Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 05, 1993, Page 8, Image 8

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    Washington child killer executed on schedule
VVAI.l.A NVAU-A. Wash (AP)
I hree -11 fru* < hild killer WVstlev Al
tan Dodd, who uskmf that In- (»• al
forded the same treatment he gave
one of Ills VK tlins was I'HIS nil'll
early today in the notion's first
hanging in IfH years
I fie :tt-year-old shipping i lerk died just after mid
night after a prison offn iol pusfied a button that opemrd
a trap door ami sent Dodd falling tin? - fixit-1 tin li
length of Ins gallon-. rope
rite State Supreme ( our! i leared the wOV for the eye
c ut ion w hen it issued a one sentenee ruling late Mon
day rejei ling a hid l>\ Washington residents to halt
the hanging as i ruel and unusual punishment I lie vote
vs as 7 1
It was Washington state's first e*m ulion sin* e lot. I
llie last hangings in I lie United States were in ion a
III Kansas, when four murderers were put to death
Among them were Ku hard I ngene lln km k and Pern
l.dward Smith the sufiiei f- of Truman t apote s book
"in < .old Blood
Dodd, who killed thru*? i hildren. had dm ided to drop
all appeals lie had said he must die lx‘< nise 1 will kill
and rape again and enjoy every minute nt it
Mi- i host- hanging over lethal injec tion hecmiw, he
sat<i. he had hanged his youngest victim s body in a
i Inset after killing hint
Death [e-nally opponents staged prayer meetings, vig
ils and demonstrations n< ross tfie state in the hours 1h*
fori? the «xw ution
IKidd was sentem ed to death ill t‘t<M) for the 1‘ifl‘t sex
murders of three boys in Washington s Vam otiver area
The i rimes were su grisly that some of the jurors who
sentem ed Inin sought psyc hialrit help afterward
Timothy Fort), a lawyer for those opposed to the exe
i ution. had argued Itefnre the Supreme Court in Olym
pia that hanging amounts to torture
"Dodd hat chosen hanging bocautMi ha wants to bo
treated equally cruel, * he said Fhe rpiestiofi is Can
he i on sent to being tortured by t in* state'"'
But Dodd s attorney. Darrell l.ee said the r ruelest
thing to do, other than delaying the rxe< ution, would
tie to kill Dodd by ttijm lion - the states only alterna
tive ||e said that at least one such exe< ution was
hull lied tn-< ause the executioner couldn't find a suit
able vein and that Doth! was afraid of needles
t aiv Booth (.arefner re|er ted requests from death pen
ally foes to t omnuito Dodd's sentem e lo lift? in prison.
Dodd admitled hi* stabbed to death brothers William
N'eer. JO. and ( olF SWr. 11. in a park in September
1«(H‘I and strangled -1 year-old I.ee lyeii the next month
Dodd said he abducted Iseli from a Portland school
playground and took lum to his apartment, where he re
peatedly molested and tortured the boy and finally
killed him the next morning
Jly his mid-20s. Dodd had been arrested several times
for child molesting For years, his pattern was to mo
lest. get i aught, confess, serve a little time and undergo
a little counseling A prosecutor described him after a
1987 arrest .is "predator) and unt ontrollable."
But until the youngsters' slayings, he never served
more than 10 months in prison.
In prison, he wrote a pamphlet aimed at < hildren. ti
tied 'When You Meet a Stranger." warning youngsters
to stay away from people like him
Attorneys for another death row inmate and triple
murderer (diaries K (.implied. last week unsuccessful
ly sought permission to videotape Dodd's hanging to
holster their < laims that hanging is cruel and unusual
Coloradans support amendment
1)1 NVI.K (AP) S x sveeks
after approving 'in anti-guy
r i >; h t s amendment that prompt -
i'd i alls lur ,i t><■ \ i nit (il Ihi'
Stull' IllOst ( ioloriK'iO residents
hasen't changed ilifir stum i'.
