Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 07, 1993, Page 6, Image 6

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Continued from Parp? S
game .mii her onto (i dominant
player for tins tonin '’
t ho biggest surprise for the
1 )m ks fins Imen tho piny of Karen
Healea i i foot H guard from
Tigard, who tins Ihm omo a fori
on offense during Spun u h’s
abseor o llo.iloa scored |0''t ono
point in nino games last season
but slio is avoraging more than I-’
points por game in fior Iasi fivo
outings, on hiding two gantos of
Hi points
"Karon’s pinv lias ronliv
rospondod wall this \o,ir. Iloiny
said i! is om iting to soo our
young players i oiiiing on strong
Oregon's other lug gun on the
perimeter has been Vloot-fi
senior guard I’eggv Swadeiier
Sysadonor is fourtli on the to.iui
in si oring with an average of 7 <1
points per game, and so* olid on
tlie srpiad in throe-point shoot
mg pun milage .it 42 r> percent,
trailing only Slowell, who is at
4 2.fi pen uiit
Thu addition of sophomores
Jessn a Si hull who has rei uv
prod from a foot injury that
Imthered her during the preva
son. and Jennifer Johanm*u gn us
the Dui ks evi'ii rnori* depth in
the backi ourt
The injuries to Sporcic h and
Murphy have put the brunt of the
front i ourt load on Wilson stuck
and she appears to lie pu king up
her game in time for the s.onfer
em e season Wilson v ored a sea
son-high 2'i points in the Dm k
last game against Boise State to
push her season aserage up to
1 I it points per game to go along
with 7 f> rebounds per contest
I hope Sara i .ill get about 20
• hots per game." Ileiny said
"She has to continue to ploy her
old game.whu h is work, work
work to get opportunities
Heim said the injuries have
for< ed him to go with a three
guard lineup, with senior Jean
M.tree I.illnrd ex per led to slur!
up front with Wilson until Mur
pin s iri|iir\ has healed
Oregon lie.. in the season in
Nashville Ienn . where the\
,|iset Jlth ranked Southwest
Missouri State "iH■'.(>. and nwK
upset then No 1 and now
top ranked Vanderbilt before
fulling 72-fifl
After a win over Brigham
Young, the l)ui ks lost to g-tth
Milked Del’,ml at Mr Arthur
flour! fi.r>-fi2 when Stowoll's
l ist ser.ond three-point attempt
hit the Ivn k of the rim
(fre on r attle bar k to win five
of its nest games, inr lulling road
wins over Portland and Idaho
Oregon In-gilts the Pm 10 sea
son -it home against No. 24 (ail
iforma tonight, followed In a
matt.hup with fourth-ranked
Stanford on Saturday
Pr*oUi Dy M*>: *'a<* Srwod**f
The Ducks expect to have Debbie Sporcich back in the lineup in
three weeks
Continued Irom Pa<)<' b
Khalid Keeves will run the
offense fur tin' Wilili .its at tin*
point guard position .mil lias
played v\ i'll in tin’ presenson
limit liv surprised In see I ‘or t
laud native Danilin Stmiduinire
luiniin; Keeves ill the hai k< mirt
ilftell tills season Together. the\
are proliahlv the iilnsl talented
tandem in the i miff ren« e
Senior i eilli'f I d Stokes has
heel! hindered liv a l.li k id
intnnsitv during the past three
years, lint still averaged seven
points and seven rebounds last
season Stokes per lor mu in e
this year i mild go a long wav in
determining the late nl the
Wildi ats
t’ai 11) I’redii lion: 14-4
I Vii/ona Stair
Hi 11 I rii'di'f Im.ilU
has .1 it>4im w itli iixjh'
rirni i■ I In' Sun I lev
i Is linislii'il I 'I I t Inst
\i\ir .nid .ire rrlimillitt lour
starters from lli.il team. tin hid
nu; forwards l.im.il I anlkncr .mil
M.irio Hi'imcll .mil i;tiartl Stm. in
Sindh w ho .ill ;iv eragotl in (Ion
hhi-hunrcs l.isi simsoii
In the iniddli' for Arizona Shift<
is I osier Nc.il. olio avcraved
t'lUhf rchoimds a game last mm
son Hus is a v rr\ lialam cd Icam
yy iili .1 Mr on & e\|>oneni *'<l Iwtii It
I In' Sun I ley ils will likely turn
liisl year's Ni l invitation into an
\( A A invite tins season
!*«•» - II) I'redu lion: I -1-5
4.1 S<! — Thf I ro
1 (mis Inst their three
lop si orers from
1.1st SI'.ISOII s 24-1'
