215 WORK STUDY Poster Crew PoiWon ava»*.*r*« • -rampu* rout* Wort Study m*ju'*d O1' f MU Cuke.* f Cvru^n *>,. te ;• EMl A? 346 4373 Ask tor Andr« Be*jr The EMU Child Car# and Develop ment Cnlr* *.av« po^v " i .u.T .it « *ck teachers a«de* Teachers .v>y i-eed po p*ev eip must have a good S4»nia Of io^t 0f .asm and a Strong sen?m» o# commt?r»■•e*-,, Ca 346 4364 to schedule at on* erf our 7 saMy ch^dhood programs THE FAMILY CENTER I « < /•*• ?3 f MU has a pesd** «v.» | fttxa *o* a wo*fc study student Tne i posrf-on >s \ dr*d to# ..-p ! 10 hour* j ; par week Dukes may vary P',n'•»•••# | i *ob <* to serve as v.ppo* staff to# the | I anv;y Center F(y mo'9 ap I 1 py. caff K»e^ logviP a? _J Work-Study office Assistant needed for Winter and Spring term*. 1903 S5 IS hr. Duties filing, copying, typ ing Responsible for producing vari ous gift acknowledgements Will as sist In donor prospect evaluation through research of data base and U of O Foundation materials Re quires typing, excellent penman ship. and abilltv to follow instruc tions carefully Contact Pat, College of Arts and Sciences Development Office 119 Friendly Hall. 346-3903 WORK STUDY POSITION BEGINNING WINTER 1W3 TERM Seeing to fill 'eceptomstv '**caJ po»i tion m Counnei.ng Psychology framing clime L»ceiient persona; mteracion shills and abUrfy to work independently are essential ideal position for majors in helpmg professions SS 96rhr f o» more information please can Donna GouW at 34ft 432' Work Study Student (Ml $6 to $7 hr. traveling exhitxtem pre gram needs assistant Bulk) wooden crates. pack e»h«b*t'ons some »* work, must know power tools' Pref»*' student n art related t*eid Cu' 48b 1230__ WORK STUDY HELP WANTED Overseas Study section of Inter n at*; r.v Education Must also be avaiutf>lr to work during 1993-94 It interested, > Noreen at 346-1206 225 APTS DUPLEXES 1 bedrm Apt 1/th ,v ! Aider jvail.vLie immediately. S35CVmo >ncl cab*** 683 a?8/ leave message Redwood Park Apts. yuirt. Country Liviny With City Conuenlencc Unlurnieh«d 1 Bdrm $485. (atoning Nov 1) Low Ulilitiea-On Busline Equipped Weight Room, Spa Wood Park A Playground Laundry Facilities Also Fumithad Suites Studio. 1 A 2 B R $600 to $87$ Individually Decorated Completely Furnished Everything From Cable TV to Linens For Bed. Bath A Kitchen On Site Management Team 4103 W. 18th 484 5775 You are welcome to atop by our office for a free Hat of our available rentals 2140 HARRIS STREET Qu«H room entn good windows $200 nctudea uW. laundry A kitchen use 1891 MIGM STREET i tx*m apt Hardwood 6oor* laun dry parking Weather/ed S3?*:* 2040 EMERALD Studio cottage Fireplace $385* m dudes ut^es. parking * 190 E 24TM AVENUE 1 bedroom apt Ne»f to Amazon run rung path laundry Parking $340 $34*i E 14TH AVENUE 0 7 bedroom apt $450 .