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CM • > *>\ n ,b»R "m 344 * «r f To*h«t>e 4M0 VCR Ws 34/ • 9/ft ♦ c* m OPPORTUNITIES 170 SOUND SYSTEMS CASH’" /#> : ( v • -A" . • #• , VQR » af*J ThQT^no^ f 1 • ir? Oafc j43 8?/3 irs INSTRUMENTS Go* 4 Qu*UH• *■’•'! ‘;y »v,v • ir M-.,v* f'W-- s • 'ar *i** M».*v I * John Vtar*** a*, f»> 17 cm 344 44V T#chn<» SXK-700 K*yt*>*fd C*V SttaTHS, VliVX! I ■«•&» pffiW'S rnufaC. •ac* SBCGoto 6#I7 <-4->4 185 BOOKS CASH FOR BOOKS Twro Con»tnl«n| L ocstwi TM t I3» VSWittamBtlB MS 1651 343-4717 BUYING HOURS 65 14 f Si 2 % M7 • 2. Sm Smith Family Bookstore ?0$ OPPORTUNITIES M*o 0*1 y> > »* •* «•, ■ «U 205 OPPORTUNITIES Are you worried about succeeding in your courses this term? Ai ,K)em* t PiXUKXj (>n43 MAIM 7S\ MAIM A? 3 JO pm UM ?OOpmlJH 7 30 (»n MW 3 30 pm UM 7 30 pm MW 3 30 pm MW I 30 pm MW 3 00 pm UM 7 00 pm UM 1 30 pm UM 3 30 pm UM CM 777 CC 70? I H HX? 70? 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Cj*mp W ■ '*5u r> G*«r> l w** Mamaro*«cfc NY ’0M3. ttM4) 3ft t *>9ft3 A* w h# o* campu* 2 Vfljr3 *?om n 4 ,r m« f MU, room* Codar A an \ ' II) j»n ft in jun Itft I Ml)»» I fl) imu I-SA1 I'rrfMiralian: S'* JO. U M V 1% * %0 pm % 11) |W«. »rl» hulkr rum ' *0 pni > OO I «;MAI IYrp.rat«»n: US 1 u> uia» • I ho< V.lj ) \ N ? 14 Mlipr). Mt> jwn J«n f ; l*»* ikf t • Mn ' < »if J f»„ Mj»i h 6 11..M nim V CD pin 4 CM) pm lo rrnislri hhiLhI A.I_S. at 210 HELP WANTED New Years Resolution new tern r-*m cutvses f>P* money Internal** a Comp«arr t,*«**s motivated Summer Ch»*flrens Gamps Northeast men and who can teach children lo sw»m coach «,w>m seam water s* %;,» «omrt?*>A>areloat) sa«; Inboard mo tors beautiful pool and lanes Good salary room and board travel at sowimce Man cafl or write Camp W-nadu. 6 G‘en Lane. Mamaronecfc NY 10543 914) 361 5983 Won-,an co« or wr*t Camp Vega PO Bo* 1771. Duabury MA 02332. <6! 7)934 6636 We *"il be on campus 2 ' *93 from 1 t 4 •n {rv* EMU. 'ooms Cedar A and B U Of 0 SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM FOR TALENTED ANO GIFTED STUOENTS June 17 • July 17 Teachers and dormitory counselors warned Teachers must have expertise •n a spoof* suttee? and the at>«i>ty to 'each grted students Teacher salary 19 $H50 $'3 50 pnr teaching hour Counsels must possess enthusiasm to wcwfc with junior high age youth Counselor salary is S665 00 $735 00 plus room and board For job descrip tions and atx ‘^-cations contact Bobbie Biacfcwei Ed Anne* 346 3064 34f> ’406 Application deadline tor teachers s February 28. 1993 and tor counselors £ll Bf Center 461 West Sth butene. I 4R ^7401 SAVE $$$1 ON TEXTBOOKS! • in the front of the same building (only one block from campus) • same low prices • expanded floor space Bring your Textbook Information author, title, edition We'll help you save $$$ Sell some of last year's Textbooks and help pay for this term's books Smith Family Bookstore 768 East 13th • (503) 345-1651 Eugene, Oregon 97401 i