Possible black hole at center of galaxy PHOENIX. Ariz (AP) St;irv that /ip along at high speeds and bursts of infrared radiation lend new support to the theorv that a Mark, hole the size of a million suns lies at the center of the Milkv Way. the galactic home of the Earth The research, presented Tuesday by two Umversilv of Arizona astronomers, strengthens tin* notion that a massive fxidv exerting a powerful gravitational pull is centered on an obje< I known as the Sgr-A-Star located in the (.ore of the Milkv Wav iJH.ono light years away. One of the astronomers, l aird ('.lose, said a new instrument has detected for the first time streams of infrared radiation from Sgr A Star The finding of infrared radiation is consistent with the pres uni e of a hint k hole in the Milkv W av s i ore "We have detected a source of infrared, whiih is powerful evi dence that there is a huge object, likelv a him k hole, at the i enter of the Milkv Way. ( lose said at a news ronferem e The research used a telescope that lakes out the twinkle of stars caused hv atmosphere distortion, and can pinpoint infrared radi ation from Sgr-A-Star The present e ot sin h radiation is i oltsidered critical evideuce of a iliac k hole Infrared radiation would he goner ated as gas and other material tails at an accelerating rate toward the center of a blar k hole. Another Arizona astronomer, loseph Haller, measured the move iTient and concentration of stars m the gal.ntn core and found more evidence for a black hole He said the stndv showed that stars within about four trillion miles of Sgr-A-Star had a< i elerated to almost a ipiarter ol a million miles an hour, a movement that i mild lie caused onlv hv a power ful gravitational attrui turn Haller said he also measured the mass of material m ar Sgr \ Star and determined that within 0 7 to 1 fi light vears around the object the mass was equal to about TOO.00(1 suns "That amount of mass is consistent with the idea that Sgi A Star is a black hole.” said Haller A light year, the distance light will travel in one year m a vacu mu, is about six trillion miles University of Illinois astronomer Kwok Yung l.o said that al though the observations were important, thev fell short ol present ing proof of a bloc k hole at the Sgr A Star Studies of Sgr-A-Star show that it is a verv small bodv and vet appears In have a massive gravitational pull, he said This is con sistent with a bla< k hole Sgr-A-Star also emits a radio signal that astronomers s.iv is the tv pe of emission that would be expec ted from a blat k hole To prove it is a hint k hole, however, said l.o. astronomers need to show that the mass of Sgr-A-Star is equal to about one million suns within an area about two million miles across. Sui h a i mu en trillion of matter would t reate a gravitational pull so powerful that nothing could esi ape. not even light This is the i har.K teristu that gives blai k holes their name I taller agreed. "To determine that this is a blai k hole, we need to gel in much much closer." he said Chimney catches burglar OCKANSIDK. Calif (AIM So how does Santa Claus get down those chimneys' Frank Morales tried it and got stuck upside down, his head and hands dangling inside the fireplace of a stranger's house "It was hilarious." said homeowner Margie Heavers, 5W. "If it hadn't been so hi larious I would have la-en si ared out of mi wits Morales landed at the bot torn of tlie thimnev. where his waist betaine wedged, with a loud thuui|i and lie gan hollering for help, awak ening Beavers and her •>.’ \ ear-old husband, l.arrv shortly alter a in Mond.ft "i ran into the liv mg room and was going to the door when I realized (the voiiej w iwii't i om i ng from t In door, Margie Beavers said "I veiled Where are you/ Are yon in mv house' He said he was in rnv chimney, and then I said What are you doing m there' and in said. I'm Santa Claus Margie Heavers saw a man s head and upper torso behind Christmas stockings still hanging from the mantle and i ailed policc Officers summoned fire fighters, who had to chip away part of the inside ol the firepl ii e to bee Morales •Inste id of thanking them. (Morales) aim- uncooper alive and combative, said police Sgl Reggie t.rigsby "Me had to hr- subdued and taken into < ustodv " Are you worried about succeeding in your courses this term? Academic Learning Services offers small group tutorials at the following times: MATH 095 MATH 111 MATH 112 MATH 241 MATH 242 MATH 243 MATH 251 MATH 252 :30 pm UH .00 pm UH :30 pm MW :30 pm UH :30 pm MW :30 pm MW :30 pm MW :00 pm UH :00 pm UH :30 pm UH :30 pm UH 3 2 2 3 2 3 1 3 2 3 3 CH 222 EC 202 FR 102 FR 202 GER 102 GER 202 PH 202 SPAN 102 SPAN 202 :30 pm MW :30 pm MW :30 pm MW :00 pm UH :30 pm MW :30 pm MW :30 pm MW :00 pm UH :30 pm MW :30 pm MW 3 3 2 3 3 2 1 2 2: 3 "Additional groups will be opened as necessary If you are interested in joining one or more of these groups, see Kim Lilley at Academic Learning Services, 68 PLC. The fee is S60 per group. If you need assistance in courses other than those listed above, our tutorial registry can provide names and telephone numbers of qualified tutors. 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