3 Museum Office Assistant • an you Tyre** Ar«? voo good at arth ’«*•”> Cat you wn1# and spe- wetf? The*-' th# UO Mtiw-u-*- oI Halt.'.) H ate ■y n**ds you* h<8p w»!h CXX* keeping pap# neor*, CO." eapoodeoc * wrndmg v ’ put* * at'O^S AT-SW-fu >r\g f*'-*» phOOf* and other (somet-m#® more mternshrvgj work Hour* 8 1D*w* Detwerm 9am Ard Spm Wages S6 ’S S5 4V*v de pf*>ftng on experience Re?a-i e xper n*x** Mi* compute' s* !J» or p»» wr-r* m another DO department^* office * -. 3 be Ke*pV Ctf f n*a 346 3Q?4 Th* EMU Child Car# and Develop meet Cntra have poufi.-m av.-wif* •:■' a wc>'* study student The j pcs t s funded * ' up to 10 hours per week Dufies may vary pn" try ; ■ot) >s to serve as support start for the j family Center for more ■nfo.to ap I i ’i a ^^r#n ( ogv ' !* 346-2962 EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS A gem of a deal! WORK STUDY POSITION BEGINNING WINTER 1993 TERM s«*»k j to Mi 'eoeptionist/cle' * a: pos •Crf n CounM*: -•■.} Psychology t*am,ng .;:.mc f xceilent personal n ter action skiifti .rnd ability lo wcr* independently are essential ideal position for majors *n he*p*r.g professions $6.967hr For more information please call Donna GouW at 346 43? t WORK STUDY HELP WANTED Overseas Study section of International fducaf-." Mu *4 a iso be available • werfc dunng 1993 94 If interested. cac Noreen at 346-1206 Work Study t «pene.'K.©d sfifi; hers ••eded to sew costumes for University theatre Call 346 19/5 Work study student needed to shop i d ryn errands for University Theatre Own car 346 1975 225 APTS DUPLEXES Campus Apartments Furnished 1A2 Bedrooms Winter rate*^ S375/$450 465-2823 1 bedrm apt. 17th and Aider, available immediately S35G/mo. md cable 663 6287 leave message Large turn l bdrm near Musrc Bu kJ ng Heat met 5380 Ret Call after . p m Ridgewood Apts. 668 5/69 Oulet spacious 2 bdrm apt on bus Baauefut complex art 601 Coburg Road $495 484 5429 CAMPUS TWIN APTS 735 f 14th >hare kitchen F urmshed $29fvmo. $200 dep w»?h lease On-s»te laundry >43 1009, 747-5216 Iv msg _ ??5 APTS DUPLEXES F urn t*h#d studio Ne» U of O l bnry i5i5Hoy*d 4 84 WZ2 i Red wood Park Apts. Quirt. Country Liming With City Conwmimrr Unfumiihtd 1 B«rm $486 (starling Nov 1) Lem UtmtHM-On Busline Equipped Weigh? Room, Spa Wood Part A Playground Laundry Facilities Also FurnUh*d tuiUt Stud*o 1 A 2 B R $600 to $875 individually Decorated Completely Furnished Everyth mg From Cable TV to Linens For Bad, Bath A Kitchen On Site Managament Team 4103 W. 18th 484 3773 You are welcome to stop by our office for a free list of our svatlable ran tats 2140 HARRIS STREET !' 'QO " ar*th good widows C > j includes uW, laundry A hrtchen usa 1891 HtGH STREET j ' bd* m apt Hardwood floors I try i ,i> j Weathered V ■<"' 2040 emerald | Stu*-. < ottage f-tvf $.WV ♦ eludes utti't.-es. park mg 190 E 24TH AVENUE 1 bedroom ap? Nest to An>«•< M?t B QUIET, QUIET, QUIET Enyoy the beauty of woods and enkjiile in super floor plan 2 BEDROOMS. 1V, BATM • Bus to Campus • Sanmn'wsg Pool • We*ght/F !»• by / "5 I 56*h On* U4 «t?CVm*g ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦ ♦♦ «t [ v» b*oc* worn cent**? of asm-put. ? i bdrm. quart. per* erg, S.XKV'mp j ►LiW.*.. 240 QUADS New Year Sp*ct«i $’ h* ■**.■ >» and modern. uti p**t ’ Wot,-* from campus Ca« 683 ?4?<9 nm>e 245 ROOMS Convened garage room S'lV-v-nth P*u* MS uW. o’* Hoad bu*hn*/c ar ;xod 485 384.X Furnished room. $’V >.«-l W’-'-mr* cS*hd *.'•*} •' K,V* f«r*n ?*. ‘ 'if and a*t H./* U4 ;\n? Nice furnished c*v .v 4 S3?.*' * 1Bp * '«•-)•• %r., ’«-■'•-• 1 turn room. $; ■.: i • t •<■■; MCu*# pf*v A.iV Dr» ’ . N ,'fi .'4 * h 1 K 2 room* avail / a •■ ■.-.