Brink’s offers reward for info after $7 million heist ROCHESTER. N Y (AIM — llrmk s Ini offu inis on Wednesday offered ii SiUO.OOO reward fur in formnlion loading lo the i.onvii tinn nf the firmed robbers who burst into nn armored oar demit and os ( aped with ilxHit $7 million Investigator* lielieve two or three people wort* in volved in the Tuesday evening holdup, FBI spei ml agent Van Harp said The rohliers wen* armed and masked, and at least one was wearing a Brink s uni form. he said We have no specific suspis ts at this point.” Harp s.ud He said it is too early to sav whether the mblierv was an inside job Police Chief Ro\ Irving '■.ml investigators were trying Id determine whether there wns am connection be tween the heist .md lust week s fohiier\ of SH.Z7 mil lion from a vault at the Hudson Antiumd Car and (.mi ner Service in New York No one has I tern arrested in that < a so Harp descrilied the uniformed robber in Tuesday's heist as a white man. at tout l> feet tall, with a must tilnr timid I inplovees didn't see the others because thev were fort ed to lie on the ground with their heads (.ev ert’d. tie said The robbers "surprised the people inside and forced them to the floor." Irving said One of I tie employees, retired police officer Tom O'C onnor, turned up two hours after the robbery at a restaurant about fun miles from the depot O'Connor told polit e he was abdurted by the robbers, but did not see them because Ins head was ( ovcred with o bag. On Wednesday. O'Connor was being followed bv FBI agents whenever he left ids home, hut Irving said he was not a suspei t in the robbers Harp and Irving would not say win O'Connor was twiug followed or whether any other employer's were being followed l’olir e bail said employees would In* given lie-detet tor tests Wednesday, but Harp and Irving wouldn't comment on the results Investigators wouldn't sa\ how the robbers entere d the building or how mam employees were there at the time DEVELOP & PRINT • 3” PRINTS 24^/1^ 36 2nd ^ I ^ exp ■ exp set ■ coupon must accompany order CAMPUS 1 HR PHOTO 1231 ALDER * 683-4693 Engine Service 11KK) S BrrtelsiMi Kd. • I iigrur OR 97402 One block north of W 11th • lnd I’l.i/.i Specializing in German Autos tor 34 Years • Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen • 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts DRAFTING SUPPLIES 1 )/ MAYLINE PARALLEL RULES C ALVIN PARAUNER RULES On DRAWING BOARDS SOUOWOOO A. MilAMim PARALLEL RULE BOARDS 7o^_VINYL BOARD SHEETS 5%,cVINYLI 0**COVER I 1 * Tbwnk BOOK S Wt <7 99 $8.65| pi>CK8Vix11 BLACK 8 x H X A CTO #1 KHIVES & vOo* #ilB’llibeS(S/pV) [5%-50% BOXESAND TUBES SETS ruorm ALL BRUSHEj uj* ... • Newton,Grumbocher,Liquitex, I Wmsor & HbwMJ^ ^ Yosutomo! DRAWING PA Strothmor*, Conson SCHOOL SUPPLIES PEECHEES & FOLDERS Trapper, Duo-Tang, Duo-Tex, Dennison ALL BINDERS Dennison, National, Itoya CALCULATORS Sharp, Hewlett Packard, Texas Instruments5 ALL FILLER PAPER Mead, National, Dennison SAUINDS I 1441UMITU) TO STOCK ON HAND. ROSES '9.99*,, ( onwnwnt. I of O Uorf oa l.'lh by Prccition (,’ul* M ONMUS NM) ( ilf ’f S l?!0 ('kawfMTk, Kngmt, Or. 17482 *4S5-124»1 6C7 K ] *h htgrot.Or. 1'J01 «4t$ JW2 SUMMER JOBS AT CAMP c^fnVeLOtt OOBBflM 600 camps in the USA, Russia, and Europe need you this summer. fa ffi* DM! summer ol your lilt set your career center for more mlor matron or call Camp Counselors US* a 800 993 CAMP or write CCUS* a 4?0 fiorence SI Piio Ai!0 CA 9430! \>R IDE SHARE Traveling soon? Need a ride? Offering a ride? Rule Share brings (needier people needing and nllering rides any where in (iregim or tiirouglHiut the country lor more iniomintioii call 345-7600 | 15^ // (‘except small cones) fH..y except : % Cajnpus SUBSHOP 1225 voider 345-2434 \»h Vfdid on delivery or *»ih «wy othtt ditanini^ or CiiupcMW Or** coupon jx*r cuMomrt f xentvs X) wj .