Professor honored for research By Shanti Sosienski Erncfa-d Contfitxito' When a University professor began his rescan ti on early Maya art hiter ture. he didn't realize he was undertaking a thirty-two year ( ommitment He also didn't expect an award from the Semi nar for Pre-Hispani< An hitw ture Hie award has never been given to an American i itizen Tile University of Mexico in Mexico tits (UNAM) recently paid homage to '-t year-old George Andrews for Ins research His work helped lav the foundation for Maya Architecture studies. Andrews’s 5,000 page databank is i or rent I v being used at UNAM, where Andrews was a guest lecturer in December. Andrews said lie is honored by the apprvt ia lion he tias received "Mexicans, if you don't already know, tend to use a more formal language than we would and so all of this is |iist a more extravagant wav of pay ing respect to what they call jomades a lifetime < ommitment." Andrews said Andrews, who has been a professor at the Uni versity for 45 years, estimates he and his wife, who has been his "committed assistant, have worked a total of seven solid years on the re search over the last 32 years. Tile data hank, in1 explained, consists of thou sands of mi'tu ulouslv recorded dix uments in an tirva called the Puui region, which spans across the lower region of Mexit o. ( Honduras ■and Belize Andrews Inn ante interested in Maya an Inlet tore after he visited a site iti JUTifi After returning to the IS. he began looking for researi h about the ruins he had seen However, he found there was very limited information available It was then that he dot (tied to liegm his projei t of recording information .iIhuiI the lower Mayan region Mv itlea was to \isit all of the lower region Mnva areas and retort) everything I could, An drews saitl ' That turned out to lie a very substan tial project because iht* area is approximately the sire of (tregon Thirty tvso years and many trips south later, Andrews has nearly completed the extensive ri se,irt h He said he hopes to l»- able to publish his findings. Andrews said that publishing a report of this si/e will require a substantial subsidy However, he is confident that it will Im- published upon completion. Andrews said he looks toward to finishing the researi h w Im h will i ap a lifelong i ommitment to aiding an hitei tural studies JT c M p'fresh, GOODNESS!. .-:• cm** ■ v/'; v. . Sff* , . • ’'•/ - ■ '! Kl\^/ M5-AAAA V v Eugene's Downtown Noiuroi Food St< re ©19 \,PiZAR’S £ AZA/f COME IN AND SEE! WE HAVE EVERYTHING • Posters • Dr. Martens • Cards • Vans • Clothing • Converse • Shoes • Incense • and more shoes! Mention this ad for 10% OFF a I-« £ FREE CONVERSE '*> ihotltcn with ovory | pair of ahoaa I__ u • OFF COnVERSE It's what's inskle that unit its 2 with coupon LAZAR S BAZAR I 57 W. Broadway & 957 Willamette I Downtown Mall _-_ __ __ v? __ No* (O' only 99c you can go *i«l at Dairy Quean® it s ou' 9 s ARE WILD SALE *nete eacn ol tne tottowng terns a'e lust 99c 12 o* Bit//anJ® Flavor Treat 12 0/ Bree/e® Frozen Yogurt Treat Homestyie Single Burger® w-tn ettuce ana tomato or two regular Mot Dogs This otter