in i ordmg in i |iull released
l-'or mans respondents. tin*
i riln ism m.itlr them less likels
tn support repeal of Atiiftld
merit 1!, ssliuli Imrs i iviI r -,h(s
pruli'i ttolls li.isi'ii on Si-Mi,»l oft
imi.ition It was approved in
Novemlier lis hearts >-t |>eri rnl
lit Voters
f<■ 11-pitim•• interviews with
fiOfl miult ( iilor.ulo ri'stdimts
from 1 Iim lVTt found '»!» per
i imt ol tlif respondents sntd
nverre.ti lion to tin* umendnient
lis homosexuals luirl their
i uuse
The /Jemrr Past -.Veit s-l Poll
i ondur ted lis I .limes -Drake
Ri se.in h & Strategy hud a mar
gin ol error of four peri entage
Ninels lour percent of those
polled hadn’t • hanged their
minds about Amendment 2,
and -I I pen ent said the hose ott
iiiii4.lt* I tit-in I t’*i*i likely, rather
i ban more tikaly, to support its
Moss tiles re being < .tili'il
tu^ols and they resent ttiat.
said Paul Talnmy ll<' Mini the
|iull i onlirmed lhat amendment
hackers were 41111 essful in dr
I net mu tin' measure as a move
to (ires ell! 'spin ini" protei
tions lor homosexuals
Only 1 ' |mt( ent of the poll s
respondents lielieve Colorado
is less tolerant of gays than oth
er states
Will Perkins. 1 hairman of the
hoard of Colorado for f amily
Values which petitioned to get
the amendment on the ballot,
said the gav rights activism
spawned hy passage ol the
measure was inditatmg to pen
pie licit homosexuals want s|>e
1 nil legal status
Hut Koliert Briggs Daniels, a
spokesman for Him ott ( olora
do vs huh heljHid organize the
boycott. said it isn’t a ipiestuni
ol spin nil rights hut 'equal'
The poll asked respondents
to onalvze the eleition results
‘Now they’re being
called bigots, and
they resent that.’
Paul Talmey
poll conductor
Only 10 jcerc cnl said those who
supported the amendment
"hate homosexuals, vvtule 73
pen ent said bac kers ol thi*
measure opposed "laws that
would give homosexuals a ty pe
of spec tal or protec.ted status
foils taken before the Nov t
election understated the meas
ure's support A /fencer Post
\ec» s l foil inuiiediatelv In
fore the election showed the
measure trailing bv H pc*rc ent
age points, when in fact it
passed bv seven pen vintage
f orty-nine perrent of respon
dents in the new poll predicted
an Amendment 2 rv|>eal hums
tin- would Ih- reps.ted, tt> per
c ent said it would pass
Father is arrested for
poisoning his children
BATON ROUGH. La. (AP) — A recently divorced veterinar
ian tried to poison his five children with a potentially lethal
drug while visiting them for the weekend, polit e said.
Stanley H Zukowski allegedly told his ex-wife ''that if he
could not have the children, he would kill them and him
self." a police affidavit said, fudge Foster Sanders Monday
ordered him held on SI million bond.
Police sav Zukowski apparently gave the children — an 11
year-old girl, and two sets of twins ages nine and five — a
drink laced with xylazine, an anesthetic used on animals that
can he fatal to humans.
The oldest child was listed in critical condition in Baton
Rouge General Medical Center, while the others were in
guarded condition, polite initially said. At midday today, po
lice and hospital ottu ials would say only that the five chil
dren were in stable condition.
Zukowski, -lit. of Men erviile. N.f , was booked Sunday
with liv e counts of attempted murder, said CpI. Kevin Caveli.
a police spokesman. He was arrested at the Baton Rouge Met
ro Airport 45 minutes before he was scheduled to fiv out
The children live in Baton Rouge with their mother, Mary
Zukowski,Caveli said.
She told police she had allowed her ex-husband to spend
the weekend with the children She noticed something wrong
when she picked them up Sunday afternoon, police said.
"They were groggy and that's what alerted her," Caveli
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A 35 p m
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A 35 p m
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