Hoopsters, wrestlers both lose By Erick Studenicka Emerald $po*t* fteoow The Oregon women's basket hall team's four-game winning streak untie to a holt Sunday with n ftt-'H loss at Hoist* State Thu defeat marked tin* first time this season the Ducks, now ft ,t. were lieaten bv an un ranked team Sara Wilson st ored 25 points for the Ducks, hut it was not enough to overcome the sea * m-low 42 percent team shoot ing overage Cindy Murphv led Oregon with eight rebounds. Oregon has played its last three games without leading scorer and rebounder Debbie Sporrlrh, who has been diag nosed with tendinitis and a stress fracture in her right an kle. Sport it h, who was averag ing Jf> 4 points per game before the injury, missed 10 games last year with a stress fracture in her left foot. Tht* Ducks open F’ncific-10 conference play this week with home games Thursday and Sat urday against California and Stanford Cal, pit ked bv |»r» reason polls to finish no lietter than eighth in the i onferent «■ is off to an H I st.irt and is nou 2-till in the latest national poll I Mending national champion Stanford visits Mi Arthur < ourt ranked fourth in the nation with .in H 2 re< ord. having sot hired both losses to top tanked Tennessee Val Whiting, the ld‘12 Conference Haver of the 't ear, is again leading the Cardi nal with her lt> 7 point per game average |eff Mct'.ov was named the Most Outstanding Wrestler at tht1 Oregon (dassu wrestling tournament last weekend in Corvallis MeCov a 1*10 pound er. narrow lv outpointed Oregon State's l.es (ditches a -t in the title match In the team competition, the Dm ks lost to Oregon State h\ the slimmest of margins. 153-151.25 The narrow defeat was heartening as Oregon had lost to the ninth-ranked Beavers HARTFORD Continued from Page 12 time we were lackadaisical find seemed to think just bet nose we showed up they would sur render.” Six. NBA scouts were on hand for the game to watt h Baker — a possible lotten pit k in this year's draft — including Geoff Petrie and Brad Green berg of the Portland Trail Blaz ers Baker made 17 of 29 shots from the field and added four blocked shots Baker, a fi-foot 11. 212-pound forward, drew rave reviews from all who saw the game "1 knew Baker was good, but I didn't expect him to do what he did,” Potter said ”1 was in his face a lot. hut hi- kept knocking down the shots." Oregon coach Jerry Green said he believes Baker will tie a force on tin- professional level "Vin Baker is a bet k of a player," Green said We tried to make the other players on the team plav and limit him, hut we couldn’t I think he will make a lot ol money in the the next few year-. Dakar's pertormam e was even mom impressive liei nuse ut the attention from the m outs m the i ruwii. tint he said lie felt no milled pressure "There was no pressure. Baker said "I don't think, .iboiit the crowd or the si outs I |ust trv to do mi best Baker used Ins height advan tage over most of the Oregon players and si ored from .ill over the court "I don't think my jump shot will he my strength in the NBA." Baker said "I believe it will he the little things like lie tense and ipm kness I think I can play on the next level The Dm ks begin conference pla\ with a trip to the Ba\ Area this weekend to face (California on Thursday night, followed In Stanford on Saturday Green said his team will have to play better to win either game this weekend "We must play better than we did tonight d we are going to win this week.' Green said "We have to focus one game at a time it we worry about some battles (loss u the line we'll Struggle " As children we learned the three Now there are six. As children we were taught (fading, riling and 'nthnwlu Now the time has mrar In learn the three R's“ of recycling rhi* means learning to rniuit waste by purchasing recyclable products like reusable, plastic coins- mugs instead of paper cups remembering to muse products such as paper bags bv taking them with you to the grocery store, and making it a habit to deposit all rn v< It materials With little effort, the University of Oregon has learned to rrJute 'tu t and m yi it Last year U of 0 Recycling deposited 1,1 ret,(X*I lbs of paper cardboard and metal prodmts and 750 gallons of motor oil and paint thinner With the amount of effort it took lot you to learn reading, riling and rithmalii you can learn to rise, le as well Take the time to nrtlm t reuse and rt\ vi It, and take the time to i an about For more information call. Campus Recycling 346-1s29 Student Recycling Program 146-0^26 Mm. m»IVt«MTV •* OUK-O^ CAMPUS W RECYCLING We wrestled terribly in the dual meet, so our result from the tournament is more like we expected. ’ J $t‘t'r I'i on l let 1J in the team's Pacifit 10 (ainferent e dual hum*! opener "We weren't surprised we were lh.it rinse to Oregon State said l-!f> pounder lames Stephens, who plated third in the tournament We wrestled terribh in the dual meet so our result from the tournament is more like we espttt ted Other division winners tor Oregon int lodetl (’.hris |enseu at 1 I H pou nds and (!un Sonnet! at 14.! pounds Kevin UolM-rts and Mat Sprague l«>th captured set ond plm.e in their respet tiv e weight div isions i DEVELOP & PRINT • 3 PRINTS 24*/|97 as*A97 2nd* I 991 ■ exp ■ exp ^0 set ■ ® I coupon must accompany order. I ■ CAMPUS 1 HR PHOTO ■ 1231 ALDER • 683-4693 BUY ONE* GET ONE1 free; ANY, MENU, ITEM) :'“TC8V” I The Country V Best Unjurt. 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