Packwood plans return to Oregon PORTLAND (AP) Sen Boh Pat kwood said Wednns day ht* hopes lo rot urn Co Or egon on (an 2(> The Oregon Republican has riot returned to Ins home Mali? sin< allegations surfai ed that he made on waffled sexual advantes to some leinale employ ex's ami fissiM tales Tile allegelimns are the t of all llivestiga lion tiv the Senate I lliii s Administration In an interview with raditi station I*m l wood said, I hope to !»• hail two "iris from next Monday Pat lwood said the ethii s i niitrnversy has not hampered hi-. ability lo func tion in ofTic <• it is not n great problem Iw-e.nusc most of the c ontroversy is handled tiv lawyers, he s.iu) Park wood indicated last month he1 would re turn to Oregon shortly after he was sworn in (an 5 for his sisth term Hut aide flohhi Munson said the senator cb-t id ed to remain in Washington until alter Bill (.Un ion is inaugurated on (an 20 He has to stav here 1m-i ause there is work to do here and that is what the people of Oregon voted him into office to do Munson said "He would c min' under c rilic ism if lie was out in (In got) travelling with all these important confirma tions going on ET ALS MM TIM.N Anin \mrnitn Student t iTlit,f’t ( enter I or more .MurntalM J* <4*. 4 '4, t ntrepreneurthip ( lutt n r -«„:*> .»• 4 ii! ; Kim:? W t :*-% »,;! : . rr .,'vfor !»»»< !?u 4 tHi to m i> n .1 the Ko-tum..* (.«• .'«-f 14 14 > < •' 'i N’ for •« .? fvr-r.,.* , «ji 141. 1 14, \i> fin M l line ( ounli vs h i %4>li ;*;«*! f r 1 .r, * f « *-» j*t fl»C Oiorrh 14?!. h in St f <«? iistiff nfirto . « 4M' «n Nairn*# Ort«ntr«lHM w • ,'jv fn>! * •» !<• f VH l'*r>tur% ( U>- . nfonnatirw Srwwin < rrtlrf w. V ? 10 tot Coffnr Hour *t ?hr (.iwwtHx! Kr%t«ur«tti (»|k«<«tr») for morr JtlfoflluffltM; «j»ii *4 • *K4 I‘.r (.rrrk OrVho4«t% !V *% . h*vr « h!wrs% tn«u*to -! f. JO ot lhr \r«rfiMli Cr*.»«r Krtihi-f M‘» Mondrm *4)11 iMtriutt tbr *lt*>fl**»H*i vision Few vu>tr eaii *»«v :>f*1** iMvufUm for *uhnuilitt# It Ah to the f ftiu-f Jt'\k f-St! Suit* KXf ;% nrxM) the da* before publication The nr*** editor doe* not h*\* h tune Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! ENJOY A FREE FAMOUS STAR® HAMBURGER CaiTsJc. Place a minimum $6 or 3-day ad at our student or regular rate in person. 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(617) 934 6636 Men ca . write Camp Wir acKi 6 Gfc&n l t»r « Mitmaroneck NY 10643 9^4 38* 6983 We w be on camp*..*. 2/1/V3 from M4 in the EMU rco* - Cedar a and B SUMMER JOBS Water Iron! jobs WSl Summer Childrens Camp* Northeast men and women who can teach ch^dren to swim coach swrm team wate* s* i >cfc. tww etoot; *=—*••' Inboard motors, beautiful pool and a*es Good salary, room and board, fraw' .1 «•>.» • Mi- i • w*'te C.»' i W - ,tdL ‘ Gen l ane Mamaronec* N'r 10643 (914! ini 696 • A. '*>en wr-se Camp Vega MO Bo* Du *bUf> MA v t ' 7,9.34 6636 Wc w tie on can pufe . 1 93 »'c-m 11 4 the t MU *■:•• «• \ i wdar A and B Upper class v ! Mar*e*'--g 'faded Waiter and Spnng ten Appro* 10 hrVwewk Very he ■£*■'** scheduie Send short resume by Friday January 14. to Dav»d fun* Umvtwsrty Ht/usmQ. 16th and Again fcOC THE FAMILY CENTER 11 MU 5 n.r g for volunteers and •' interns 'r; h«wp start '• and work «>•" onented eptneties and project'. 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