BACK TO SCHOOL SAVINGS Fiamn [*« loam can Mon Single'159 Double »189 Queen *209 ROCK SOFT FUTON 686-5069 1127 Aktor ; TER1YAK1 EAT SMART Fast Healthy Food at Great Prices TAKE OUT AVAILABLE CLOSE TO CAMPUS (across from Dairy Ou«en| 13th A Hilyard 1306 Hilyard 345-9555 I Ducks head south for dual meets By Enck Studerncka Enwaid Spoms Repwte* The Oregon wrestling team will get a t.hgjji o to see whether it is a I’ik ifit in Oonferenc« < onlond ••r or un'tendnr ihis weekend as thi* team travels to ( jiliforniii (or dual meets with Fresno Stall*, (ad State-Bakerslield. and Cjil State Fullerton The Ducks have been inconsistent during the ecirl\ season Alter losing decisively to Ontgon State 2 ) 11 in earls Dec etnlier. Oregon rebounded to take sec one) plac e in the Oregon ( lassie lemma inenl last wt*ek, Iieating solid teams from Boise State and Wyoming in the j>rtn ess Hie match with CSI : Bakersfield promises to lie the i loses! of the weekend I he Koadrunners narrowly edged the* tkli-ks H*1 '> to M4 for tfiird place* at the I’ac 10 tournament last year, and Ba kersfinld head c oac it I I Kerr antic ipates another nail Inter this weekend ' I haven't had the opportunity to see the Ore gon wrestlers yet this year, (ml we've traditionally had close matches with Oregon over the years, and this year should In* no different. Kerr said Kerr said his team's m«|or problem is inexperi ence, with only one returnee from last year's scjiiad. 177 pounder (assen Froehlich Froehlich placed fourth in the Pat 10 tournament a year ago Kerr said that Saturday's dual meet will In* a preview of the c onferenc e third plac t* battle "1 don’t think that either Oregon or Bakersfield i the non i onferem e meet with Kresno State Friday night The Bulldogs are the defending Western Athletic Conference champions and an- ranked loth in the latest national [toll "Fresno State has five individuals ranked w ith in the top twelve in the nation.” said F'inley "That's the highest number of ranked individuals will see in any one dual meet this year The Bulldogs are led by heavyweight Lorenzo Neal, who is ranked third in the nation. Neal dou hies as a lineman on the Fresno State football team and figures to be an National Football League draft choice this year. Oregon has never lost to LSI '-Fullerton in five dual meet en< outliers, but the Titans figure to fa1 a much lietter team this year than the one that lost to the Ducks 27-1 f> last year in Kugene The Ti tans. :t-l in non conference dual meets, are led by two-time NCAA tournament qualifier Mol nnr at 177 [rounds The top wrestler for the Ducks in the early sea son has !>een l‘i() pound sophomore Jeff McCoy McCoy is 11-5 and was named the Outstanding Wrestler in the Oregon Clnssit tournament McCoy has pinned two of his opponents this year, one being the ninth ranked wrestler in the country. Les Gulches of Oregon State DECOYS Here 's a few odds and ends to which we here at the Km erald pose the question What’s up with that'1" • Oregon guard Antoine Stotidamire pulls his sin ks up knee high for the Far West Classic. and the Ducks upset No 2f> Brigham Young What's up v\ itli that ’ • I lie Duck men's basket ball team has uniforms big enough to fit three players into What's up with that? • I lie basketball band lead er sings a rendition ol ''New York. New York.’ that seem ingly lasts the entire l.r>-min ute halftime What's up with that? It you have ever thought "Whet's up with thut.'" while watching a sporting event, bring it tip to the Kmerald and see if you ran get votir name mentioned in this thought-provoking column. LATE NIGHT with Track Town Pizza All Medium Pizzas • DISCOUNTED • From 10:00 till close. Medium 1 Item $6*95 Additional toppings available All Medium Specialty Pizzas $3.00 Off! All Term Long! TRACK TOWN PIZZA Two convenient locations to serve you: CAMPUS 484-2799 • 1809 Franklin Blvd. WEST 484-4262 • 2511 w. 11th & Wilson Breakfast Special! M)am co 1 I 'Opm i Meet to cat at f 76* 7>UC€ *2.50 ► Mon. ( hccsc Omelette ► Tuc. Pancakes & I .ggs ► Wed. Breakfast Burrito Supreme ► Thurs. I rench least & Hggs ► I ri. Strawberry Waffles ► Sat. 2 for 1 Omelette \*2 22A 1 • 8S‘i l ust 1 uh • Next ft> Krnkos All Kinds of Hot Dogs • 100% BEEF •NITRITE FREE ‘TOFU • CHICKEN • FOOTLONGS i plus Home-Baked Roast Beef Sandwiches and... the Best (really!)... Potato Salad k Coleslaw Swanky Frank - NO* ' !*• rCH>1 __ it 30 years of Quality Service Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen {p Audi • Datsun • Toyota ft 10% discount w/valid UO I D. card |h good thru 12/31/92 NTTtt IU1MU form* Aji !»•» «4»mnrMo! -GERMAN * AUTO SERVICE, INC. 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, Oregon, 97402 Cooking With A Social Conscience Nurturing your health while supporting the earth •Jan's Salsa • Marinara Sauce •3 Bean, Black Bean & Chili Dip All made with organically grown tomatoes & beans. 1% talM (or Ecology A Hunger Rrojoctt Jyi fcfaen AVAILABLE IN THE EMU