team lli.il went lo lliu NC-AAs. Iiul
they ri* still ii prnlly good team
(iu.ird Rodney ( li.tlm.Mi will
In' tin' leader for t S( l.ast mm
sun In- averaged eight points in
I In* shadows of If.noli I Mini'r .mil
|)o.ini' ( oopiir, hut will) hoih of
I Ill'll) gone. look lor < hulinilll lo
l lii- frojillls art) i minting on a
pair of fri'shmun Kirk Htime
nii k .mil Davul ( rouse In i on
trol llii' mulilli' al the i enter
position It uni' of Ihi'in i .in slop
up, tIS< will hi' in very good
I’ai - III Pri'du lion: 10-8
N»*r**,# 5. California — I’he
(.olih'ii Bears .ire
a rely Ing heav i|| on
wS ill woi hi freshman
v jason kiifd lo i.nrry
iheui lo the pmimse land this sea
son Alter a 4 14 I’m • 1(1 re<ord
last season, that may In' too lliui It
lo ask ol Iasi year's national high
si hool player of the \ ear
Kidd lias played yyell al limes
in the preseason. bul is i urrent
is hampered l»s a b.n k injurs
I'orward Itrian Hendrick aver
.is^'cl in |iuinls and 10 hoards (nr
lb*' Hears last season, bul In* loo
lias Im-i'ii nursing an injury in I he
VViibout Kidd and llendrir k in
ihi> lineup. ( alilumin is lerribb'
Par-10 Prediction: 10-H
<>. Orrgon (•<)
■ lillMtl. ItlUgll it IIj)
|err\ (irt'cn litis
altv.itiv l<*<l Ins li iim
to mom » ms this
season Ilian Oregon won nil of
last season l ln- Dm ks don't real
lv huvti .1 starting lineup, but they
(In have .1 number of players w ho
have caught on quick K to Omen s
running sty le ol piny
Antoine Sloudamire was ()rv
gun's main and only
weapon last season, hut now
players like Jeff I’otter. Orlando
Williams and Aaron lohnson
have helped to make this team
more than the laughing stock of
the league
Don't lx- surprised if tile Dm ks
finish above Mil) in the I’ai III
and get mi NIT invitation
Pat -10 Predic lion: 9-9
7. Oregon Slate —
I tn> Heavers are tout
f mg Slot I llaskin as
the Im>sI i enter m the
Fai in I li.ll mm In- true, but it's
nnlv fiei-ause lli*' Fat.-to Im ks any
trim ( miters Mask in will have u
good year, lint his supporting! ast
is grossly inconsistent
On a good night, l )n*gon Stall*
lias the talent to i.om|H'te w ith the
tii'st in tin* i onferem e, the only
problem is that a good night lor
the Beavers i nines out e in .1 blue
Brent Barry and ( diaries Mi K
innev are a formidable Inn ki ourt
duo. and forward Chad Scott has
the ubilitv to he one of the best
tug men in the conferem e. hut
mi (insistent \ is the word to
desc riiie (Jregon State
Imagine what Ralph Miller
would have been able to do with
these guvs
Par-10 Prediction: 7-11
H. Stanford The
Cardinal return
three starters from
last \ ear's \( A A
team, but lug man
Adam Knelt*, who averaged J"i
points last season, is gone I he
loss of Keefe is the biggest for am
leam fins season
Stanford will have to rely on
the outside shooting of guard
Fetor Dukes and the inside piny
of forward Brent Williams to get
them through the season Man us
I.ollie is ,i talented guard. but
those three will have too mut h
weight oil their shoulders.
I’d( -1II I’redii lion: )»• 12
9. \\’ashirtgton State
^ — The (Cougars' Ben
i me Selt/er is the lone
/ returning starter for a
team that finished 22
I I I il SI MMMIII. Vtllllt' «11 « • ii 11 r* 11
ingtun State's four loading scorers
from last year.
I ho Cougars lack, si/a and
exponent e up front, but they
i oulil get a ki< k from transfers
I red fergtison and Tons Harris
forward Kofi Corkum will be
looked to for a majority of the
Cougars' strength underneath
No tourney this year
I’at -10 Credit lion: 4-14
©to. Washington —
The Huskies lost
only one player from
last y ear's team, but
they didn't have
mm ft m the first plat e
(enter Kit h Manning averaged
in points a year ago and could lie
the I lest t enter ill the league Until
Pagett. Mark Pope and iiryunt
Huston all return as starters for
Washington, but a weak bench
yy ill have the Huskies struggling
lor yy ins
Pat-10 Prediction: 2-16
990 i
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