ASUO Continued from Page 1 "The question is not it were going to give them mourn , but <ig deal." USSA is a Washington D C based student lobbying organization. The inauguration is free However, people must rei eive invitations to pun base tu kets to other inaugural events sin h as the Presidential Inaugural Gala. Bloommgdale said Tick ets for the gala vvhu h Lee and Lore said they plan to attend, i ost from $100 to St .000 Lee and Lore said they plan to do some work while in Washington DC They will meet with legislators in Wash ington DC to begin lobbying efforts they'll i ontinue in the spring One of their top lobby ing priorities is getting the Vio lence Against Women Ait passed. The act would make any rape on a college campus a federal i rime. Lore said Hills like the Vio lence Against Women A< t ore "hot political potato* ” It legis lutors pass the bill, programs like Project Saleride i ould be federally funded. Karmen Fore, Bobby Lee "Anytime von t .111 make those contacts, you'll Im- liettor when you do your lobbying.'' l ore said 'We re at .1 disad vantage because we re three time zones away from where we want to lie and l ore said they will also talk to legislators to voii e their support for a bill that would enable students to re reive loans directly from their universities, instead of from hanks Oregon Student I.obbv fists ulive Director Rob Nosse said he hadn’t heard it any other student body presidents or y it e presidents from Oregon col leges re< etved ins itations to the inauguration "My sense is 11 ,ee and Fore) probably got invited bet ouse when Clinton came to Oregon, he came to the University of Oregon and they yvere onstage with him," Nosse said The student liody presidents and vice presidents from Last urn Oregon State college, Ore gon State University. Portland State University and University of Portland were unavailable for comment on whether they received invitations Hut John Petersen. Western Oregon State College's student body presi dent. said he had not Mark Cregory, the student body president ol Southern Or egon State College, said he also rcc eived an ms datum Double Latte with Scone FALL CREEK B A K !■ K Y K C a f e 881 East 13th Avenue, next to the UO Bookstore Open Monday-Friday 7 30-9 00 Saturday 8 00-6 00 Sunday 9 00-3 00 484-1662 QUESTION: Did you make any New Year's resolutions9 “No. Because it seems like an arbitrary measure of time to me." SAMDEESE graduate, history j "To get rid of my belly." LIZ SAIDEL freshman, undeclared "I sort a did but haven't started yet. One was to have bal ance in my life. I’m working on it.” JESSICA CALDWELL senior, PPPM “No. I made them before and haven't been sue cessful with keeping them in the past." JEN T1BBEY lunior. psychology "To live deliber ately." KIRSTEN KRANE semen. international studies "No. Because I didn’t have any to make." CHRIS HAWKE junior, political science POLICE BEAT 1 lie following mi idents WHO1 reported to the Offit.»* <>1 I’uhlic Safe I\ ,iml the Kugene polite department from l >•-« 20 to fan A • A University student re ported ,i burglary on the 1400 blot k ot Alder Street that (»• ctimid sometime Itetwnen Ue( 20-41 I tie hill k d(Mir ot the res idem e was pried open, and a television. V( 1. skis, ski boots, a snowlKiard, two speakers and a drill were missing 1 he miss i ng iIimiis vv *' rt* V .1 i u «i! a I $1,244 • 1 'hr !attlr ( h «\in |H*t sit>r«* on lh»- i*-MmJ Mix k of f ranklin Boulevard roportwi a thrlt that (m < iirrcd sound mu* br'lvvron I)m 20 2 t Tv\o i hani«*liM>ns and a fool long boa i onslru lor valuod at a tola! .$020 vw*n* rr portnd missing • A University student r» port mi a burglary on the l‘M)0 him k of Kim aid Street that (* < urrrd soim'lnnr Ih*Ivvih»ii I .! 1 iinil |iin .1 A word proves sur. two hikes, a I V and a sloe i*o worth a total of $ I ,*M)() wore reported missing • Out* 1*1 year old and throe invemles wore charged with possession of less than an ounc e of marijuana on Dec _'J I he four were observed smok ing marijuana around midnight oil the* top row of si*,its at I lav ward f ield ACADEMIC LEARNING SERVICES WINTER TERM 1993 SCHEDULE TEST PREPARATION WORKSHOPS LOQiC ( . MATH_(j -BiOLOOV "—r-Sa PH\'4I I /p.T HISTORY / GRK Preparation: $60 Mondays it Wednesdays Jan. II. 13. 18. 20. 25. 27; Feb. 3 5:(K) pm 6.30 pm l eb. I Practice exam 5:00 pm K:(X) pm LSAT Preparation: $95 Jan 19, 20.21.26. 27. 2K 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm l eb 2 - Practice exam 3:30 pm - 7:00 pm GMAT Preparation: $75 Tuesdays and Thursdays Jan 5. 7. 14 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Jan 12 - Practice exam 3:(X) pm * 6:30 pm MCAT Preparation: $200 Saturdays Feb 6. 13. 20. 27: March 27; April 3 9:00 am - 4:00 pm March 6 - Practice exam 9:00 pm - 4:00 pm To register contact A.L.S. at 346-3226