-nciudea ALL ut>M>es Laundry 1844 KINCAID STREET Nce*» furnished 7 bdrm apt Near campus laundry Park mg $450 3635 EAST AMAZON 7 bedroom dupwu $475 361 E 14TH AVENUE 2 bedroom apt New carpet laundry, parkmg $400 We also have several houses sted m our office No pets Shown by appointment SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 345 W 10th 686-1130 225 APTS DUPLEXES 'OREST VILLAC E QUIET, QUIET. QUIET i Enjoy the beauty of woods and • v »o super floor pUfto 2 BEDROOMS, BATH • Bus to Campu* • A'- Jr tf r \ M•“ S4 ?*. A $&1S V >NTM S E Eugene (Donald A Foshoiiow) ; _ 687-1318 CAMPUS S40C w '• v'./' • itH- iv *# ?.'■> 76 ! ’6th C.’t 344 092G»m '** i Campus Apartments Fumuhed 142 Bedroom* Winter rates $376 5460 485-2823 CAMPUS TWIN APTS Share McfNr Furr *.hed $296^v> S200 dm *" r.r- < - > ,u. 343 !0C** 74 7 ’V r*-v} Furnished studio t' J t txV • u ’ New U .if O Library *516 4.H4 WS2 Quiet spacious . Beautiful comple* ai 60 t CoC*uf9 Road $495 484 5429 2*0 QUAOS New Year Special S'99 r ?' i ’ modern. utd pad. 1 Bock from campus Call 683 7249. leave message 245 ROOMS Converted garage room '•'*' ^ ptuS VS util off Ha? A R •«! busitne-'car pool 48S *■ 84 I Nice furnished ' -1 uiwntfy, »• 4 $.lv: ♦ dm f stuiip^ts y*ek "x'e 461 4S/3 2 room* avail ,i? t.v»-'sea m .................. 250 DORM CONTRACTS I will pay you $50 lo buy my dorm contract Laura Aren off 346-4129 3 contracts 'or *a»r pay $80 bonus on each C&k 343 3516 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Someone to share 2 bedroom at* $260 m-o. plus uW T158 M Si 68/ 869;* Female wants to share 2 bedroom dpt $200/mo plus v* uM 486 .'2 M Female wanting to share jumi 2 bedrm apt near Aut/en non smok.ng, $262 60 ♦ Vi uftMies 484 9637 Non-smoking male or lemaie needed to Ml room rn house Off Cai Young $22Smo ♦ $60. k» uW Greta:hen 484 7471 Seeking trustworthy depend .**«• person to share 2 bdrm un-t af Park Grove Apts. $22S/mo pktt 1/3 uhi 466 1141 Share 2 bedroom apt S-. * spacious turn»shed. balcony 1260 f erry Si no 9 343 4562 UofO rmt needed 10 Share house * . students 4 wks to campus, no *mkg no druids. $200 ♦ util 345 0764 2222 Wiliam eft# Si v'.re apt Qu«ef secure, poo*, sauna Dus he. close to UO non smksng. $237 60fmo plus V* ©4et. avarf >nxJ 3459367 Me>d» 4 bdrm 2 bath house 2 rooms ope* S200/$i230 plus dep and uW. Bth and Jefferson 343 49ife_ 860 W 18th Ave 1 ¥i bath clean. Quiet. wrd. fireplace, bus rte ?rg yard, no smkg. $200/mo pruS thud wW, $SO!dep 683 7662 Sd 28c MEETINGS GAV RKiHTS MARCH ON WASHINGTON 0 C 1 m,f*or; Ga> l e5f> jn a-Ki B-*r«uaJ .1 coi’w^e on 0 C C*1 ;>Sm. 1993 (it (Hi (if Miaim.ng :u^>(:.'vn f' -ddy Jaruwy 0 ( P m ■ Mdp«Aoom fMU *fl Mfe-3-IW 280 MEETINGS l#*5«4n City B‘Wr»uai Alliance GCNFRAl MUTING He*p pi»r» tor P»kJ« Wee*. or go to Wothlnglorv OC Poo l mt»i thta meeting1 Tuesday January 12. • p m Boardroom. Suit# 3J? FMU LnbtfA Gay B'»**u*i Alliance Tv^Tat' V** H<\r.T fM •<• 1 Survival Center , • V-y-.* M <'**■* J A *VW » Plane*’ 285 CLUB SPORTS Club Spoil* Men* Ultimate T «M»m meetup tOOOV * .