Bledsoe ditches Wazzu for NFL PULLMAN, Wash (AH Standout Washington State quortorlwit k Drew Bledsoe an lUHttlf ' ll Mond.iv that lie will skip Ills lost year of college i |i gibilitv and turn pro Bledsoe said he s dtu ided that entering April's \'H. draft makes more sense than staving in college "I just feel like I need a lieu challenge for mv skills In said at n news i onferem e 'i want to lake rm skills I the next level .Hid see I i .III do playing loollwll at tin high est level ftledaa>*-\ expected lo tie one of tile top picks III the April draft New Liiydond lias the first pick and the Seat!I< Se.ihawks are se< ood nledscx aid he would risk injurs if In- remained another year, which could hurt his ‘ tun* draft statu-. "This year I feel I havi an op portunity to he drafted pretty highly." he said I don't lee! like I'm leav mg the si hoof hanging We have .moth"! great miarterbai k Bledsoe .-aid he is confident hat k ii p qu a rt e r bin k M 1 k e Pattinson i an help Waslinigtoii State keep vs inning I be ( on gars were ') t. mi biding a v i« tory over Utah in the Copper Bowl Bledsoe had a m hool-rei ord 47l> yards passing in the (‘up per Bowl, and the Cougars fin ished ranker! 1 Mil Since then. Bledsoe had Been seeking < ounsel from Washington State i ouch Mike I’rn e alnl friends and familv around Ins home town of W all.i Walla Our whole font ha 11 team is evi lied for Drew and sup ports him in this do* ision 100 pen ent." I’m e said Bledsoe said tie lias enough evjMTienie to make tin- jump to the Nil. In three years .it Washington State I've started 20 games, whit h is more than most peo ple plav m five years he said Bledsoe liegan playing for the Cougars as a true freshman in l'eitl M l, draff ;. ;i . Mi I kiper lias preilii led tfiat Bledsoe. 20. COtlld lie the No 1 pu k this year Bledsoe said he will finish the current sene -tel at Wash ington Slate and return spring semester joining Bledsoe and f’m e .it tile news i on fere Hie was I’.ittmson a redshirt junior who lias played his ( ollege can of HI Bledsoe s shadow Paltinson said earlier he would support Bledsoe's mov ing to the pros "Wh«n votive got the oppor tunity that Bledsoe has at tills point in time not only to play pro football hut to l»> the No 1 pit l and make millions upon millions of dollars there’s really no reason for him to stav. Pattinson said Sunday Bledsoe, 6-foot *> and 22S pounds, ( ompieted 24 1 passes in 4 12 attempts for 4.246 s ards this season all si hoo! ns - ords He passeii for 20 touch downs with 1 .ri interceptions and ssas named l’ai ifii -1 ft ( on ferern e Offensive Player of the Year Bledsoe vvas eighth in this season's Heisman Trophy sot irig and second only to Heis winner Miami’s Torella among quarterbiu ks I or his three seasons, Bled soe totaled 7.473 yards Had he det ided to remain at Washing ton State, he would have been within reach of the Pai 10 ca reer passing record of 9.394 yards set In Oregon Stale's I rik Wilhelm ill 1 OHM Bledsoe is I 'lid yards short wf the coiifereni e rei ord for i a reer total offense set hv Stall ford s John l.lwav in 1992, Schott response due by Jan. 20 NKYV YORK (At1) Haseledls exet utive < ouncil • decided Monday to give (.on inn.ill Reds owner Marge Schott until Jan 20 to respond to allega lions that sin1 matin rai oil anil nthnit remarks Hu* four-person i oimmlti-r investigating St holt presented its findings to Si holt's lawyer Robert Hnnnetl. on Dei 2'1 Hennett said Monday In* asked to have until |iin 25 to respond and said "it appears to me there is no intention of giving her due process and there is a rush to judgment f»' i ause of outside pressure Milwaukee brewers owner Hull Nelig. the exet • utive i mint il i hnirman. said he didn't know how long after |an 20 it would take for the executive i ount il to make its dis iston I he i mint il t an fine Schott up to $250,000 or suspend her "Although tin* executive council is anxious to complete the investigation and tome to a resolu tion. vve have reluctantly agreed to an extension for a response until Jan 20, loot, in view of the important e to everyone in baseball." Selig said in a statement issued by the t ommissioners off it e Rennet! s.ntf the five tlavs were significant is preparing a defense Imm ause mans of the wit nesses he wants to interview were unavailable during the Christmas holidays I hose five days make .1 lux difference to me. but I don't think it makes .1 very tug difference to them. Bennett said. former nmplovees of I fit? Reds and at least one other club have accused Sc