Oregon Daily TUESDAY, JANUARY 5. 1993 EUGENE. OREGON VOLUME 94, ISSUE 74 A spiral staircase connects the five levels of the Knight Library 's new addition ■ t . • New Knignt norary aaamon open j Visitors can get assistance in find ing materials from pamphlets, maps and library staff members By Sarah Clark Roponer Thu $13 million new addition to the Knight Li brarv o|>ened for business Mimdav, and library '•tail members wort* bombarded with questions about w here to find things. The most common problem is finding the en trance. said Andrew Bonumici, assistant University librarian. People trying to get in through the old north entrance found only Special Collections. Kxi ept for the Instructional Media Center. lh** rest of the library in at i essible through .1 temporary **i»>t entrance nuar (.«-rliriv;«-r Annex .mil tin- 1 emeterv The IMC entrant e is next to the turnaround on the west side Ome inside visitors ran use posted maps, an in formation pamphlet or stall members to find materi als "We've been answering a million different <|ues lions.” said music librarian Leslie Bennett Kverv thing looks new to them A spiral staircase l onilei ts the new addition s five levels The entrance, which will he used until the old part of the library is renovated, is on the second level. Turn to LIBRARY, Page 5 Affirmative action audit shows eight areas to improve jThe University must resolve prob lems to comply with federal regulations By Colleen Pohlig f‘I Av • • '.VI • After i ompletmg i mullin' tin site rev u-vv ul the l in versitv s affirmative .11 Inin programs i ft Lilt* I h-t emliei h-deral t utnpliant t- auditors luund eight areas lilt* I 'm vetsilv will iift tl in improve to la- in full i <>m|>li.iix «> with federal .iHirin.itivf .u Inin regulations Some tit Ihf problem .him', iih little ihf lengthy prn i ess ul i inti pi .it nl nr grievunt t- rfsuluiioii prut esses .nn! Ihf dispmptitluiii.il distribution" nl women in thf lower ranks nl Ihf l ‘niversity s lt .it lung .mil rfSf.trt It Im nlt\ .it t tndiiu; In .i pruss release Olliurs tin liulr sluirlt innings m inlnrtniilitin -galliei iiig and supers im us awareness nl iiffirmtiliVf .it linn till ligations tow.iril uniplnyffs vs fiti have tlis.ilultlifs "ll s nul li.irtl In get min Ihf pnsition uf nnl intnpK inn iv hf n you re mil Its hint .illy doing .ilisnlulf I v fVf r\ thing thill's nspiirtsl. said Kverett Walls, dins Inr uf thf Otlii f nl Affirmative At turn and lapi.il ( Ippnrtumlv Ihf sfvfii month mvifw was part nl an ongoing ft lori hv Ihf Oflit f nl federal Contrail (.omplionte I’m grams and l ntltsl Malt s Itopartmeut nt Ijdmr in ensure all ffiifr.il t tinlrut Itirs t (imply with federal regulations that PiMiim ispiily Inr job npplit ants and employee-. Walls -.aid m a pruss rflftisf I hf University- is cspts lis! In tinier min a formal, t ont dialed agreement with Ihf OR ( I1, whit h will du st rilit- fat h ili-fit it-ni v anti st-i lorth spts tin remedies fur t urret ting utit h. along w ith a limi-lalilt- for t umply ing It s import.ml In keep in mind that this t-. a t tint ilia linn prot ess. ' Wfils -aid We will tillk In tin- auditor alum I tin- i nut illation pita fss and were going In make ihf i orris lions Wi lls -.aid Iht- University hail snittf disagreements with da- auditors seven-page n-pnrt. Iiul Ihnsi- would la- dismissed la-ltirt- entering into llu- agreement Ut- know what happens at la in .:u other univcrsi Ins. and wt- kunw we're uni mt (insistent with what happens at nlher universities. Wells said We re going to resolve llu- issues University idfirmative at Inin program offit ials sum mari/ed the eight areas itlentifled hv the OH ( .!’ as the following Turn to AUDIT Page 3 Tax reform a priority of student lobbying organization j Goals of Oregon Student Lobby Legislative Platform depend on state tax reform By Tammy Batey Emerald Associate Editor_ In November, when most Oregon stu dents were more concerned with turkev and pumpkin pie than forming their lout resolutions, Oregon Student Lobby members adopted their goals for the coming year in the form of a legislative platform The 1‘t‘it ONI. Legislative Platform in cludes four focuses lax reform, the Ore gon State System of Higher Kdui ation budget, the State Scholarship Commis sion and student power OS1. Executive Director Robert Nosse sai (fregon I .egislaturc ill si (.null'd and OS!. ineinlicrs dm lilt'd to develop thti six goals into a broadtir plan. Nosse said. OS1. iH'lii'vi's a now lax system should i (insist ol a i ombination of luxes dial lax at all li'vitlx of wi'ulth. ni l ording to the two OSI. legislative Platform OSI. does not rtu ommetid a sales lax as a preferred method of providing revenue replace ment. However, it would not oppose Turn to OSL, Paqe 3 WEATHER Cloud) ami thills tuda> and tonight with rain showers High- 16-40 Just the Facts The United States was sec ond in the world in food con sumption in 1992 Americans took in an aver age of 3.671 calories a dav. after Greece, with 3 H25 calo ries YELL CHOCOLATE’ SHELBY N.C (AP) - Crews clean mg up after a Inn k wrw k sought the advu e of state experts but evert the\ weren t sure how to handle this spill. Of chocolate The trut k slid off a road Sunday and struck a fence spilling about half of its < argo - H5 drums of chocolate syrup and 50 hags of cocoa Chocolate was ankle deep in roadside ditches The Department of Agriculture instructed lot al officials to put sand on the spill and keep it out of the Broad River We can sit down with a spoon and eat all we '-ant,’ said ferry Silver, chief of the Polkville Volunteer Fire Department CD w’ J ST PAl't Mum |APi - More than .1 decade after he hung tip his ierse\ and >leats pro football Hall of Famer Alan Page put on a new uniform Mondav the robesof a Minnesota Supremo Court justice (‘am' 47 became the first black 10 serve on the highest court in the state with onlv a J 2 pen enl hlai k population He won a seat with 62 percent of the vote in November. The former star for the Minnesota Vikings and Chicago Hears stressed the importance of hard work and setting goals One of the things I ve learned over time is you can never have too tnanv winners Page said before taking the oath of office.