Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 05, 1993, Page 4, Image 4

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Smith Family expansion
improves space, quality
By Scott Simonson
Emerald Cow'butty __
To owner Mis.i Smith, the Smith Fam
ily Bookstore ton seem like a tug person
al library
"As with nil libraries, even your own
personal library at home, you at < umu
Into more books than you have spare,
she said
Needing more spac e lor Misn Smith s
books. Smith Family Bookstore has add
ed approximately ii.HOO square fc-et of
spin e to Its store Jit 7f>M I I till Ave
Besides Ihs timing lugger. Smith ho(ies
the store will become belter as well
With the c ompletion of an elevator to the
second story liookstore entranc e due "by
111,! Iirst ol the year." she said shoppeis
with strollers, elderly people and outnl
slia[>e young people should all find the
stun1 more a< i essible
"The thing we re all thrilled almut is
the elevator going in In '77 we had an
elevator installer! for disabled people,
only for disabled people, in the alley be
hind the store.” she said We didn t
think it was very good, though in terms
of uc c ess to tile stole
Smith said she lielieves more pimple
are shopping at Smith Family after the
expansion. I he store now features more*
than 10.000 square feet "of |ust hooks
hut Smith still Wishes she had more
"We’ve had a lot of positive teedhai k
from the t hattges We still need more
space." she said "I hope with some
more shifting around, we c an find room
for a few moo? looks
More work spate for employees, fewer
hooks stai ked on the floor and more
books on shelves mav improve store or
gam/at ion and make ii}•• easier for shop
per*. hut bookstore employe Koss Hub
bard said customers on* stm mi|iisting to
changes in the store’s layout
''There's more i onfusion than any
thing right now. " he said
Smith Family sells titles ranging from
children’s txioks to c ar manuals to ci k
hooks. hut Smith said buying and selling
used textbooks to University studee's
has "always been part of our business
When Smith Family bookstore
o|xmed in 1074 "we had no idea of the
response there would 1 k* to iisikI test
books It was sort ol an organit thing
we got into Ihn ause of the demand We
were almost fort od to. she said
The bookstore's expansion happened
in the fall after Oregon Art Supply
moved out of a spat e adjin efit to Smith
Family into the art store s current Iota
turn in the University Center building
Another of the bookstore's neighbors,
hmerald U.itv < .omits moved into Ore
gon Art Supply’s former lot ation. and
Smith family expanded into the spate
yyhere the bookstore bad previously been
from I <17 7 to 1‘tH-l
Smith salt) the expansion at the I si
1 tth store is net omp.lined by the ret ent
|y completed expansion of Smith fami
ly \ doxxntoxvn store
All of this may seem impressive when
i nmpared to the first small liookstore run
by Mis.i and husband Delbert Smith
(who now owns Delbert's ('.ale down
toys n) while the Ixxo were I hovel sity stu
dents III the 1‘THts. but she gave some
i red It to the people of f.ugetie
"Kugune is a good reading town she
said "The ptihlii is well read l hts is ail
intelligent < omntunity an edm a ted com
Photo b> S’' 'v**
Although the Smith Family Bookstore Is expanding to Include more than 10,000
square leet ol books, owner Misa Smith said she wishes there were even more room
_ ■ii—imni 11miniiinr..tiom ■ mbumim——aigantfHill'flaiWB3tlllltHHHIIIBBIMHMI8IIIHHt?*H»lliHM9fe!lii • '!•
• in the front of the same building
(onlv one block from campus)
• same low prices
• expanded floor space
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Smith Family
768 Hast 13th • (503) 345-1651
Eugene, Oregon 47401 i
13th & Kincaid • M-Sat » 3464331
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