Microsoft at Your UO Bookstore UNIVERSITY Media, victim’s parents watch Dodd hang WAI.I.A WAI.I.A. Wash (AD We es pected it to lie gruesome Dttath penalty op portents had gone to court Monday to argue that hanging, one of Washington state's methods of capital punishment, was hartw rous. i me! and unusual punishment Hut tlie quick and clinical way the state put to dentil convicted < tnlii killer West ley Allan Dodd surprised the dozen merlin rep resentatives i hosen as of fit ml witnesses At 12:02 a m a si nwlt in front ol a se< ond floor window in the death i handier was raised and the :tl year-old Dodd spoke his final words, a hard to hear message of a last minute religious conversion When Dodd finished at 12:04 am, the si reen was dropped and the silhouettes of two hangmen could lie Siam One placed the hlai k hood over Dodd's shoulders The oth er chewed gum is he placed the noose around Dodd's nei k and snugged it up !«■ hind Ills left ear At \ 2 0ri a m the i handler's stillness vs as broken hs the i rai k of the trapdoor spring mg open Dodd s taiiind hotly dropjH'd into sight in a lower window There was no notii eahle violent move ment or tvs iti lung 7 tried to cover the hanging with a reporter's detachment... But when I got back to my motel room from the prison, I threw up.’ John Wiley, Associated Press correspondent I watt hed Dodd's hands, whit h were slightly i rossed in front of his groin, and could see no movement. Cornu lions Department offit nils find said earlier that if they |>re|>an d corn-t tly tor the nation's first hanging since ltlf>5. there would lie very little suffering as the 7 fool 1 UK h drop would snap Dodd's net V A minute Inter, at 12 (Mi a m Prison Su perintendeiit Tana Wood drew the blinds on the lower chamber Department of Cor rc< lions spokesman Veltry Johnson pit ketl up a white telephone and announi ed that a piiysu ian had set the time of death at 12 tin a m. Tears welled tip in the eves of Dnrrell the Vane inner attorney who had assist ed Dodd m cutting through appeals so the ext* utinn c ouId go quickh lewell‘Cornell, the mother of one of the hovs Doth) killed, patted on the bac k Clair Ne'er, father of Dodd's two other vic - tims, shook Lee's hand Both parents then <|ui< kly left thee handier. Some of the madia witnesses had been chosen in advance, but eight were selected by a lottery based on the size of their news paper or station VVe were taken to a room behind the me dia c enter, pat searc bed and made to put all of our valuables in brown envelopes that were then sealed We walked through the* hitter c old to an adjacent brown bric k building, the state's death c handier I tried to cover the hanging with a report er's detachment and wasn't sure how it would affect me But when 1 got hnc k to mv motel room from the prison, I threw up John Wilvv is llie AP s < orre.s/xiricfo/i/ in Spokane, Wash. PX)regon DRAFTING SUPPLIES 1 MAYLINE PARALLEL RULES ALVIN PARALINER RULES DRAWING BOARDS iOUO WOOD 4 MtlAJMINl PARALLEL RULE BOARDS 35 2«VINYL board OTTCOVERSHEETS BLANK BOOK SALE $7.99 $8.65 BLACK 8V2XII BLACK 8x11 i\o % X ACTO Off #1 KNIVES & w #11 BLADES (5/plc) ARTIST'S SUPPLIES PAINTl Winsor & Newton, Grumbocher, Liquitex, Golden, Talens ALL BRUSHil 5%-50% OFFTechnical pen sets 1 w« ■ rotring, koh-i-noor, staeot^er, reform ART BIN 0” BOXES AND TUBES Winsor & Newton, Grumbocher, liquitex, Cosmos, Morilla, Yasutomo DRAWING PADS Strathmore, Conson I » 1 * AUfiUtRMM* 0»* ml BINDERS Owni»r.Ho«^>!i