«• 2 room* 1 v y * " , ' . ■ i< * S3ib, ’ medium &‘f*> *■’ lN -ncl la^’dry A Mchen Secluded N *me near campus ' si. last dep J44 0824 250 DORM CONTRACTS 3 contract* ’■■/ v>-v.« u t.viy $8» bonus or <*;* h Cart 34 3 35x6 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Someone to share . ?.»<•" v 4? $2fk>’mo. pk.a ut'« ' M St 68/ 869? Female wants to share .' t«*»jt - m $200 mo piu* /.-. 685/2/! Female wanting to share *,-«?* . fcedrm apt near Aut/en. non smoking S/f'/ V' ♦ *» x ’ ' »• . 4 *4 >*, < * Seeking trustworthy hrp*- w <** son to share 2 tx*m jM a* Par* ^>ov* Apts $2?Vmo p*u* t "I uW 486 ! 14 1 UofO 'ml -'eeaed ' share r <. m- « . students 4 bik* to campus. no smkg • util J4VC764 2222 Willamette St share -h* ju«t seizure, pod. sauna. Pus de ii»*e to UO nor smiung. $23/ SOmo p*u» *» eh* avaM »md 34*> 5938 Had 4 bdrm 2 bath house . \ - S200S230 plus dep and ufet 8th and j«h«f son J4 » 49! f 880 W 18th Ave • t-t* r. ,»< I r*v >•. i bath clear' juw* * d. fvepite.r bus rte irg yard, no smeg. $20CVmo pkr* thi/d uU S50dep 682 7862 Sat 280 MEETINGS QAY RIGHTS MARCH ON WASHINGTON 0 C t Litton Gtv l.MfcW' .vxi peopte colter g* on OC or A*w 1993 Hf TMtHt Planning f < *io-» Jan^y « •' P Mi pN Room i MU > 11 Me 336. * Survival C«r»i#f !-'Ww*s» M***-' ng T uas Jan i *th -'pm IMr- l indar Room t MU ProgHMUNve Act w«m f >.w (V PUr»«t» .. J 285 CLUB SPORTS WOMEN'S WATERPOLO '•’r-p-il <»«■' - j W n t‘M I W j •••'-; a :.racM card Pw.aa® ■>•> T ,v* my of 346 M»? » H> grva V •• * Survival Ca«t»r Outdoor Program Arc ifw,( ) )i **il Toft * •. a.h... -V’y day !.« t> JiH' ' !JP*. . .y! ,U6 4 'V r t4if. 4 »».' 4**gnup.*0.P A A>- ‘ r POCKET PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS Springtime Directed by Rob Urbmatli Jan 7,8.9 at 5pm Room 102, Vlllard Hall 295 ARTS i ENTERTAINMENT WANTID * - ptaye* ' 'Nt* U.u- ! U4 OOtW> GAS FOOl LODGING ^ **-#■•* 5 10 \U f '* Watcrlan^, * —^Gjs HOHKMT UK HOtO MISTRESS jgCTmmni ** ' ’ r'-vVV. • >«■.«* ■."^SNEAKERS. & - , ■ , u -< L UNDER SEIGEJ THE FAR SIDE By GARY l ARSON Uh oh Looks like the usual airplane food Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson IT WOOLD SURE BL A BIG ■SURPRISE IV THE SCHOOL 80S SPONTANEOUSLY EXPLODED AND I DlDNl HAVE TO CO TO SCHOOL' TV AU ID SURE HI SURPRISED IV THAT HAPPENED' ~vr tut Foil c* SURPRISES B'J V NL\% It < AMITh 4 'ON'Nfct 'TIO.N' />•(/» If.met mJJ ;ut> i;ii;i o in in i_ a in UJ Hot Cafe Lotte n a ■O T) c n Chocolate LJ. x? Italian o - w Sodas o o - ujz At The I spresso Cart ^ r\cm »ocat*d alf** ^ Conor w*»! U. /r*- >4W* /l.WWA' 4/ > tix *u\ m tv i-f ncx*-‘ r*l+J T ■W i> UP TO PfAl ■*t <'>>!> •• if-' ufuU',7n<'»*'.t»!> UUN' !HA1 «*/ \y%tt an n OUT, MV1 UHVOWT you nui 6tT along1 1 CROSSWORD By Eugene Shqffer 1 ACROSS 1 Cornfield comm#nl 4 Bu degree abt>r 7 Ac* ompa nyog 8 Sorrowful sort* 10 f ly*^ Down* lyric snippet 11 Dormant 13 Chamber lam roie 16 'I Corner a* 17 F radon is r.*M of HSVP 19 Remit 20 Ann burglary dev*:# 21 { ncrusted 23 The Duke' 25 Cagney A I ecey* star 26 I o&* bngWnes* 27 Spoon bender Getter 28 Tic 30 Mr Mam marskjold 33 Sh.»n< in!# 36 f root's CAp 37 Construe ttors nif« 36 Shuts 39 t rUhirti •ttc 40 t 4(0 A Tony. 41 f »fhu fu» DOWN 1 App(o«i malftty 2 P«rtdtM»g 3 N»»t*fy *e 10 Harem room 12 Datum for Bob Barker 14 Orange coal? Solution tlma 27 mlna Yaatarday'a anawar I -6 [m rmra r n »o A 1 A It * f.*N?l M mjvT o M* otefi N !* OjuU 6 » 1* U! l< 1 5 W.lfMtl 19 'Cuty* »nd (tolls9 lokt 20 Cauil* miIu\k jn 21 f rsoi/ thocoiat# 22 M«Mau rani* 23 1 av# 24 ( leaf com mand«r 25 I lop 26 Oifcun C«r1«i 20 S«4ttU» i 4g*i, lor 29 lk> a k»t!«r p#r1#d p)b7 30 Mchttl #ng#k> iuti|4K.l 31 l »*«» somu cNww 32 Cam# upon 34 W« D cup o’ kindn«»*»c y#C 35 Cry r«Kj.)rding /op ala