UNIVERSITY Peace Corps offers cultural education By Mandy Baucum fmetaid Reporter Although three former Peat t* Corps volunteers had different reasons lor making the journey overseas, they sav experitnu e i hanged their lives President John I Kennedy's challenge asking Ameru arts to do what they can for their country pro rn pt ed David Povev. professor and direr tor of urban and regional planning, to enter the Pear e Corps in Kennedy created the Peat e Corps that year .is an opportu nity for Amerit a to give ter.hni i al assistant e to developing na tions and to bring about a cul tural exchange between the U S. and the rest of the world The Pence Corps sends .1,000 volunteers overseas annually and 6.000 volunteers are c ur rentlv serving in over 100 countries. The Peat e Corps is now in Pastern Europe, a newer development since the end ot the Soviet Union. Povev anti his yyile were sent to the Philippines as part of the seventh group of Peat e Corps volunteers to enter the < ountrv Povev was sent to a remote Philippine island where the nearest Peace Corps volunteers were an hour away by plane He and his wife wen given supplies by plane nr boat tint e a week Their mission was to teat h English ns a second language and sciente to elementary si bool t hildren. hut Povev said he later came to realize the job was mm h more On one occasion, a native bov drowned in a stream and the people did not know how to resust date him. Povev tried in vain to rev ive the hoy hut he said he thought his elforts helped strengthen the trust of the people "I tried to share that vy e (Ameru aos) were i armg pen Gerry Fry pic. Povev said 'Our )ol> was to come work side h\ side with the people .iitd share with them skills ,mti ti-i hnology lo itn prott> their w i\ of life Also w liilc in (lit* Philip pint's. Povev said hr nolo oil lhal sonif powdered milk sent ovt>r lor relief fllorls was being list'd lo in.nk* lifltls and landing sirips The milk was living usftl mtn h as iliv I S would usv limit lo linv Itasfhall fit'Ids Tin* Filipinos knvw ihtt pow dvr was milk, hid wouldn't drink il and so loiintl tlu-ir own usv lor il ! In- incident lor Povev was iinr (hot opvnvtl Ins vvvs lo thv t omplvxdivs of change "(The Peace Corps experi t'llt.ti) allows \oti lo haw a till fvrvnl perspective of ihtt world," 1‘iivnt sanl You Ivarn about how slow change t omvs m general ' Laura Stroiohert. a Ihirly ihrvv war-old post-doctoral fol low- in ihtt University's institute of neuro-si lent v went lo Nepal as a Peace Corps volunteer in ll s allrt ted my w hole life I sort of look at hie as a cross ( ullural esperiem e,” Siren fieri said Aon reallv can't know Turn to PEACE. Page 4 20%"" UIIMIMCD January 4th — 16th 13th ft Kincaid • M Sat • 34*4331 **************** Sunderland- • 5Cvioco GAMES Slh STREET PUBLIC MARKET 683-8464 ' VIDEO ADVENTURE ] VAllCY mvt R ^ jvuwwvvwyi: VyVV* BACK TO SCHOOL SAVINGS F ?**m* plus fcwiro ccVf» Moo Single *159 Double '1 89 Queen'209 ROCK SOFT FUTON 686-5069 11 . V CUSTOM PRINTED ' T-SHIRTS Lowest Ratesi Develop your Holiday Memories! SXtOS the WE PRINT BETTER PICTURES 890 E. 13th • Across from U of 0 Bookstore 342-3456 Mon-Frl 10am-6pm Sat 10am-5pm SOMETHING EXTRA! TAKE AN ADDITIONAL 30 SELECTED SALE PRICED MERCHANDISE INCLUDES: DESIGNER SPORTSWEAR, MISSES SPORTSWEAR, DRESSES, SUITS, COATS, LINGERIE & ACCESSORIES. NO ADJUSTMENTS ON PRIOR PURCHASES INTERMEDIATE MARKDOWNS MAY HAVE BEEN TAKEN