Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 05, 1993, Page 9, Image 9

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    FBI says racial bias
leading hate crime
WASHINGi ION (AP) Rai ial bias prompted iiii peri «>nt of
the nation's hate crimes in 1991. with bl.i< ks as the main tar
get. the FBI said Monday in its first report on the issue
The f HI said 4,f>.r>H hate crimes were reported, including
2.98.3 prompted by racial bias
"It shows the need for stronger at turn on hate i rimes said
Dayna Cunningham, an attorney with the V\.\( (’ Legal I>• •
fense Fund.
Legislation is needed, hut that "doesn’t get at the re.il prob
lem. which is profound ignorance and frustration. Cunning
ham said. "In the long run, making society more tolerant is
both iiiui It more in keeping with our aspirntionnl values as a
i ountrv and our First Amendment com erns "
Religious bias a< counted for about half ol the remaining in
cidents. ethnic bias at < minted for 9 a peri eat and sexual-ori
entatioil bias ft.9 percent, almost ail aimed at homosexuals
The report stems from the Hate Crum* Statistics Acts ot
1990 requiring the Mil to compile the figures Part it ipation
by law enforcement agencies is voluntary
Only 2,771 law enforcement agent ies took part, compared
to tile more than IK,000 that give the FBI information for its
Uniform Crime Reports on sui h < rimes as murder, aggravated
assault and roblmry
"While these initial data arc limited, they give us our first
assessment ol the nature * if crimes motivated by bias in our
society." FBI Director William S Sessions said m a statement
ai i nmpany mg the preliminary report
Rai ial bias caused 02 t pert out of hate i rimes, or ,on i in
cidents. Anti-hlack motivations were responsible for I i i
percent, t .689 occurrences, while anti-white feelings < a used
18.7 pen ent. 8HH incidents
Other ( ategories
• Religious bins: 19. 3 peri ent. 917 ui( id tints, vs it fi anti-lew
ish motives responsible for 792.
• Kthmc iii.is 9.5 pen ent. 450 incidents
•Sexual-orientation bias 8 9 peri ent 423 incidents al
most all of them aimed at homosexuals
"Hate i rimes are a means of terrorizing entire i omnium
ties because in a very real way. people who perpetrate hate
crimes aren't looking for one person." said Martin lliraga, di
rector of tin- National Cay and Lesbian I ask Fori e s anti-vio
lence projei t "They’re looking to vent tiieir ire on whoever
is most convenient."
The most prevalent hate-related crime was intimidation,
which accounted for 33.9 percent, or 1.814 incidents Van
dalism occurred 1,301 times. 27 4 pen ent of the total, and
there wore 790 simple assaults and 773 aggravated assaults
Far less frequent were robberv. burglary, arson and larceny
theft There also were 12 hate-crime-related murders and se\
en forcible rapes.
Only 32 states partil ipaled, and some that did gave limited
data. New York had the most cooperating law enfon ement
agencies, 77.'1 reporting 943 hate i rimes Only two California
law enforcement agencies provided information, reporting
just five im idents
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Congress criticizes department
congressional report chastised
the Insiu c Department <>n Mon
day tor not tanking lo'indit t in
iln iduals lor environmental
i rimes .it till1 Hoi ks Chits is iMp
ons plant m Colorado.
