Bush enjoys final foreign appearance MOSCOW (AP) — From the stifling h*■««t of a dirt-floor si hool room in Somalia to the wintry elegance of tin* krem lin's gilded halls. President Hush was at home abroad, rel ishing the foreign policy tri umphs of his waning presiden cy. The hand that on Sunday signed a treat) with Russia drastically reducing the world's nut lear weapons stocks had two days earlier slapped U S Marines on the hark tor n job well done in Somalia and pat ted the heads of destitute So mali orphans The president returned to Washington just before mid night Sunday from his 25th and final foreign trip, a 19,000-mile journey celebrating what Bush sees as highlights of his presi dency — using military force to aid the needy and lessening the threat of nuclear war "1 think in terms of how the administration will he looked at, 1 think it will he predomi nantly because of these sin cesses in world affairs," Hush told a group of Marines in So malia at an abandoned Soviet air strip now used to fly in re lief supplies to the town of Baidoa. In a ran* mood of puhlu re flection, Hush shared with the troops his plans after leaving office Jan. 21) and moving back to Texas. "It will lie a whole shift in goats for mo. away from the public life that I’ve loved and back to the private life that 1 think everybody also enjovs. " Bush said. Ilis love of the public light was evident that New Year's Day as Bush visited with Ma rines in their foxholes guarding the air strip, toured an orphan age in Baidoa. < hatted with hel icopter maintenance (rows and sat on a sandbag surrounded by Arttiv troops while he si oopeil up spaghetti and meatballs from a military ration kit Undeterred by the 100 degree heat, the < louds of choking red clay dust stirred up by his heavily guarded motorcade and the choppy helicopter rides that flew him from stop to stop. Hush shook hundreds ol hands, posed for hundreds of photos with the troops and waved at hundreds of Somalis chanting 'Welcome Bush ” He was clearly in his ele ment, ducking in and out of tents with an "at ease" order to the troops inside, chatting about the difficult conditions, the showers and the snakes. He was equally comfortable in the presence of royalty — stopping for a brief i ourtesy call on King Fahd in the Saudi capital of Riyadh en route to Mogadishu — and in the com pany of a former communist aparatchik named Boris Yelt sin. Hush's affection and respect for Yeltsin were on display as the two men sat side by side signing the Strategic: Anns Re duction Treaty I! in the Krem lin's ornate Vladimir Hall. Hush smiled at Yeltsin warmly and pumped his hand several times during the ceremony and ensu ing news conference Mexico’s president shakes up Cabinet MKXIC'O CITY (API President Carlos Salinas de Gortan dumped sum<- prominent offi« nils Monday in a major (.ahinet shake-up apparently staged to combat i barges of human rights violations and «>le< turn fraud. Salinas, who has been pushing reforms of the country's ju du.ial and eh* (oral systems namod a new attorney general, interior minister and energy minister lie appointed lorge Carpizo, the head of the governmental Human Rights Commission. as the nevs attorney general, re plat mg Ignacio Morales lei htlgu The attorney general s office, whose duties ini hide the yyar on drugs, has consistently led the list of ogeru les critii iz.ed for rights violations Salinas also replaced Interior Minister Fernando Gutierrez Barrios with the governor of Chiapas state lose Pntrocino Gonzalez Blanco Garrido The interior minister holds one of the most powerful < abi net posts, i ontrollmg many state sis urity and elei toral funi lions and government media policies Gonzalez Blanco Garrido has iieen heavily criticized tor human rights violations in his southern slate, although the number of political killings and religiously motivated expul sions has dropped signifii anils under his administration 111 the past year, elections have taken place in more than half of Mexil o. and opposition parties have .11 ctised the rul ing Institutional Kevolutionarv Party ol fraud M r\ t jf c FRESH, GOODNESS! , 125 W. Ilth Ave. 342*8666 Eugene s Downtown Natural Fo< >d Store Sin: «* 1970 Panasonic Micro Cassette Recorder OQ95 rnioj l 3 Panasonic Cassette Player RQP30 19" Panasonic Portable Stereo RXDSW1 • AM FM • Single Cassette • CD Player 19995 TDK SA90 High Bias Audio Tape -J 69 Sony Cassette Recorder TCM81 2995 Sony Portable CD Player D36 14995 Sony 13" Color TV with Remote ,3TR24 26995 Sony Headphones MDRE525 1595 Technics CD Player SLPG WO 13995 Advent Graduate Home Speakers 22995 JVC Receiver with Remote • 80 Watts per channel 20995 UO CD Crates 3" Fuji DRI90 Normal Bias Audio Tape 99C