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ADVERTISE YOUR VACANCY IN THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS EPA: smoke causes cancer NEW YOKE (AP) The Environmental Protec tion Agent \ will release a long-delayed report that savs sis ondhnnd t igaretto smoke is a human carcinogen and kills alxuit .1.000 non-smokers a year bet ause of lung t anirr. agency officials said Tuesday The report, to !*• released Thursday, also con cludes that set ondhand smoke int reuses the risk of pneumonia and brow Intis in t hildren The KPA Inis the power to t lassifv a substance as a t art inogen. but it does not have any power to regulate indoor air The release of the report, however, could trigger an avalanche of federal, stall* and Itxal regulations limiting smoking in publit plates, health udvot ales said "Having the KPA's imprimatur on this is ex tremely important," said Hr Alfred Munzer. a spokesman for the (audition on Smoking or Health, whit h int hides the American I.ting Assn cintion. the American Heart Association and the Ament an ( am er Six ioly "We believe this will motivate state govern merits, lot a! governments to enat t further regtila turns limiting smoking in publit: plat es ." The report also could protl the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to regulate smoking in the workplat e. health advtx ates said Douglas Eiillor. .in OSHA spokesman, saui the agent v would weigh the KPA report t archills ill its deliberations Munzer t ailed on President Hush to use the re port to instils an order to restrict smoking in let! end buddings "This is far less controversial than tin* pardons he has issued nntl would do a tre mentions amount for the publit health," Munzer We believe this will motivate ... governments to enact further regulations limiting smoking in public places Alfred Munzer, Coalition on Smoking or Health said, The report concludes that se< ondhand smoke is a proven human carcinogen, putting it in the same < lass as asbestos, lienzene and radon, KPA officials said. The report's authors said cigarette smoke causes from -too to 7,<)<)<) lung canter deaths in American non smokers annually, with a "host es timate" of 3.000 cases That's based on conserva tive assumptions. the\ said, so the actual total could lie higher They also said that ( igarette smoke inc reuses the risk of pneumonia, tirom Intis and middle-ear disorders in ( hildren The report also concludes that i igarette smoke im reases the severity and frequent v of asthma in children. HI’A officials said The KI’A has dei ided to kill a sec ond report that links secondhand smoke to 37.000 heart-dis ease deaths annually, said Holier! Axelrad, head of the KI’A s indoor-air division. The report origi nally was conceived to tie a companion to the lung-cancer report Kids at risk from chewing tobacco CHICAGO (AIM Otic in four teen-age consumer* of chewing tnlwcco started using it (wtwiH-n ages five and eight, great I \ mi reusing their risk of developing < am er. m i ording to re sear i hers Another 25 percent of the teen age smokeless tohai < o us ers surveyed began using it lie tween ages nine and 12. said a report in the January issue of IVtlialrii s Keseari tiers said the survey of 242 smokeless lohan o users among 2.01H sixth through ninth-graders ill Arkansas typi fies other states es|«s udiv ru ral ones Tfie authors called for nation w ide, grade-school education about the dangers of smokeless tobai < o. "I think almost anywhere in ross the nation, our i hiidren have access'' to smokeless to bacco, said the lead author. Anita Gottlieb, coordinator of outpatient quality improvement at Arkansas Children's Hospital in Little Rock The study t ited previous re searchers who said smokeless tobacco users are four times more likely than non users to develop mouth or throat can cer. The Smokeless Tobacco Council, a trade group Isised in Washington, D C., claims smokeless tobai i o hasn't been proven to < uuse human disease. Bui the U S. surgeon general warned in December that in i reusing use of < hewing tobat • co among youths mas foreshad ow an epidemic of oral cancer in coming decades. The Arkansas researi hers found that 12 percent of souths in their studs had used smoke less tobat i o at least twit e Sixty-four of the users, or 2I> pert ent reported starting when thes svere five to eight sears old. Another t> 1 users, or 2fi percent, started when they ssere nine to 12 years old "The earlier they started, and this is what I found really st ars the more likely they svere to lie using on a regular basis as they got older," Gottlieb said L ROSES r s9^99 do/ t uf t) Uur* on I.Hb bj l‘r r» i ttsm ('•!» ^afvfje/utns; I 1 OSVI HS \N|M,IITS !?!• l>*«l**f* JtH. V01 *44^ lit! <*’ K I >« Sox* M _ ClMK „ £ £ Ar**?i,^ M C J«*> 21 f*i 10 1 #fc 4 3pm '•fc * 3pm f*fc 13 4pm ■ M-M* *.***»n C-Co«l *£*”**]^ «-•*«-«««., Jan ;*e J*n 9 ’3 16 23 > 10 Itt UQ &S.pnr»o« $40 $40 *c J'pi'wn $15 NC ftt 6 f«6 12 *•6 i$prmems $»5 f «C ’6 Uft-•!* A $* person r MANDATORY! - BASKETBALL ™ INSTANT SCHEDULING Monday, January 11, 2:30 p.m. - Fir Room, EMU Managers/captains/free agent meeting for basketball, volleyball, inner tube water polo and racquetball Thursday, January 7, 4 p.m., 242 Gerlmger For more info, call x4113, or drop by 103 Gerlinger Hall