary tleabale schedule Sand Short iMum* by Friday January 14 to David Funk. Unrverwly Mousing, iSth and Agate FOC • POSTAL JOBS • Anenfcon E ugane area, start S11 ♦ benefits. kx appkcafton and info cafi 1 216 324-67 79. 7am to 10pm 215 WORK STUDY WORK STUDY HELP WANTED m Overseas Study sector of international Education Must aisc be available to vwxfc during *>993-94 If nteresled, caff Moreen at 346 '20b Wort Study Student 6 to 15 hrwk, $6 to $Mv. travefrng exhibition pro gram needs assistant Build wooden crates, pack e*hibrt*ons. some ottice work, mu5! know power toofs* Prefer student >n art related fiekJ CaB 466 123C Poster Crew Position i. campus refute Work Study reputed Ca« f MU Cuffu'M Forum $m»* 2 EMU at 346 4373 As* lor Ar-dre Boon The EMU Child Care and Develop ment Cntre nave positions j.a at «r kx teachers a«des Teachers odes need no prev e*p. must have a good sense o< humor tots of enlhtiS*aaro. and a strong sense ot commitment Ca» 346 4364 to schedule bm« at one of our 7 early chddhood programs THE FAMILY CENTER Room 23. EMU has a povton avail able for a work study student The poeWon IS funded for up to 10 hours per week. Dubes may vary primary /ot> is to serve as support saff for the Family Center For more .ntolo ap pfy, caff Karen Loqvm at 346-2962 215 WORK STUOY Work-Study office assistant nndid for Winter and Spring terms, 1993 $4 1Shr. Duties: filing, copying, typ ing Responsible for producing vari ous gift acknowledgements Will as* slst m donor prospect evaluation through research of data base and U of O Foundation materials Re quires typing, escellent penman ship, and ability to follow instruc tions carefully Contact Pat. College of Arts and Sciences Development Office. 118 Friendly Hall. 346-3903 WORK-STUDY POSITION BEGINNING WINTER 1993 TERM Seeing to f*tt r*cept*onist'cler>cal pos* ton m Counseling Psychology training Ci*nc Eiteilent persona) interaction shills and ability to worh independently are essential ideal positron for majors in helping professions S5 96.^1 r For more information please call Donna Gould at 346-432t OREST VILLAG QUIET, QUIET, QUIET Enjoy the beauty of woods and wiKlMe in super floor plan 2 BEDROOMS, iv, BATH • Bus to Campus • Swimming Pool ■ We»ghff rtness Mm • Saunas S495 A SS15WONTH S E Eugene (Donald A Foihoilow) 687-1318 CAMPUS Adoratta l Odrm *rth hardwood floors S*00 wfleas* ♦ de*> Dove Cry 77b f ifet-i Cal' M* 89A>msg Campus Apartments Furnished 142 Bedrooms Winter rates $375 4450 485-2823 CAMPUS TWIN APTS 736 f Share kitchen Furnished $295>'mo. $200 dee *n!h lease On site laundry 343- 1QQ9. /47 5216 o cottage Fireplace $385# *n etudes utilities, parting 100 E 24TH AVENUE 1 bedroom apt Nees laundry 1844 KINCAID STREET N«cei, furnished 2 bdrm apt Near campus laundry Parting $450 3635 EAST AMAZON 2 bedroom dupier $475 361 E 14TH AVENUE 2 bedroom apt New carpet Laundry, parking $400 We also have several houses t«sted m our ohc« No pets Shown by appointment SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 345 W 10th 686-1130