WOMEN Continued from Page 5 build the team around n wnmf point guard Mili ca Vukadinovit. Vukadinovit was named .1 first-team All-Amen can hy Stiff! untl Smith after finishing in the top 10 in five categories, mi.hiding points and assists Six-foot-2 center Kesha Martin returns up front tor California after petitioning for an extra sear of eh gihility when an injury limited tier to just six games in 1900-91 Depth will tie the biggest problem fort at, who returns only one player besides Vukadinovit and Martin tli.it averaged more than two points jut game a year ago. Newcomer lai kn- ! ear has stepped up during the preseason and is averaging more than 15 points per game Pat - It) Credit turn: 12-ti - t i St: — t st returns arguably the I most i-xi itlng playei Leslie, end three other starters from ^ iast year's team, whit li finished set ond in the conference and won two \( AA tour linmeut games I.eslie tuts dunked in prai tu e and is looking to be the first woman to e\er tin so in .1 game I.eslie averaged 20 points and H 4 rebounds per game a year ago. Forwards Kim ( a-ssig and Junlenh Woods are bat k up front next to Leslie, and Joni F.asterly returns in the hai kcourt With six new players on the team, head coach Marianne Stanley will li;ne plenty of candidates tor the other guard spot Pat -10 Pred it lion: 11-7 4. Arizonii Stall* l’hc Sim I h'vils sur prised everyone lust year by (jualifying fur the \( AA tournament after going 20 <1 and finishing fifth in the < onferonie Arizona State returns all five starters trnm last year and lost only one new n p'nunm'i from tong Point guard Rvneldi His onti is coining olf a sjhm tat ulnr debut season m Tempo last soar, when she averager) I I 2. points and a league-high 0.0 assists per game, and will once again team with I ro/ena jerro in the bn* ki onrt Sivloot-fi i enter Monique Amliers averaged H I points and 7 1 rehounds last year and is looking to establish herself as one ol the premier centers in the league this year She is joined In forwards Involute Smith and lasa Salsinan up front I'lii - to Predii lion: 10-8 5. ()rt‘RC»n I hc Dinks son son will uiu.f n^uin fli-iumd on t h«* loam’s alii I - it\ to cnuriomo injurios lo kov |>i.iv crs So f.ir. thu Out ks havo survival! injurios to ^iiiinl (ossit a S< hull anil lor ward IVbmt' Sport u h. going 1-1 wrnlu «m« h er u.is siilrlinrd Forward CintU Murphv is the latest Dm k to be hampered bv in)tirs. but she is expei ted to return after this weekend s names Oregon’s fiat k< ourt has stepped up during the absent e ol Debbie Sport u ft. v\itfi Miss\ Stowell. Karen Healea and I'egg) Swadener heating up from outside Sara Wilson will get attention from oppo nents w ithout Sport it fi next to her. but she should still tie a fort e inside I’at -10 Prediction: 9-9 JKPtZQKa I> Arifiitid Arizona has sot to establish itself as .1 I'.ii Hi con tender. lint took i tic; sii'ji toward doing so when luring head coat ti loan Honvu ini last ini Hon Vlt llH won imin' man > pert rm 111 ill-1 gann-s mil hk; 1 ~ \ ears .1! 1 ony flearh .Stain, but her i Ids ats struggled to a t-1 ■ 1 oiiferem re< ord a vw ago Arizona return* lour starters front a year ago. int hiding torwauf Margo Clark who was named to tfte all-< onlereiu e team alter averaging t ’ I points atnl H 1 rehouilds per g yne honor Megan St 1 also returns up front after ,1 year m whu li she aver aged 11 points and "1 r> rebounds per game Par-10 Predu lion: 'Ml ?. 1 ( 1 \ l l I A I.. Ms!-. ' .rr.ltcs! tiMii.ilt* ^tH1tin th*’ (onfnrvni t' in N.tlalm H illiams U ill tint-. ,n iT.i^fii ; I 5 points and l .l 8 mhountls fM*r game last year. lint she missed tin1 pm simmmi ih*(.iitiso sm* was for in** «»nmis \(.A A runner-up s odes ball !»*;»iis I orsvard Ann jaless.»I i * * and guard Nil ole \mli’t son arc I he other two returning starters Irom last sear’s third -plat e leant in the i onferem e I)e|»th mas !>e a problem as only four players on this sear s squad suss extended (It lion last sear I’et - ID Credit lion: H-10 8 Washington I he Huskies um e a national power til women s I.pit liasc fallen on hard times Washing ton had won at least 7 t games and qualified tor the \l A A tournament for six i onset utis e years before last season si’ll finish The Huskies lost their top Isso st orers from a year ago. but return three starters I aru Das is is the top returning si orer aseraging u 2 points per outing and finishing among league leaders in three point percentage and steals ( enter Rhonda Smith ss as named to the t onferem e’s all-freshman team after averaging 7 a points and four rebounds per g tine Cat • 10 Credit lion: t>-1 '2 M Orison SI all* Ih»* h**a\im • vv fill < la in lh«* Pat 10 last v«tir ami lost load i mg si ort*r and robmindor Jutlv Shannon to gradual ion. hut thny havu gun** l> 1 in the nresooson Nonjhia Homing and Missy Smith an* thi* lop two returning s< ortttv jut > 1 I 7 and ' J points pt’f game. respci tivrlv Forwnni Angola Allril dso returns, ami the addi lion of four talented freshman has optimism run nim> high in (lorvullis I’ai -10 I’redn lion: S-1 I 10 Washington Slalr I'lm (.otig.irs riiturn thrttf starters from l.isl \>-,n mt hiding ('^mti11<* Thompson, who .hit ^ i^i'il 14 2 points and h I rebounds w In!•• leading the i on It Tt'in e vs 1111 a >H H shoot ing pun intake Niv loot-H c eiiOT kallH Wt-twrwill iilso mm* Iinut up friinl Thu hijft>t*st problem lor Washington Stilli* tu-.nl ciui h Harold Rhodes will In* finding guards to replaie tho departed Heather Norman and Darla \Vi 11 him son P«i< ■ 10 Predii lion: :t-15 $4 00 OFF1 Foot long Sub V FREE DELIVERY •*'««■ * **C(*T«I 0# CtX(XV'% SUBSHOP 1225 ALDER 345-2434 f ipirM * MU Hall Sub PROBLEMS WITH THE UNIVERSITY? 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