The report bs .1 Moose invcs
ligations subcommittee said
that senior Justice Department
offic ials in Washington deter
mined earls in their insestiga
turn that thes would not. pros,
lute individuals at either the
Cinergy Department or at Km k
well International, whii h oper
ated the weapons f.u tills tor
Km kwell agreed as part of a
plea tiargain last |une to pas
$18 . million in fine* fan ause
of illegal disposal of hazardous
wastes and other violations of
federal environmental lusss
I he ( ompans pleaded guilts to
to criminal counts
The weapons plant, sshiih
ntamdai tun’d plutonium pits,
or triggers, for nut dear war
heads had been svidelv i rite
ci/.ed tor sears user its han
dling o! hazardous, radioactive
wastes file plant now is lieing
i leaned up
Hep Howard Wol pe, I)
Mu h whose Science Space
and Fee honings investigations
suIh ouimittee investigated the
plea bargain arrangement, said
III a letter ai l nmpans mg the
panel s report that "numerous
leads about Ihe Km is fiats
i ase remain and lire new I nn
gress should pursue dii'in
"This report is not the final
word on tire Km kv Flats prose
cution. said Wolpe Pint report
urged C ongress to seek wavs to
grant imimimtv for mnmfvers of
the federal grand jury that
heard the ease so that they
could testify before ( ongress
Some of those jurors have
Ih'i'ii the sufiiei t of a separate
Instil e Department investiga
tom on leaks from the pirv
Wolpe said it would he "outra
geous" if the government
prosecutes lire grand jurors
with more vigor than they dem
onstrated in prose* tiling Kim k
rile Mouse sulu cimnilttee re
port concluded that the plea
bargain prevented the iltsi In
sure ul unsafe conditions,
i rimes and a* Iivitles at the
Kinky flats plant while i! was
managed In Kin kwell I he
pr**sedition involved violations
between I'm ' and I OHO
Hv papering over the silua
lion .it Kim kv Flats, the prose
i utnrs forfeited the opportunity
to Iona national attention" on
the ai 11 v it les not only it Koi kv
f lats (nil at other weapons pro
dm lion plants under the Flier
gv I lepartilieiit
Fnvtronnrent.il i leanuji at the
weapons plants m a do/en
states in iv take de< ades and
i os! as mill h as S..'iiO tuition,
aciording to IM)I and emigres
sion.il estimates
Although the Sin :') million
fine paid hv Ko< k1 is itmortg
the highest ever for environ
mi'iil.il i rinit's, the report noted
lfi.it the amount was less than
Rot kweH s profits (luring till’
years involved Ihe report said
Rim kwetl also was immunized
from further prosei ution hv
otht'i agent les and may seek re
iiilhui semeiil from the l.nrrgv
Department lor its legal fees
I t) date Rot k vv el I hits I e
((nested reimhursement from
IX )l and the publii lor
S ’ U million in attorney s lees
and ( osts. said the report
Members ui the grand jury re
portedlv urged unlit intents of
as many as five Rot kwell fill
plovees and three I K )l olfi
rials. Hut federal preset utors
refused to go along arguing
that the violations reflet led a
"t nIture of eiiv ironmenlaI
abuse that flail Iteen part ol Ihe
federal weapons prod in lion
program lor (let titles
litis is the vv It11e t:n|lar
et|tm illenl ol hhiming an armed
rnhltery oil sot n*lv not the
indtv idnal holding the gun
VVol()e salt!
Ihe study said an inadequate
investigation resulleti from the
dei isiou hv top |ustn e nlfit nils
in Washington not to pursue in
div itlual felony indu tliienls
FBI hunts for men who set man afire
lAMI’A, Fla (AIM - I Ih- I HI joined fh>- hunt
Monday fur three white men who dlegedlv ill
ducted a black man took him to a remote area
robbed him, then doused him with gasoline and
set him ablaze
( hr president ol l ampa s NAAt I’ t hapter
i ailed tin- attack a "lynching In lire Invesliga
tors said lint att.ii kers used r.n oil epithets, hilt it
wasn't immediattilv < leer whether tiles were ra
< lallv motivated
Christopher Wilson. It, suffered seined and
third-degree bums over about 4fI portent ol his
bodv during the assault New Year's morning He
was in serious hut stable condition Monday at
Tampa l.enernl ti<is1111.11 awaiting skin -grnttmg
surgery vl fur Tuesday
I i»Tii 1 agents entered tin- investigation under
a n-i cut federal law harming rarjmking. suite
Wilson vs.is alnlni tin) at gunpoint in Ins i nr, t ill
agent i’ft• • UulilH-nliorst said II admits determine
tin1 att.ii k was rai tails motivated. limy also would
pursue a i i v i I rights i a so. lui said
Wilson's girlfriend. loan Benoit, said ho told
her tho nion ropoatodlv i allod linn ''nigger'' and
made a remark she i ouldn't explain
"They kept saying. 'We got one, and we've got
another one to go.’ llennit said
Thru Jan 16th
(Precut mats not included)
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