hott of making rac nil and ethnic slurs against lilac ks, lews and Asians She has apologized for using offensive language, denied some an usations, confirmed others and said she's not a rac 1st “They have picked a date that they know 1 can not meet Bennett said "I do not think that it is due process or that is fair " The exec utive, whit h is ruling baseball in the absent e of a commissioner. appointed a committee on I tec 1 to investigate Schott The committee t (insists of American league president Hobby Brown. National League president Bill White. California Angels exec utive s ice president |at kie Autr\ and Pittsburgh Pirates diret tor Doug las Danforth "I had been hopeful of working out an antic able resolution of this thing," Bennett said "But 1 am not going to let Mrs Schott lie rushed to judg ment. I am ho|ieful that this isn't an indication that they have reached their sentence even though there hasn't lieen a trial Blue Devils squeak past Sooners, 88-84 DURHAM. N.C. (AH) - Top-ranked Duke fell the heat all nigh! lung, and the unseasonably warm weather at Cameron indoor Stadium was |ust part of the problem. So I! Oklahoma took the unbeaten blue Devils to ov er time before key baskets by Grant Hill and Antonio Uing led to an RH 84 v ic tory Monday night "They put us in a position where then* was pressure on us, Duke coin h Mike Krzy/evvski said They fought like c ra/v To la- prec ise, Oklahoma fought like a team tamt on aveng ing the tv|w of loss Duke pinned on the Souners two seasons ago It was then that the Blue Devils stopped Oklahoma's 51 game1 home winning streak with a 90-Ha victory Hi IS time. Duke was trying to preserve a winning streak which was at 21 games, second longest in school history It not only ac c omplished that task but the- Blue Dev ils (*)■()) ex tended thenr home c cnirt winning streak over non Atlantic ( oast Conference sc hools to 77 games just barely, ■'They jiist played tough I don't know what it was " Grant Hill said "They crashed the offensive hoards, and they played extremely hard Oklahoma s Jeff Webster tied the sc.lire at 7fi with 4.71 lelt in overtime, but that would he Oklahoma's last basket for al most three minutes as the Socmers (10-2) repeatedly rushed their shots Thomas Hill hit two free throws and Grant Hill scored twice on a pair of passes from Bobby Hurley as Duke pulled ahead in overtime The Sooners missed five straight shots until Bryan Saltier hit a short jumper with ! 2t> to ploy Duke spread its offense to run down the clew k and bang drove tor a lav-up with COS left Angelo Hamilton canned a three pointer with 47 seconds to play, hut Hurley put an end to the (Iklahoma threat w Oil four straight free throws Grant Hill finished with 25 points lor the Blue Devils. Hurley sc ured 21 and had a school-recurd 15 assists Thomas Hill got 15 Webster scored 25 fear Oklahoma, and Hamilton got 17 of his 21 points in the closing 25 minutes Saltier added !H points and 11 rebounds. The Blue Devils squandered most of a hot streak in the first half, then blew all of a 20-point lead in the" second half. If Grant Hill couldn't provide an explanation. Hurley knew wfiat Duke's problem was. "We weren't staying in our offense We weren't looking for our shots like we were." Hurley said. "We didn't do the things we did to build our 20-point lead. We became tenta tive and thought the game was over at that point." Hamilton tied the game on a three-pointer with 11 seconds left, and Thomas Hill's shot at the buzzer was deflected, sending the game into overtime But it was the extra period where Oklahoma couldn't clear the hurdle. "We hit that spot in overtime where the shots weren't nec - essarily that Imd." Oklahoma coai h Billy Tubbs said, "but we pist c ouldn't get anything to fall.” Duke was horrible from the free throw line, making only 15 of .11 on the night and only one of 12 during a second-half stretch Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! | ENJOY A FREE FAMOUS STAR® HAMBURGER caxxB«rr. Place a minimum S6 or 3-day ad at our student or regular rate in person, Room 300 EMU, and we will give you a certificate for a FREE FAMOUS* STAR HAMBURGER, courtesy of CARL'S JR. Remember, you must pay for the ad in person (Rm 300 tMU only) before you receive the certificate, it you have any questions, call one of our classified salespeo ple for details at 346-4343. Only private party ads quali fy. No refunds or credits with this promotion. Certificates are limited... so place your ad today! 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