&,! ■ »l «Hliir N. •• ’ t i Mi) 290 CAMPUS EVENTS Survival Cooler Outdoor Program A- t ore*! ! •;>* ' - • '*• > it.l> *' 0 ■*.»'" ' Sno««N)»"^>* • ; ■ - ■> • i» “ C. v^up.nOP • Hi- . POCKET PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS Springtime Directed by Rob Urbinatli Jan 7,8,9 at 5pm Room 102, ViHard Hall 280 MEETINGS U 290 CAMPUS EVENTS Do you K*hr* M er«t*t c*rd? i A.»«oCMH* t drt&* Tarr'my 4 1*0»y 0" f*ofc**m* tWl o* h Avtftg 4 C «•-?*■ C4rd f’taiftAft • 4# T»Tir»»y M .146 ? li) 3>v«5 you* »><>> »i ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ot*couorr ixwwi •• *• »« "•--»•• «-»»> l«a*r » W* ur sun MW ro»r*r*nI* «t 1 GAS FOOD*=l LODGING <( to ,*>■ • Waterlan^ ftOHCMT (AC ,<»() MISTRESS rS^A‘Wftft ^ dk-—-:-4 n • •§ *m» ' * i» *»-' [ UNbER SEIGEJ WANTFO i • J * ; -,|yv*' * ■> '•"*> i 4 ! W4 • V*f 300 FOOD 4 DRINK KEGS 5f?i^ GO! T 4v*»n A M«*r» W.IU'TwTto M4 0CI1A • • -?s.H m* 'JufmVi ,»•■ d 1 N0 Lane County Meetings for Old and New Volunteers TONIGHT, 1 -9pm With rop.x! 1'xji.k from last meeting January 28th, 7 - 9 p m Both meetings held at Central Presbyterian Church 1475 f <>iry Street. Eugene 380 E 40111 Ave . Suite 107. Eugene. 07405 (503) 485-0670 recording and message pttone THE FAR SIDE By GARY l ARSON OK. boy* — that It be e»»oogti We don I allow any gunplay m Ihi* town by Bill Watterson Calvin and Hobbes I'M HO-OME! THANKS FOR \ 100'RE 1UE BIG ! LETTING WELCOME J IN COLD MR 305 HEALTH i FITNESS EATING DISORDERS S • \*«* -V' *>#**>' tOO ptwoexM aU NwtW »4f f#guMr *POdi '• ♦•oik .VvJ pOu'VH MW> "»•♦ Wray *tf«*59 t >t . I*.».!..»! ^f*o>u irjilk kKr ci**l « 315 COUNSELING PROSlf MS? ( .#< ’♦••<♦ l> h m -.—. i -r «tv arson pN*># co».- H"’’ M I .‘4 *•■••. «*r* I r HIM Th Chocolate ” Italian Z- % Sodas n o - UE At The I spresso Cm t ^ now located at ih# ^ Colon W**l Sic)# Polio Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Cappuccino Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU nXi V/ 'imcam' yi r it •• •' cm-'* ! Hftf /(It J j i I UJHAl HPXXJ fh v* / T>CN>« A-'K.Avvv vsv <>vk.t:i i pi ivfjrt.i' .> t<\ tht .(-r> ^ •»!>'• 4> *.« > •f**.- PH V7 M )( //V " <*(»' '<* /IA(f !//•'■ h ^ MAI tf.W r CROSSWORD By Eugene Shtffer AC ROSS 1 No.nV W.j*i 5 FMty .* i m\uny • Wtftct*m 17 Appr**".* 13 Xab*«* 14^l*l* to# IUI9 15 I 16 l «w>d 4 h«fv1 17 *l4fc« u*i#r It lotlltt 20 Adm41w»g 72 I «p*'t 76 Ant*S«4n tndtjn 29 Whammy 30 Acl»*** f hu»m4M 11 I Bpltfel 37 Ye* V’HJwu.i P*« 33 Rhfrtf n U%l *o«J 34 1 unny 3^ M»«aov»r 36 I nt(»« pil 40 N*%! 5* 41 P#*l# 45 Cabbnu commv 47 Wbjte 49 ^Nho * 1h# IVm’* 50 A*«» d#m/#o 51 I a/«i iUUttm 52 Any 53 Fl#p*jr to *SK*lt *»4 1 yjx» DOWN I Sltfipod ( 1 Part* uUf 4 '.hqj Paul C om|X) 6 Kyoto r. umfruki 7 Holly B Caan o* Coco 9 I JR iff i ala 10 (>fuffha»tJ 11 Biaca c Solution tiro# 73 mln» 19 (.ofl.w 2» ( of fnoifum 23 |K>I 24 Au«l«n fl«(0«v« 25 Mr Naly * 2ft f’cHfX 27 AIM* ?t WjrW*» 32 < U»l cosy 33 I ram 35 f’artviin » 3ft Cou 111 ( rnuUlm Sp4/ 39 ttoavy 42 Color QUAhty 43 fjliany 4% 44 l ook Horn# WAld. Anq«r 45 tl*in OC* w|>.*n( 46 Hamath or Modi HU 46 lolonUH*