Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 05, 1993, Page 10, Image 10

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SI’H'IAI. SMI HOI Ks M S 10 ft SI V 12-5
mmt (£mim
...classes fill early...
for more information: 346-4361
GOP House leader steps down
WASHINGTON I API A !*»}> House Kepuhli
r.an resigned Ins leadership post Monday, coin
plaining that the GOP hierarchy " is Incoming
more ' hard right" and hurling the parly
Rep Steve (.undersoil of \\ is< onsm. i hud dep
utv whip for four years, s.uri the new GOP House
lenders do not represent mainstream Republi
cans ‘
I suspect that much of their agenda wdl be
rigid confrontation and opposition, a strategy that
Simply does not suit im style of pe>litn al ( oopera
tion." ( iutiderson said
(.undersoil has lieen a deputy to House Repul)
III an Whip Newt Gingrich Ilf C.eorgia. the outulier
tvso minority leader (.mgrirh declined < moment
on (.undersoil's resignation.
Others within the OOP's shrinking moderate
wing von ed similar ■ omplamts a month ago with
the election of tin- nexx House leadership (.OF
laxsmnkers misled a moderate - Californian Jerrx
lanvis as chair of the House Republican Con*
fen-in e and instead pit ked a combative i onserva
live. Texas Rep Richard Annex
Annex at the time said lie viewed "confronta
tion as a tool." prompting moderate Republicans
to complain that il the House t.OT took an out*
odor, combative and conservative role, the party
would lie forever doomed to minority status
"This is as all-white, all-male, conservative
leadership as this parts has had in my lifetime,
(.undersoil said in an interview Monday
The House Republicans' turmoil is similar to
what's going on in the national Republican Party
as the COP tries to figure out what xxent wrong
xxitll this Sear's white House loss Some model
ales think the religious right plus ed too hig a role
hired by his
noon rui-sciiiv. David () H
Martin will go from son
grossman to < ongrossional
aids1 on tin- stall of the
in.hi elei ii'il to sin i • •i-d hint
Martin, a Republic all from
Morristown. N 'l has In-on
Iiirod hv Hop ■ idoi I John
Mi Hugh as a spin ml aide
monitoring tho lodoral haso
■ losing in m m i s sion
Mi Hugh said Martin s salary
will ho $7r»,()()<) a voar
moro than half lus i on
grossional salary
I fool i loarlv I've hired
tin' host possible stall person
nvnituhle in tho i ountrs
Mi Hugh said Monday
lendars On The Main Floor
Sales are fi lal-no returns
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M-Sat • 346-4331
President Bush wins
‘Medal of Mediocrity’
( AS( ADK. (do IAP) President Hush vv.is ayvnrded the Mil
lard Idlmore So* lets s tongue m-c heek Medal of Medio* rity on
Monday. treating out runners-up Woods Allen, V ice President Dan
Quay le and the l S Postal Sen u e
The group said Bush dim hed its 1992 award when Ins popular
ity plummeted from a ns ord high after the Persian Cull War. and
lie lost the Nov 9 presidential
ele* tion to Hill Clinton
'Fresh from the flutter of .1
million yellow ribbons and >1 ‘ill
pert out Approval rate. President
Bush hellv flopped like ,1
wounded swan into the lake of
American despair." said Phil
Arktnv. vit e president of the fm
tionwide group
Hr finally got it on Noy I
when Ins vision thing led to
Hush league bumbling in the
ballot box." Arkoxv said
President Bush
belly-flopped like a
wounded swanthe
lake of American
Rul Arkow,
vice president ot
the Millard Fillmore Society
I h«* award, established m
is given eai ti year about thi* tunc of Fillmore s birthday (|an.
7) It honors "mediocrity to combat the rising tide of overaihicv
crs. ' Arkow s.ud
Killmorc, the nation's 13th president, took office when his pred
ecessor. Zachary Taylor, died in 18ri() He "as defeated in lKa.;
and finished a distant third when he ran again in 18r>(>
Quayle. vvlto won the award in 1‘tftH, was named a runner-up
this year for his misspelling of the word potato during a New Jersey
spelling lw-c
Allen was cited for the very-public troubles in his private 11tr
ain) the U S Postal Servile was singled out lor "subjecting con
sumers to the exjrensive debate on which HI vis Presley stamp they
want to lie oven harged for.''
Other previous winners have included announcer I d Mi Mahon,
Hritam's Prince diaries and Princess Diana former baseball star
Pete Rose and singer Hoy George
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