NOW organizes Packwood rally WASHINGTON \l’| More than two dozen *ign-< arrving. chanting demonstrators asked the Senate Monday to refuse to sent Sen. Bob Pnckwood and vowed to keep up the pressure if fie is sworn m as a memtier of the 10,'trd (Congress The Oregon Kepuhlii in has admitted making unwanted sexual advani es to his Senate employees but has resisted t alls for his resignation The National Organization tor Women organized the dem onstration outside the Senate Office Building and presented the Senate with petitions from Oregon residents that reipiest Fat kwood not he seated „ The petitions contend that Pack wood defrauded the voters and submitted derogatory info; nuilion iitioul Ins .u t users that delayed publication of n wws story about hts conduit until after the November ele:.tiott Pnckwood was narrowly eiey t ed to his fifth term NOW President P,lire .1 Ire land told the rally that it would t*' unrealistu n e\pe< t the Senate to refuse to seat Pai Is wood Senate Majority leader Oeorge | Mitchell, |) \ta lie asked Senate counsel to levuns the Oregon petitions but no de cision ysas expei ted Monday, a Mite bell aide said There yyas no 1 otnment from Pai kwood Sen Bob Packwood State Senate may fight over residency SALEM (AH ( nine |an 11. the Oregon Senate could be the si eno o( nastv lights over whether to seat a Democratic senator ( onvii ted of thelt and a Republican senator whose res idem y has been questioned. Peg (olin, a Cottage Grove Democrat, recently was put on probation for felom convit - lions stemming from .1 fraudu lent fund-raising letter. Repub lican Wes Cooley of Powell Hutte has fa< ed questions about whether he actually lived in Ins Pastern Oregon distru I while he was running bis campaign for the Senate A n v seating challenges would create a rocky start for what is expected to lie a diffi i ult session as lawmakers deal with budget cuts and other thorny issues Some of the toughest talk about challenges came from Democrutu Sen Di( k Springer of Portland, who said the res idenev issue raises serious questions about whether Coo lev should be installed as a sen ator. "It's a legitimate area of in quiry,'' Springer said "Our < uncus needs a chant e to dis cuss it specifically The Portland lawmaker de nied that lie's raising the res idency issue against Cooley to dissuade the Senate Repuhli i ans from going after |olin when the session convenes "I don't see this as a bargain ing chip ill a face-off over Peg Jolin,'' he said Even though Jolin now is a i unvo ted felon, Republii ans actually have some good rea sons to ysant to keep her III the Senate Chief among them is the fail that the judge in John's trial spe< du ally prohibited tier from raising any more campaign money That would cripple her ability to run for rtf-election in lltlH and give the Republicans a shot at winning her seat two years from now Hut Sen Penn Hannon, the assistant minority leader and senior Republican in the Sen ate, said the COP caucus likely would challenge John's seating if Springer and other Democrats try the same thing against Coo ley. That is certainly possible.' the Ashland lawmaker said "The potential is there for a real battle royal. If we start out with that kind of attitude, then things yvil! degenerate the rest of the session." Some Demot rats in the Sen ate also worry that Springer's pursuit of the Cooley resident y issue could set in motion an at rimonious debate that would be hard to'stoj Hut Springer makes it clear lie's reads to raise the res idem \ issue, even though Set rotary ot Malt1 Phil K>-i•-!iiii, t IIffiiui rat. invostiiln> ()urslion boforr thtt t'l*'i lion (inti tint uit'ti to koop ( ooli*v mi the bnllot A V * N Q DRAFTING SUPPLIES 1 MAYLINE PARALLEL RULES ALVIN PARALINER RULES DRAWING BOARDS SOUO WOOD! Mlt AMIMf PARALLEL RULE BOARDS 0% C /»e,VINYL BOARD ^Or* COVER SHEETS BLANK BOOK SALE $7.99 $8.65 BLACK 8V2XII BLACK 8 xIV ARTIST'S SUPPLIES PAINT % XACTO #1 KNIVES & #11 BLADES (5/pk) 5%-50% OFF technical pen sets VI ■ ROTRING,KOH-I-NOOR,STAEOTfER,REFORM C ART BIN BOXES AND TUBES m ALL I Winsor & Newton, Grumbother, Liquitex, Golden, Talens ALL BRUSHE Winsor & Newton, Grumborher, Liquitex, Cosmos, Morilia, Yasutomo DRAWING PAD Strathmore, Conson I SCHOOL SUPPLIES PEECHEES & FOLDERS Trapper, Duo-Tang, Duo-Tex, Dennison ALL BINDERS Dennison, National, Itoya inarp, newieu racxara, lexos insirumenis ^ ALL FILLER PAPER Mead, National, Dennison SAU ENDS I -14-9X UMITID TO STOCK ON HAND.